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Margaretfinch Report 6 Sep 2005 13:07

Hi I do not think he would have died overseas on his last childs birth certificate in March 1889 the child was born in Jan. he was down as father and working as Arg' worker so he must have been working somewhere nearby I would have thought . Of course he might have died in hospital but there should be a death cert. for him. As I said his marriage cert. says he was 24 in 1871 it is quite clear although I sent off for the original one as well and at first they had the wrong groom written in then crossed out and William Poole put down so perhaps another mistake was made he made no mark on the certificate so imagine he could read. Margaret


Kate Report 6 Sep 2005 12:54

Could he have died overseas? Kate.


Deborah Report 6 Sep 2005 12:52

There is one on NBI aged 51 buried in 1888 21 oct in Warwicks. If he was working away may be him,if 44 in 1881 this would fit but you say he was 24 in 1871 when married. This William was buried in St Thomas Church in Keresley. Deborah


Margaretfinch Report 6 Sep 2005 12:14

Hi Tracey his father was George Poole (Pool) he was born in suffolk I beleive Haverhill that is where he married and that is where all his wifes family were living in 1871 census her Name Emma Ranson(Ransom) spelt somtimes. I don't like giving up but think I will have to his to eldest girls were born in Haverhill (Pool) I have both their certificates and both of the two boys certificates Poole who were both born in Edmonton. My maiden name was Poole Margaretx

☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy

☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy Report 6 Sep 2005 12:08

I see what you mean. Bit elusive this guy! lol Who was his father?


Margaretfinch Report 6 Sep 2005 11:44

Hi Tracey Deborah and others who have answered my question an I have asked before about the death of this person to no avail also have searched hi and lo for this death even had a search done at the local office where he was living. His name William Poole age not sure as I have only ever found him on one census that was the 1881 he married in 1871 was 24 and in 1881 census says he was 44 he was living in Edmonton Middlesex, his last child was born 1889. In the 1891 census his wife was still living there the baby was 2 years old she a widow she remarried in 1893 in the parish church St James of Edmonton, and I have found her with new husband in the 1901 census living then in Walthamstow. I have phoned local cemeteries and they have no record, when his eldest girls married one in 1892 it says father deceased. I know this is hopeless. Thank you Margaret


Sue Report 6 Sep 2005 11:40

Hello My Dad's sister's birth and death were never registered. She only survived 3 hours and was never named. We found her burial record in my Grandmother's papers and she was buried in unconsecrated ground Regards Sue

☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy

☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy Report 6 Sep 2005 11:29

Who are you looking for? Someone here might have the means to find them.


Deborah Report 6 Sep 2005 11:27

United Kingdom Death And Cremation Statistics In 1885 there were 597,357 UK deaths, only 3 persons were cremated. In 1900 there were 126 444 UK deaths, 670 or 0.52% were cremated. In 1925 there were 538,348 UK deaths, 2,701 or 0.50% were cremated. In 1950 there were 574,297 UK deaths, 89,558 or 15.59% were cremated. In 1960 there were 588,032 UK deaths, 204,019 or 34.70% were cremated. In 1970 there were 638,834 UK deaths, 353,957 or 55.41% were cremated. In 1980 there were 644,684 UK deaths, 420,717 or 65.26% were cremated. In 1990 there were 629,629 UK deaths, 438,066 or 69.58% were cremated. In 2000 there were 611,960 UK deaths, 437,609 or 71.51% were cremated. In 2002 there were 608,079 UK deaths, 437, 124 or 71.87% were cremated


Margaretfinch Report 6 Sep 2005 11:18

Hi It was later than 1875 were there many cremations between 1888-1891 even then there should be a record or not thank you Margaret


Merry Report 6 Sep 2005 09:50

You don't say when this was, but, just like births, the registration of deaths was not compulsory until 1875. If it was later, then what about cremation records? Merry


Deborah Report 6 Sep 2005 09:45

Sometimes deaths were registered months later in some circumstances but if there was a body (not lost at sea or missing presumed dead) then yes there should be a record somewhere Deborah


Margaretfinch Report 6 Sep 2005 09:27

Hi if a death was not registered surley there must be a burial record somewhere. what are your thoughts please. Margaret