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jumarcat Report 12 Aug 2005 23:06

have just received a marriage cert back, and the father of my rellie has an unreadable occupation. it is in 1863 and looks like 'halu' or Hatu and the line is missed off the T. or? any ideas anyone?


KathleenBell Report 12 Aug 2005 23:09

Can't help with the job, but if you ring up either the GRO or register office where you ordered the certificate, they are very good at giving you the information you can't read. I have had to do it a few times with unreadable names or addresses, and have always been given the information I've needed. Nearest occupation I can find on 'old occupations' is hatter. Kath. x


Kate Report 12 Aug 2005 23:11

Ann - no ideas as yet, but a 'u' at the end of the word is most likely to be a badly written 'er'. Do you have a scanner so that you can scan the cert in and either post it up onto a website (e.g. rootschat) or email it to some of us to look at? Kate.


Merry Report 12 Aug 2005 23:12

If these are people who might be in England, can we find him on the 1861 census?? MMM


jumarcat Report 12 Aug 2005 23:19

i spose he may be found on the 1861 census. his name is Thomas Taylor and his son is Thomas Taylor (imaginative). the marriage of son thomas is 1863, and he is age 21, so I assume the father is 40 ish. the address at time of marriage is listed as 'this Parish' (helpful) and the church wasThe Parish Church in the parish of St Andrews in the county of Newcastle upon Tyne. Thanks any help appreciated.


KathleenBell Report 12 Aug 2005 23:30

Does it say on the marriage certificate whether the father is deceased or not. The only Thomas Taylor I can find in St. Andrews, of about the right age to be the son on the 1861 census is with his mother Isabella who is described as widow and his brother George. Kath. x


jumarcat Report 12 Aug 2005 23:51

no it doesn't say deceased, but i have had some certs when i knew the father to be deceased and it didn't say it.


KathleenBell Report 12 Aug 2005 23:53

Even if this was the right Thomas the son, then it doesn't help with the father's occupation since he isn't listed. I'd definitely ring up and ask whoever sent out the certificate. Kath. x


jumarcat Report 13 Aug 2005 00:05

been staring at it again. I know the bride was called alice sanderson, so maybe what I thought was an H is actually an S, and if the u is bad writing for er, and the l is missing a t bar, maybe the occupation is slater. Which is a bit confusing but possible. Someone sent me details of the family on the 1881 census and Thomas father is a cartman same as son. would love to be able to find them on 1861, but don't seem to be able to. Thanks everyone


jumarcat Report 13 Aug 2005 00:08

ps,,, looking on a web site that gives occupations etc I found a Slubber Doffer. It is a person removed the bobbins from the spindles in the mills. i just thought it was interesting. the site is http(:)//www(.)gendocs(.)demon(.)co(.)uk(/)trades(.)html(#)S remove brackets


KathleenBell Report 13 Aug 2005 00:13

Unless I'm getting mixed up, I think the 1881 census for Thomas and son Thomas both cartmen, are actually the SON who married in 1863 and HIS son, and not the father from the marriage certificate whose occupation you are looking for. This could mean that the one I found in 1861 might be the right one (the one who married in 1863) Or have I lost the plot !!!!! Kath. x

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 13 Aug 2005 00:14

If Papa was a Cartman, could it read 'Haulier?' (Gussied up his Dad's job to impress his new rellies) Olde Crone


jumarcat Report 13 Aug 2005 00:15

kathleen I think you are right. I am so tired, so I think I must call it a night. yes you are, doh, as the wife is the son on the marriage cert. lock me up


KathleenBell Report 13 Aug 2005 00:18

I'm tired too Ann, so think I'll call it a night too. Sweet dreams, Kath. x