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Family History Fairs
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Smiley | Report | 16 Sep 2005 23:55 |
Have you been? There have been two in my area but I have yet to visit one, there's one in Cheltenham next month and I'm tempted. I know there are stalls for purchasing cd's etc... but is it all just stuff to buy? It is mainly relevent to the area the fair is held in, or all over England? I feel a bit of a twit not knowing!!! |
}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ | Report | 17 Sep 2005 00:19 |
Hi Sammy I've never made it to one yet either :-( But from what I've heard there's stuff relevent to the area and all over the country. I believe there's plenty of things to buy, but the stall holders like a good chinwag about all things genealogical and you can pick up some good tips and ideas. Bit like being on here really! lol Jeanette x |
Anne | Report | 17 Sep 2005 00:22 |
Sammy, you must go to a Fam Hist fair! They are great - really interesting. Yes there is a lot of 'spending opportunities' but also plenty of browsing to be done and you will see things there you never knew existed. You can chat to people on Fam Hist Soc stalls too. The smaller fairs will be more orientated to local areas but there are lots of bigger ones as well. The entry fee is quite small and you needn't spend anything else - but I bet you do!!! Anne |
Smiley | Report | 17 Sep 2005 01:06 |
Thank you all, just recently my Dad has go interested in his side of the family 'Hooked' in fact, so I'm sure he'll come to the Cheltenham one with me, whereas before I would have had to go alone. I've checked the website for the fairs and it's a £2 enterance fee, children free, a very inexpensive day out. Can you get a cuppa there? I know my Dad will want one :) regards Sam |
Carol | Report | 17 Sep 2005 08:49 |
Hi Sam. You can get refreshments, there's a cafe inside the venue, details of the Cheltenham fair (which is quite a small one as fairs go) are, PITTVILLE PUMP ROOM PITTVILLE PARK CHELTENHAM GL52 3JE Date: Sunday October 30th (2005) Time: 10am-5pm GR name badges available from our stall. Carol www.genealogyprinters(.)com |
Smiley | Report | 17 Sep 2005 17:24 |
Thank you Carol, I'll start off small and work my way up :) Sam |
Star | Report | 17 Sep 2005 17:59 |
If its more geared to Cheltenham and district that will be great for me as a lot of my family comes from that area. I,ll certainly be going there then Star |
Seasons | Report | 17 Sep 2005 18:03 |
I only one I've been to was at Leamington and it was quite small. Unfortunately I didn't know there was one at Coventry at the same time which many of the people who might have been able to help me had gone. I picked up a few bits though but felt that I'd have been better going to Coventry. So before going to Cheltenham I'd check there isn't a bigger one not too far away. |
Carol | Report | 17 Sep 2005 20:31 |
Both Leamington and Cheltenham are quite small as fairs go, the one held at Coventry last year was even smaller. Carol www.genealogyprinters(.)com |
Mystified | Report | 17 Sep 2005 20:56 |
I agree Cheltenham is small but worth a look. I would suggest a small fair first. My first fair yonks ago was York which is huge and I was so disappointed when i went to a smaller one...... thought they would all be the same. Smaller fairs tend to be more for the locality and the plus is you usually get a voucher entitling you to a pound off the next one. Go they are great and so many like-minded people and all friendly. |
Rachel | Report | 18 Sep 2005 07:51 |
This may sound like a silly question but how do you know when there is a Fam Hist Fair near to you. I would love to go to one, though given how carried away I get I'd have to make sure I left my cheque book at home! Rachel |
Anne | Report | 18 Sep 2005 08:58 |
Hi, I found the local one - a couple of years ago - a bit too small. The national one at Gatesehad last week was good - apart from parking!. I got details from www*nationalarchives*gov*uk. (replace * with .) Which gives dates and also exhibitors. Anne |
Mystified | Report | 20 Sep 2005 05:21 |
Genuki I have a section advertising FH fairs |