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Canada Civil Registration index?
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Lisa J in California | Report | 28 Aug 2005 18:53 |
If this is any help (regarding the reference above to York North), my ancestors lived in York. I believe Toronto was called York for a time. I also believe York was a section in Toronto; mine lived in West York. |
MargaretM | Report | 28 Aug 2005 13:06 |
Giles, there is a Rosettie Graham, aged 7, on the 1881 census, in Whitchurch, York North, which I believe is around Toronto. Unfortunately the parents names are Alfred and Sophia. A mistranscription? I think we have more of those on the Canadian census than the UK one! Margaret in Canada |
Researching: |
Giles | Report | 27 Aug 2005 21:11 |
Thanks Barbara and Tracey! I've contacted the webmaster of the first link to check if their coverage of 1872-1873 is complete. I've also printed out the film records, which I'll be taking down to my local LDS centre when it re-opens on September 12th. Thanks again! |
Tracey | Report | 27 Aug 2005 13:42 |
Hi Giles, If you can get to the LDS to order a film/fiche, i think the film number you may need for BMDS in Ontario is: 1819391 (births, stillbirths and delayed registration with indexes, 1869-1908). Good luck. Tracey |
Barbara | Report | 27 Aug 2005 13:18 |
Hi Giles, There is a site trying to transcribe Ontario birth registrations and this is the page of Graham surnames so far: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb(.)com/~births/Graham_Surname.htm There is an 1891 census for Ontario but is has not been indexed and seems to be only locally available in Ontario. The 1901 has been transcribed and the 1911 is being transcribed at automatedgenealogy(.)com/index.html Registration in Ontario began 1869 and from that date to 1908 births are open to the public, to 1922 marriages are open and to 1933 deaths. hope this of some help to you Regards Barbara |
Giles | Report | 27 Aug 2005 12:34 |
Rosetta Graham I cannot find her in the 1881 census at the Family Search, but I know her father was Richard Graham, who I might have found on the 1871 census before she was born. I don't think there's an 1891 census for Ontario? Please let me know if you find anything... Cheers. |
Tracey | Report | 27 Aug 2005 12:19 |
Whats the name of your rellie Giles? |
Dea | Report | 27 Aug 2005 11:58 |
The Islandnet one does have serchable census's for 1861 - 1901 for certain parts of Ontario. Dea |
Giles | Report | 27 Aug 2005 11:43 |
Shame they don't have the 1881/1891 census, as my ancestor was born between 1872-1873, and married in 1895 (England). Anyway, I just need to check for her birth index at the LDS centre, but have been unable find the record listed in the FamilySearch catalogue. |
Dea | Report | 27 Aug 2005 11:23 |
Hi, Sorry I can't find the site I wanted to give to you at the moment - I think the address has changed but when I find it I will let you know. In the meantime if you try the one below, there are lots of useful sites listed under Ontario - INCLUDING the 1871 Ontario Census which might be useful to you www.islandnet(.)com/~jveinot/cghl/searchable.html The census + other things are also awailable at: www(.)collectionscanada(.)ca/archivianet. I will keep looking for the othe site. Deea |
Giles | Report | 27 Aug 2005 10:48 |
I need to order a birth certificate for my ancestor born in c1873 (Toronto, Ontario). Therefore, I need to first check the birth index, which is meant to be available up until around 1900. |
Dea | Report | 27 Aug 2005 10:07 |
Which part of Canada are you looking for and what dates. Canada is very strong on 'privacy of information' and, depending what info you are looking for it could be 75 years or even longer before it is released. Dea |
Giles | Report | 27 Aug 2005 09:12 |
Apparently, the LDS are meant to have an index to the Canada Civil Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths, but I cannot find it in the LDS website catalogue; anyone please help?? |