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Ted Report 12 Sep 2005 22:23

Hiya all. my uncle ERNIE BLUNDELL was in the SCOTS GUARDS from 1925 right up to 1958 from pte right up to WARRANT OFFICER 1. During that time he wrote a book, instruction manual or whatever on either munitions or weapons. How, or where can I find out the name of this book or instruction manual? TED.


Angie Report 12 Sep 2005 22:51

You could try to google it,I have just tried but I don't really know what i'm looking for. I put this in search Ernie Blundell+munitions+weapons and it gave me a couple of sites to check,it came up with this one. http://wwwmilestonebooks(.)co(.)uk/maritime/ma-b.htm Angie


Lucky Report 12 Sep 2005 22:52

Hi Ted, Not sure but if you go on abebooks you can search by the authors name. might be worth a go Diane

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 12 Sep 2005 22:53

Ted The British Library holds a copy of every book published. I don't know if they have an on-line catalogue. If it was never published, then you are probably stuck.You could possibly advertise in the Book and Magazine Collector - someone might have it. Book Dealers will usually search and find for free, although you might have to pay over the odds for the book if they find it for you. Olde Crone


Ted Report 13 Sep 2005 10:26

Thanks to all of you who've replied, some good ideas so I'm gonna try them all. Thanks again TED.


Ted Report 13 Sep 2005 10:35

hi Crone, just tried the british library. no good, although I didnt think it would seeing as it was an Army Manual, probably restricted to Army personnel, although by now well out of date I should think. Thanks and cheers TED.


Seasons Report 13 Sep 2005 11:16

I'd try to Scots Guards museum - the Royal Highland Fusiliers Museum were very helpful when I was trying to find out where hubbies ancestors may have been stationed =- unfortunately a lot of their records were destroyed by fire but you may have more success with the Scots Guards.


Keith Report 13 Sep 2005 11:28

Hi Ted. Although he wrote an instruction manual it would almost certainly not be put out under his name or anyone else's for that matter. Regards. Keith. (Coldm Gds 1955 - 61)


Trudy Report 13 Sep 2005 12:33

Hi Ted Don't know if the National Army Museum might be able to point you in the right direction. http://www(.) (remove bracket) Regards Trudy


Ted Report 13 Sep 2005 14:51

Keith, thanks for that, never thought about it, but you could be right. I only saw him once as a young boy age 4 mayube 5 at the time around the start of WW2 and I though he looked very big, he used to bring his busbie home on leave with him. Later on when I was in the Army he came home to see the family and my sister tells me he was 6ft feet 7 inches tall and that was without the busbie. You being in the Coldstream Guards I suppose you must be similar in size? Cheers TED.


Ted Report 13 Sep 2005 14:59

Julie, hi, I knew nothing about my uncle ERNIE and contacted the SCOTS GUARDS MUSEUM and got back from them the full history of his time in the Guards. It took a long time, about 3 months before I got a reply and the delay was due to the fact that he joined the Guards in 1925, and in 1955 when he left and drew an Army pension. For some reason they asked him to enlist again, even at the age of 52 and doing so they had to send his records to the then Ministry of Pensions, but instead of returning them to the Regt they lost them and the Archivist had to go through all the regimental records to come up with his history. They were absolutely brilliant. And do you know what it cost me? NOTHING. I COULDNT BELIEVE IT. So off went a tenner to the Scots guards charity. I dont like asking them again after what they did for me in the first place. TED.


Ted Report 13 Sep 2005 15:01

Trudy hi, gonna give it a try right now. Thanks very much. TED.


Ted Report 13 Sep 2005 15:04

Angie, hiya. No luck, couldnt find his name anywhere, so maybe being an army manual it wont be available to the public and probably out of date and out of print, after all it was or must have been 60 years ago, probably when they had bows and arrows. lol. Thanks anyway. TED.