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I need somebody to be pleased for me!
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Yvonne | Report | 7 Sep 2005 13:54 |
Hi Thats wonderful.. to me its like winning the lottery! dont you just want to rush round and tell everyone. Well done! Regards Yvonne |
Elaine | Report | 6 Sep 2005 23:23 |
Well done Sharon, That's brilliant news I'm so pleased for you.It's such a brilliant feeling when you find out about a new relly,you just want to shout out loud...well I do anyway!!!. I do all the research for hubby and me and when(occasionally,and very occasionally)I rush in to tell hubby what I've found I get 'great',but when it's one of his rellys that pops up (and it usually is one of his),it's an entirely different matter......he wants to know everything...... So this is the board I go on to share with all you brill people how over the moon I am. So well done Sharon,keep up the good work and share away girl..... Elaine |
Skewedhalo | Report | 6 Sep 2005 23:12 |
Debbie! Hi! Hope you realise how you made my day today. :-) And I'm so pleased he replied and was happy to hear from me. He said he'd phoned your mum as he wasn't sure who you were. LOL I'm just so chuffed that we are making progress. Sharon |
Jan | Report | 6 Sep 2005 22:46 |
Congratulations Sharon I'm really pleased that you're making good progress. I love that feeling too. When you find another one of those little tykes, makes you feel like you've achieved something doesn't it. Take care jan xx |
Debbie | Report | 6 Sep 2005 22:07 |
Excuse me, do you mind not talking about me behind your back, no not really. I was just started to read this thread and realised it was you, I couldnt believe it. Charle's Day phoned my Mum earlier to ask about you and he couldnt work out where you lived. So I have just emailed him and going to put all what we know in the post tomorrow. Hope you are well Debbie |
Skewedhalo | Report | 6 Sep 2005 22:00 |
Thanks for your support guys. I have the names of all the siblings, but obviously I don't know which one(s) went to Oz or when. The surname is Day which is very common. No real gossip yet. I think that was all on my side of the family, with my 'black sheep' grandfather and his shotgun wedding! Sharon |
Half | Report | 6 Sep 2005 21:57 |
Hi Sharon I am really pleased for you. I had a brickwall for about six months with my paternal gr grandfather and then about a fortnight ago... BINGO there he was. You cannot explain the feeling it is so wonderful. Just try and remember, the harder the brickwall the better the feeling when it falls down. Take care Little |
* Loopy Lesley | Report | 6 Sep 2005 21:55 |
Well done Sharon Patience is a Virtue so the saying goes.. Hurray for you... Hope you find out lots of juicy gossip on your rellies lol Happy researching Regards Lesley :~) |
Janice | Report | 6 Sep 2005 21:55 |
Well done, Sharon. It's a great feeling when brick walls start to fall down. It took 13-14 years to find my gt gt grandfather's name on an official document lol! He fathered children but I couldn't find a birth, marriage or death for him!! Now have him on the 1871 census - but he's still an alien as far as BMDs go :-) Hang on in there and I'm sure you'll find the other 5. Do you know their names. There are online shipping lists for Australia so you could try searching there. Good luck, Janice |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 6 Sep 2005 21:54 |
I know exactly how you feel I might as well be single my hubby is not a bit interested in this and its so frustrating like today when the certs finally arrived so exciting , so I shared it with my neighbour who is also doing his family tree so he knows how I feel |
The Bag | Report | 6 Sep 2005 21:54 |
Good for you, slowly you will get there i have managed to track down all 3 'generations ' of my birth fathers offspring this way- its slow, its tedious ....but its worth the wait when you get there. well done you jess |
Skewedhalo | Report | 6 Sep 2005 21:50 |
I'm a sad singleton who has no one to share her progress with. Right now, I feel the need to share, so I'm sharing with you lot! My grandfather was one of ten children. There was some kind of rift in the family so he never really kept in touch with them. My family could piece together for me the descendants of only one of his siblings. Then, a while ago, through Genes Reunited, I made contact with Debra, a descendant through another sibling's line. Three down seven to go! For ages I hadn't been able to make any progress then today Debra provided me with an e-mail address of a cousin of her mum's and so I e-mailed the son of another sibling. He has replied and filled in some details for his line and another. Five down! I'm so excited! He's into genealogy too and may well have lots more information for me. On the negative side, he too believes at least 1 sibling went to Australia, so his line is going to be hard to track down. Just needed to tell someone! Sharon |
Skewedhalo | Report | 6 Sep 2005 21:49 |
See Below |