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Updated PAF and feeling pleased with myself.

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Jeanie Report 5 Sep 2005 20:57

I have been adding quite a few names to GR tree and very aware that I was not keeping PAF up to date. In the past when I tried to export Gr to PAF I ended up with double the names. Anyway, bravely tried and whey hay it worked. 551 on GR and the same on PAF. The great advantage is that I can go into gt grandparents and see which gaps are still to be filled. Some lines are up to gtx6 but others only up to gtx3. Highly recommend it as a way of keeping track. To those who dont know, you can download free from LDS. Give it a go.


*****me***** Report 5 Sep 2005 21:43



Dea Report 5 Sep 2005 21:47

I have to say - I AM IMPRESSED - personally I don't know a PIF from a PAF but wish I did because I am sure if would make things a lot easier. However, congratulations - It sounds like an achievement you should be proud of. Perhaps one day I will achieve the same. Dea x


Jeanie Report 5 Sep 2005 22:39

When you hit export button it takes a while to get it self sorted. Once it does, hit the save to comp bit. Then save it in desktop under the file name of choice. I put Brewerton Sept.05.Go into desktop and hit on new file.A box comes up saying it has to be given a new PAF, or words to that effect, hit yes or OK. Obviously you have to have downloaded a PAF previously. I can access it both through my icon and through desktop. Best of luck. Jeanie


Jeanie Report 6 Sep 2005 10:14

Have changed instructions slightly. Any luck?


*****me***** Report 6 Sep 2005 10:53

no! still getting -'page cannot be displayed'


Jeanie Report 6 Sep 2005 16:50

Hi 'me' It might be worth starting a post of your own. I take it you can get into PAF and put people in by hand? Roslyn. PAF stands for personal ancestry file. There are various ones around some of which you have to pay for. PAF is from the LDS site and free. It gives you an off line way of saving your tree. So you could keep people on it which you might not want on GR for eg children. It has many aspects and I have only worked out a few. There was a recent post re a help line. One thing it does is if you go into print and then books (I think) you can print off parts of your tree in word forn. By that I mean, it tells the story. ie John Smith 1700 was married to Mary Brown. Was an ag lab. etc. All depends what you put in to the file. Some people have it under different folders to keep families seperate so if you wanted to share your Smith family but not your Brown, you could send off just the Smiths. I have not worked out how to do that. If you put PAF into the search you will find more info. Best of luck to both of you. Jeanie


Unknown Report 6 Sep 2005 17:09

Jeannie Well done! I felt very chuffed when I did my PAF and I find it very helpful for seeing exactly what info I need - much simpler than rifling through pages of A4! nell


*****BMDMAD***** Report 6 Sep 2005 18:26

Hi Me have been having the same problem with exporting my tree for weeks. Keeping emailing GR, and keep getting a reply back saying they know about the problem and are trying to sort it out. Because I keep all my trees separate on PAF, every now and again I like to export from here so I have one complete tree saved in PAF as well. Hopefully they will sort it out soon


Jeanie Report 6 Sep 2005 18:37

Little Caz, how do you keep separate trees separate? Also, do you know how to merge some ones PAF with your own. I have access to one via rootsweb from a different branch and can't face hand entering over 200 names!! Many thanks Jeanie


Anne Report 6 Sep 2005 18:42

I've been trying to export my tree from GR for several days now . After asking support for help twice I had this reply today - 'I am afraid it is not currently possible to export large gedcom files from the site. Our technical team are looking into this and hope to have it fixed soon.'. So I don't know how long we'll have to wait, hopefully no too long as I really could do with getting it onto my computer.


*****BMDMAD***** Report 6 Sep 2005 18:52

Hi Jeanie started by exporting my tree from GR to a PAF file. In PAF goto File, Export. At the bottom of the box that appears is an option to select partial individuals, this then takes you to another box to select an individual, and then it asks you how many generations to include and whether to include spouses. I did this a couple of times until I ended up with different gedcom/PAF files for each branch of the family. I have not tried yet to merge, but would suggest you have a backup copy of the gedcom files before trying! That way if it goes wrong you can easily go back to the original. Hope this helps


Jeanie Report 6 Sep 2005 18:54

Many thanks, will give it a go.