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I am confused - would anyone be kind enough to hel

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Pippa Report 12 Sep 2005 22:10

I think Kate deserves a great hug, kisses and star for using her times and being so kind in trying to sort me out. THANK YOU SO MUCH KATE!


Kate Report 12 Sep 2005 14:32

Pippa - I have found Thomas's baptism record in the Woodborough parish records for 1845: Sept 10 Thomas, son of William and Elizabeth Foster, residence Woodbro', occupation Labourer. I have found them in Woodborough on the 1851 census: piece 2128 folio 86 page 14, household number 58: William Foster Head Mar 29 Farm Laborer Notts Stanton (?) Elizabeth Do Wife Mar 28 do wife Notts Cotgrave Thomas Do Son 5 do son Notts Woodborough Mary Do Daur 3 Notts Woodborough Ann Do Daur 2 do do William Do Son 1 mo do do Thomas Marshall Wife Father Widr 60 Farm Labor Rudington (presumably Thomas' birthplace should be Ruddington, or at least that's how it's spelt nowadays, and I suppose Stanton means Stanton-on-the-Wolds just near Keyworth as you already had Keyworth as William's birthplace.) I didn't have any luck finding a marriage between William and Elizabeth in Woodborough parish records 1837 to 1845, but there are so many parishes where they could have got married! Elizabeth's father's name matches what you have from the Belper marriage - was he a labourer as well? Even if he was, there must have been so many Thomas Marshalls who were labourers that it doesn't really prove things one way or the other. Who were the witnesses at the Belper wedding? (Just to show how many Elizabeth Marshalls, daughters of Thomas Marshall, labourer, there were, I found a marriage of one such to a Thomas Henson in Cotgrave 1845. But not one to William Foster. I searched Cotgrave parish records from 1837 to 1845 too.) It looks as though this one may take some time! Oh, and I'm afraid I didn't have time to look for them on the 1841 but it would probably be easier to look on British Origins as I don't really know where to start looking!! Kate.


Pippa Report 11 Sep 2005 21:38

Thank you both! I just feel so silly not being able to crack this nut when it seems so easy on the surface. Thanks Again, Pippa


Linda Report 11 Sep 2005 17:46

Just nudged the 1841 Census look-up on records for you. Her name is Lorraine Lin


Linda Report 11 Sep 2005 17:42

Hi Pippa I have looked up what you have as info and totally agree with you that there seems to be no reason why they should get married in Belper. The IGI actually says Alfreton but still a long way from Keyworth/Cotgrave/Woodborough. I've come up with the conclusion they eloped there and got married and couldn't find a job so moved on to Woodborough. Ag labs were always moving about anyway. I've not been much help but agree you should ask for 1851/1841 Look-up. There is a woman on this site who offers 1841 look-ups but can't remember her name. I will see if I can nudge it for you. Good luck Lin


Kate Report 11 Sep 2005 17:38

Pippa - I am hoping to get to Nottinghamshire Archives this week as the last of my kids finally goes back to school tomorrow, so I will see what I can find for you. Kate.


Pippa Report 11 Sep 2005 09:08

I have tried the 1841 census but I cannot isolate them. This couple would be the most common in my tree! I have also tried to find their parents on the 1841 too. I don't have the 1851 but as Thomas was born c.1846 in Woodborough I know that they will be there. Also I feel guilty requesting an 1851 look up as there is only bloke that does it for Notts and he has already looked up 3 things for me. Pippa


Kate Report 10 Sep 2005 23:01

Pippa - do you have any of them on the 1841 and / or 1851 censuses? If not, has anybody already looked for them? Kate.


Pippa Report 10 Sep 2005 21:01

Thanks for the replies as it is nice to have another perspective to see if I have lost all my marbles! I didn't get the marriage cert but found it on the IGI with some other people on here who could only find that marriage after searching Free BMD and the GRO indexes at the archives. George was born in Woodborough (quite a small village) in 1857 and it was easier to find him as have you seen how many Thomas Fosters there are however the baptism register at Woodborough states Thomas' parents as William and Elizabeth. I find it strange that they live in Woodborough (had all the children that I have found there) come from Keyworth and Cotgrave areas but would marry in Belper. Thanks Again, Pippa


Judith Report 10 Sep 2005 18:11

I know that feeling when things fit so well I worry that I have missed a snag! I assume that the 1861 census is your evidence that Thomas had a brother George and parents William and Elizabeth? If that is so then you are probably justified in 'claiming' William and Elizabeth as yours, though it would be a good idea to double check that there aren't any other George Fosters of similar age and birthplace that you could have confused with your George. Did you go for George's birth cert because you couldn't find Thomas? Although I know people weren't made to register births in the early years it seems odd that they registered one boy and not the other so I think that I would search again for Thomas. The only reason I might have for doubting the William/Elizabeth marriage you found would be if George was a younger brother, in which case I would double check that Thomas hadn't been registered in his mother's maiden name and perhaps look for a later marriage, after Thomas' birth but before George.


Merry Report 10 Sep 2005 18:09

But it might be the right cert?? Do all occupations match?? If you feel it is the wrong cert, you need to ask yourself these things: You don't say when George was born?? If it was after Thomas, might they have different mothers??? Also, could there have been further children before Thomas was born? If George and Thomas DID have the same mother, but there was an earlier child you might need to look further back??? Merry


Pippa Report 10 Sep 2005 16:49

I have Thomas Foster born c1846 in Woddborough in my tree. I requested his brother George's birth cert and the parents are Elizabeth Marshall born Stragglethorpe/Cotgrave and William Foster born in Keyworth. I am quite happy that from 1861 onwards I know who they are and where they are. The only marriage that I can find is in Belper in 1844 listing William's father as Joseph and Elizabeth's father as Thomas. This would tie in with IGI matches for the baptisms however I feel it is all too convenient with them being common names. I checked the GRO micorfiche at the archive centre and that was the only match I could find between 1844 and 1846. I cannot find their parents anywhere. So it has all confused me. I don't know if I am reading too much into things or making them up to make me happy. Thanks, Pippa


Pippa Report 10 Sep 2005 16:44

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