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I've got a headache. HELP PLEASE

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Linda G

Linda G Report 5 Sep 2005 19:48

Got birth certificate of Albert Glasspool. born 1855 in Lambeth Father George Glasspool mother Mary Ann Glasspool (nee Angliss) I am pretty certain George was born in Southampton. It is well known in the family that's where they originated from. Now I am trying for months to find their marriage, Can't find it despite trawling through 1837 and spending megamillions. All I have got is Mary Angliss Sept.1841 Basingstoke 7 49 and George Glasspool Sept. 1841 Southampton 7 216F Now that means they are not married to each other but on 1881 census I have one of their children living with a Henry Angliss in Hastings, Sussex. Charles is stated in his brother in law HELP. I need someone to read this and see if they can come with any ideas. Linda


KarenInScotland Report 5 Sep 2005 19:57

Found them on 1871 not sure if you have this but it helps to see the family group Albert Glasspool abt 1855 Lambeth, Surrey, England Son Battersea London Charles Glasspool abt 1862 Lambeth, Surrey, England Son Battersea London George Glasspool abt 1817 Southampton, Hampshire, England Head Battersea London George Glasspool abt 1845 Lambeth, Surrey, England Son Battersea London Jane Glasspool abt 1849 Lambeth, Surrey, England Daughter Battersea London John Glasspool abt 1857 Lambeth, Surrey, England Son Battersea London Mary A Glasspool abt 1815 Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Wife Battersea London

Linda G

Linda G Report 5 Sep 2005 20:02

Hi Karen, Yes thanks. Can you see that Mary was born on Basingstoke and George in Southampton? Very strange The Albert in the group is my GGrandfather Linda


KarenInScotland Report 5 Sep 2005 20:06

Linda this is them in 1861 note Mary's change of birth place. the name on census is clearly Glappart but looks like the right group. Head George is a carpenter same as on 1871 group I found. I'm not clear what the significance is that wife & hubby have different birth places? What are you trying to find next? Albert Glappart abt 1855 Lambeth, Surrey, England Son Lambeth Surrey George Glappart abt 1839 Southampton, Hampshire, England Head Lambeth Surrey George Glappart abt 1845 Lambeth, Surrey, England Son Lambeth Surrey Jane Glappart abt 1848 Lambeth, Surrey, England Daughter Lambeth Surrey John Glappart abt 1857 Lambeth, Surrey, England Son Lambeth Surrey Mary A Glappart abt 1817 Reading, Berkshire, England Wife Lambeth Surrey Mary A Glappart abt 1841 Lambeth, Surrey, England Daughter Lambeth Surrey

Linda G

Linda G Report 5 Sep 2005 20:22

Yes that is them All I am doing is trying to find the marriage of George and Mary Ann. I just find it strange that a George Glasspool and A mary Angliss get married same quarter, year and same area. but not to each other. Then later on one of the children of a George Glasspool and a Mary Ann Glasspool (nee Angliss) is living with a Henry Angliss as his brother in law. It's the same areas as m Grandad got married in Hastings where Henry was living in 1881. Linda


Merry Report 5 Sep 2005 20:27

If your like me, you keep going back to those 1841 marriage entries...... Mary Anglis Q3 1841 marriage in Basingstoke is on the IGI, spouse Richard Cook. So at least that one is ruled out!! Merry


KarenInScotland Report 5 Sep 2005 20:27

Linda There are several George Glasspools and Mary Angliss' all from lots of different areas, so although they are not common names they were plenty about so could be a coincidence. I have tried FreeBMD and Ancestry and have not come up with a likely marriage of these two. Not wishing to ask the obvious but are you sure Angliss is her maiden name and not a middle name as in Mary Angliss .... ? Just I've made a mistake like that on my lot. Also I can't find the Henry Angliss + child/brother in law on 1881 - was trying to have a look to help sort it out, can you give me some refs or birth place etc - its okay I found it Karen

Linda G

Linda G Report 5 Sep 2005 20:32

On my Grandads birth certificate is definitely says Mary Ann Glasspool formerly Angliss Linda


KarenInScotland Report 5 Sep 2005 20:38

I tried tracing the Henry Angliss back to see if it threw up anything but he is on 1861 with his brother William only, both Tailors - so not much help. Can't work out either how Charles Glasspool is brother in law to Henry Angliss, apart from anything else they are not the same generation really. More likely a nephew perhaps. Of course there may not be a marriage for George and Mary . Have you found either death certificate? sometimes you get some extra info or at least confirmation. Karen

Linda G

Linda G Report 5 Sep 2005 20:49

Thanks for trying to help Karen. My Grandad was a tailor and he was born in Hawkhurst, Kent. Henry Angliss's wife and children were born in Hawkhurst as well. There's a link there somewhere but I can't see it. I have Mary's death cert. 1893 She died in the workhouse in Lambeth aged 78. George had died by then and on the 1891 Census she is living as a lodger with someone. Perhaps I'll order Georges death cert. as see if that helps. Linda


KarenInScotland Report 5 Sep 2005 20:55

Linda George's death cert is worth a try. Pity its not in Scotland, they put the marriage date on the children's birth certificates! I can't work out the connection but guess Mary Angliss must be an Aunt of William & Henry or some sort of relation one generation up. Which would make sense for her son Charles staying with Henry later on. Sorry couldn't help more Karen

Linda G

Linda G Report 5 Sep 2005 20:59

It's just nice to have sometimes elses's input Thanks Karen, I'll let you know if I solve the mystery. Linda


Anne Report 5 Sep 2005 22:46

If it helps - in those days brother-in-law often meant step-brother. Anne

Linda G

Linda G Report 5 Sep 2005 22:50

Thanks Anne, That's another avenue I can go down. I'll get there in the end. (I hope ) lol Linda