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tweedledee Report 12 Aug 2005 22:57

I just receved an e-mail from UK (I'm in California)Saying that I have won L2.5 million. Naturally I am not going to open it, but wouldn't it be awful if it were legit LOL This is the address to claim it [email protected] Tel:+447040128516 Anyone want to check it out ????? Margaret

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ Report 12 Aug 2005 23:06

Margaret Unless you've actually bought a ticket I would ignore it. But if you have won can I help you spend it! lol Jeanette x


Kate Report 12 Aug 2005 23:09

It will be a scam unless you have bought a ticket via the internet with the option for them to check your numbers for you! Kate.


Merry Report 12 Aug 2005 23:15

Well that is £1 short of 357,143 certificates lol Maybe if I send you the missing £1 you could buy me the others??? MMM


Granny Report 12 Aug 2005 23:16

How I wish I had won that much. I won £5 last week on the Thunderball and thought I'd done well. Susan

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ Report 12 Aug 2005 23:20

Monty If I send the £1 do you think Margaret will get me Selina's death cert! lol. Or can't you get a burger from McDonalds for £1! lol

Outback Lin

Outback Lin Report 13 Aug 2005 11:16

Definately a scam. This type of thing was circulating around Oz a year or two ago...through the post. LEAVE IT ALONE.


Unknown Report 13 Aug 2005 11:27

I can't remember how many e-mails I've had this year telling me I'd won something - or that my order was ready for collection, or my loan had been approved - all in the heading. Since I hadn't entered any comps, or ordered anything from that sender, or requested a loan, I just deleted them all. It's just junk. Apparently most of the e-mails sent are junk and are clogging up the internet. nell


Merry Report 13 Aug 2005 13:59

I used to work in a bank and once a lovely elderly couple came in asking to borrow £10,000 for a new car. They were on a very low income, so it wasn't possible, but they explained that it would be OK as they had received a letter from Readers Digest telling them they had won ''the big one''!! Glad I wasn't the one who had to show them the (very) small print that said ''might have won''!! I hate these companies! lol Merry


Seasons Report 13 Aug 2005 14:46

Whilst I was away - it look a matter of 3 days for my email inmail to become full up - as I have so much spam often duplicated many times coming in due to my email address Unfortunately as I didn't have access to sort out my email whilst away I came back to thousands of rubbish emails and being informed that several message boards have deleted me due to too many messages being bounced. Thankfully GR didn't email as far as I know. I have a diverter once the emails arrive so I don't have to read them but wish I could just stop them arriving in the first place. Oh yes I did have several messages saying I'd won loads of money which would have been great had it been true. On the other hand I did win on the real lottery £10 and £5 on the Thunderball which won't make me rich but I can but hope.

The Bag

The Bag Report 13 Aug 2005 14:59

I'm gobsmaked by the number of widows worldwide who's husbands have been Oh so tragically killed/murdered/gunned down that would trust me with their fortunes that he left 'safe' in a bank somewhere. And do you know what ? They have always got MILLION stashed, not 30 bob! Suppose i should feel flattered! Jess


tweedledee Report 13 Aug 2005 16:07

Well needless to say , I didn't open it, but it did look quite offiical.I received a scam once on a telescope that I had listed for sale. The 'buyer ' wanted his 'agent 'to pay me with a cashiers check in the amount of $5,000.00 I was supposed to cash the check, take out the $200.00 for the telescope and give him the balance. It is surprising how many seniors have been taken this way. Most of these scams come out of Nigeria. This lottery one is the first scam that I have had from the UK. I knew you lot would have fun with it.....Thanks.


Martin Report 13 Aug 2005 16:35

Use common sense, why would anyone give any winning lottery tickets? If you had a winning lottery ticket would you claim the prize or give it away? There was a good article earlier in the week about the other scam where you 'win' a Caribbean cruise with a scratch card given away in a newspaper or magazine. Worth a read ..[.],,1546599,00.html MB