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How many grandchildren did your gt.grandparents ha
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An Olde Crone | Report | 22 Aug 2005 19:25 |
OK, get ready for a big Bragfest here. Timothy Holden, born 1698 died 1779 in Darwen Lancs, and fondly known as Owd Timothy o't'Looms. He married twice and had eleven children. His eleven children gave him 102 grandchildren. His 102 grandchildren gave him 569 great -grandchildren (I gave up tracing females at that point). BUT - his 569 great-grandchildren on the Holden side gave him only 98 male 2 x Gt grandchildren and the 3 x Holden Gt Grandchildren number only 29. I take it I have won the prize - what is it, please? Olde Crone |
Merry | Report | 22 Aug 2005 18:49 |
The trouble with my great-grandparents is that many of their descendants were born after 1901 which means those with big families are difficult to trace as most had pretty common surnames. However, hubby's 3xgreat-grandparents had 12 children and 72 grandchildren - bet they didn't bother with sending birthday presents??? Merry |
Michele | Report | 22 Aug 2005 18:38 |
Mr Gt.Grandparents had 14 children 6 boys 8girls, only one didn't reach adulthood but I am still working on their children, so far it appears at least three although got married had no children! |
Unknown | Report | 22 Aug 2005 18:35 |
These are the ones I KNOW, there are probably lots more EMMA MOORE 7 THOMAS MATTHEWS/JOHN GARVIE 4 [Emma had 6 children by 2 husbands; 3 died in infancy. Her only daughter - my grandmother - had these 4. Have yet to discover if her brother and half-brother had any] RUTH BARNES GRAY/JOHN GRAY 10 that I know of, including the 4 above, but suspect there were more EMMA BROAD SMOOTHY/JOHN DAVID ROBERT SMOOTHY 4 [their daughter, my other grannie, was an only child] ELLEN PURVEY/CHARLES WILLIAMS 10 that I know of Total of 28 but suspect their could be many more. Interestingly, my dad's parents had 6 grandchildren and my mum's parents had 4. My generation has produced 5 children in the family. With each generation fewer children are produced. nell |
Unknown | Report | 22 Aug 2005 17:44 |
Going back further ........ my gt gt gt gt grandfather had 17 children (by 2 wives!) between about 1800 and 1840. By 1871 census, he had amassed more than 70 grandchildren...... the majority of which all lived in the same small village! (Expensive at Xmas!) Bev x |
Margaretfinch | Report | 22 Aug 2005 17:34 |
my grandmother just had the one my mother my g/grand mother had 4 and my g/g/grandparents had 12 3 girls and 9 boys I really dont know about the others yet Margaret |
Researching: |
Sue | Report | 22 Aug 2005 15:48 |
I dread to think, still trying to track everyone down, as unfortunately I have no one much older than my mother's generation still alive that I am in contact with, all Grandparents are deceased. One Grandfather was one of 15 (!) and my other Grandfather was one of 8, as for my Grandmother's they seem a lot of more sensible one Grandmother was one of 3 and I know that from this lot there are a total of 6 Grandchildren and 3 Great Grandchildren, and the other was one of 4! |
Sandra | Report | 22 Aug 2005 15:42 |
My gt. grandmother had 11 children by 4 different men. First 2 men, she had illegitimate children with. She then married, became a widow and went on to marry my gt. grandfather. She had 46 grandchildren. I bet she would have been called a few names in this day and age. Sandra |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 22 Aug 2005 14:56 |
On Hubby's side, I have at least 16 children (the ones who survived past 1901). I haven't finished finding all their children, but so far have 23. |
Cheryl | Report | 22 Aug 2005 14:51 |
Hi My Grand Parents had 16 children 13 girls and 3 boys. They had 42 Grand children and I'm number 41, never counted the Great Grand children Its great having a big family until Christmas lol!!!! all those presents and cards. Cheryl |
Michael | Report | 22 Aug 2005 14:50 |
One branch of my family had nine children, all of whom survived, but as I haven't managed to contact anyone on that side yet I've no idea how many grandchildren they had. |
valinkent | Report | 22 Aug 2005 14:28 |
At the moment i would,nt like to guess. My great grandparents had 17 children not all survived into adulthood but many did and so i am still researching all of them . Val |
Patricia | Report | 22 Aug 2005 14:14 |
Just out of curiosity I counted up the grandchildren [that I know of] that my husbands gt.grandparents George & Rebecca Frost nee Vincent had. So far I have found 40. Can anyone beat this? If anyone is researching the Frost name George was born in Mendham Suffolk, and Rebecca in Fressingfield Suffolk. Pat. |