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LMA can't find a match for the entry in Pallots
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Richard in Perth | Report | 10 Sep 2005 02:57 |
Margaret Message me with your email address if you would like me to send you the Pallots images. By the way, Chelsea is north of the river & Battersea is South, so if the children were baptised at the latter then that won't help you much with the marriage. Richard |
Margaret | Report | 9 Sep 2005 13:48 |
Yvonne, The copy I have says 'Parish of Battersea, County of Surrey' for the baptism. Richard and Kate, I will relay that info about Upr Chelsea to cousin Ted - much easier for him to look up than me - and I will also give him the link for the parishes on Genuki. Pushing my luck here - any chance of a copy of the image from Ancestry? Lesley, LMA is the London Metropolitan Archives. Here is a link that should tell you what records they hold. libraries_archives_museums_galleries/JAS/lma/lma.htm Thanks for your help everyone. Margaret |
Phoenix | Report | 9 Sep 2005 13:46 |
Hi Lesley LMA stands for London Metropolitan Archives This is their website: You can use it to check which registers they hold. Their coverage is Greater London. |
Lesley | Report | 9 Sep 2005 10:32 |
hi all,can someone please tell me what LMA stands for ,seen it mentioned a few times ,but i dont know what it is ,will some kind soul let me know,as it might help me in my search foe rellies thanks lesley |
Kate | Report | 9 Sep 2005 08:49 |
It also says 'Upr Chelsea' 1833 in the Charlotte Faithfull / John Darlison entry (each marriage has two entries in Pallot's, one indexed under the groom's name and one under the bride's). Kate. |
Richard in Perth | Report | 9 Sep 2005 06:41 |
Margaret I just checked the image of the original Pallots card on Ancestry, and it actually says 'Upr Chelsea' - no mention of St Lukes on the card. Upper Chelsea was a separate parish within Chelsea, the church was Holy Trinity, Chelsea, Sloane Street. So might be worth checking that register as well? A listing of the parishes within Chelsea is at Genuki: Richard |
Margaret | Report | 9 Sep 2005 01:01 |
Many thanks for your replies. My cousin contacted the LMA and it was them who did the search. I had thought of actually contacting St. Lukes to see what records they had, but with boundary changes, it might not actually be in Chelsea. It was a surprise to see the district was Chelsea because as far as I know, the children were born in Battersea, Surrey. Would that St. Luke's be the same one that was (originally) in Chelsea? Kate, if you wouldn't mind checking, that would be great. Their names are John Darlison and Charlotte Faithfull. He was born 1810 Kinsale Ireland - parents John and Ann; she was born 1813 Kintbury Berks - parents Jonas and Martha. I have a copy of their ?first child's baptism(Sept) and burial(Dec) in 1833. We had always thought our gggrandfather was the eldest in 1835 until this was found. If any other info would be helpful, please let me know. Margaret |
Phoenix | Report | 8 Sep 2005 23:32 |
I don't know enough about Pallots to be certain, but there is always the possibility that the entry has been taken from the Banns book, rather than the Marriage Register and either the marriage did not take place, or it occurred in a different parish. There is also the horrid possibility that the date has been mistranscribed. So far as I can see, there is no way of discovering this, either on Pallots, or on the IGI. |
Sylvie | Report | 8 Sep 2005 23:30 |
There was also a St.Lukes in Middlesex/Surrey..( they kept moving the boundaries) now London |
Kate | Report | 8 Sep 2005 23:24 |
Lou - again this won't help with the original query, but there are batches on the IGI which have been put up for the wrong church! I was looking up some obscure rellie's baptism - I think it was Allison Davie Stone, and there aren't many of them - and I knew he definitely came from Norfolk, but he and some of his brothers and sisters came up on the IGI as being baptised somewhere in Northumberland! Some of the brothers and sisters, but not Allison, were also listed in Norfolk, with the rest of the details exactly the same as the Northumberland entries. This was also true for lots of other entries in the same batches, not just the Stone family. I sent a message to FamilySearch to point out the mistake and when their reply eventually came it said they were putting the entries up again for the correct church, but get this - they couldn't delete the incorrect batch because 'ordination work' had already taken place for some of the entries! As for Pallots, which was the original query, some of the entries are mistranscribed on ancestry, particularly the year may be wrong, so did you check the actual image to make sure the year was correct? If you did, then I can only think that Pallot made a mistake somewhere....! Ah, I just noticed you said it was a lookup. If you post up the details I will check the image just in case, but it might have to wait till tomorrow Kate. |
Unknown | Report | 8 Sep 2005 16:29 |
Margaret Its probably not going to help you much but I've requested several look ups at the LMA and the Guildhall to obtain further information on baptisms or marriages that have appeared on IGI. Although they are stated as an Extracted Record, rather than submiited by an LDS member, the actual parish register entry isn't there. I don't know why this can happen but it's happened to me! Lou |
Richard in Perth | Report | 8 Sep 2005 14:47 |
There are several St Luke's - one was a registration district (now in Islington district), but this is different to the parish of St Lukes in Chelsea - did your cousin check the right one? |
Margaret | Report | 8 Sep 2005 14:12 |
I had a lookup done for a marriage prior to 1835 -- the answer came back 1833 Chelsea St Lukes. My cousin checked with the London Metropolitan Archives -- they checked the St. Luke's Parish Registers from Jan 1830 to Feb 1835 and didn't find the entry!! Any ideas where to look now? |