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Trying to find place of birth - UPDATED - More hel

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Gigi Report 5 Oct 2005 14:11

Hi All, A friend has just looked up the marriage witnesses and found: Richard Johnston and Elizabeth Farrer, both of this parish [SHAP] by banns Witnesses:- John Mounsey, James Farrer. James Farrer is the Parish Clerk and witnesses most of the weddings at that time. John Mounsey appears to be his understudy, as he becomes clerk in a year or so. Not much help!!! Back to the drawing board! Gillian


Gigi Report 4 Oct 2005 20:23

Yes I had thought of the naming pattern. The Richard Johnson I found who I believe is the most likely candidate has a father called Thomas. My Richard named his eldest son Thomas which fits the pattern. He also has a son Ralph and my possible Richard's grandfather was Ralph Johnson. I haven't looked into wills, maybe I should investigate. Gillian


Heather Report 4 Oct 2005 16:04

Hi Gillian If he had children you might get a clue about his parents names. Most of my relatives in that area followed the naming pattern. Heather


Pamela Report 4 Oct 2005 16:00

Gillian, are you assuming he was imporverished? Is there any possibility he left a will? Not sure where you would look, but pos worth following up? Pam


Gigi Report 4 Oct 2005 15:52

Hi Pam, I've searched the Shap PRs & couldn't find him. I have found other possiblities in other parishes but have nothing to link the entry to my Richard Johnson. I cannot be sure that I have found the correct one. Gillian


Pamela Report 4 Oct 2005 15:09

Gillian, This must seem obvious but how do you know he wasnt born in Shap, you have an approximate age, so the thing to do is search the baptism records for Shap for around that period, then widen the search to the surrounding parishes (the date of birth could be an estimate people were not too numerate in those days and his age would be givenby whoever reported the death/dealt with the parish) Remember the IGI isnot complete, and even if it has some Shap baptisms they may not all have been transcribed so you do need to search the actual registers as published transcripts or on fiche/film if they are available. Best of luck Pam


Gigi Report 4 Oct 2005 09:51

I have his burial record from the Crosby Ravensworth PRs: 23 MAY 1836 aged 50. I don't have any witnesses from his marriage in 1814 Shap. All I have is that Richard Johnson & his bride Elizabeth Farrer were both of this parish ie Shap. I spoke to Kendal records office about apprenticeship records & when the reply was negative, I asked about any other docs eg settlement papers but the records office didn't think that they'd have anything! Gillian


Merry Report 4 Oct 2005 09:33

You say he didn't live until 1841, but do you have his buirial record? Do you know when he died and was their an age at death? Merry


Unknown Report 4 Oct 2005 09:18

You could also ask whether any Settlement Papers exist in Shap & Crosby Ravensworth for that time period. If he moved there prior to getting married, the papers should, in theory, tell you where he originated


Unknown Report 4 Oct 2005 09:17

And I thought I had problems with my elusive William Bibb. At least I have a death cert for him in 1846 if nothing else! Have you got a copy of the parish register entry for his marriage? Maybe the witnesses on there could give you a clue to siblings then see whether you can find a Richard Johnson's baptism on IGI with siblings of the same name, at least as a lead to follow?


Gigi Report 4 Oct 2005 09:04

Since my last posting, I have contacted Kendal Records office to see if there exists any apprenticeship records for blacksmiths in Shap & Crosby Ravensworth, but unfortunately there is nothing!!! Do any of you experts have any ideas??? In hope, Gillian


Gigi Report 21 Sep 2005 14:47

Hi Karen, There exists an 1811 census for that area but is just the village & list of heads of household. Not much use to me I'm afraid. Gillian


KarenInScotland Report 21 Sep 2005 14:38

Gillian I'm no expert but have you tried earlier census than 1841, when I was at the records office in Northumberland they had a bit of info from 1826 census and some village lists even earlier. You may be lucky and find something similar. Karen


Gigi Report 21 Sep 2005 14:26

Hello All, My brick wall at the moment is trying to find out where my ggg grandfather Richard Johnson was born. He died before 1841, so have no census help. There's nothing on the IGI for him except his marriage in Shap in 1814. I asked our profesional genealist, Anthony, the question. He suggested looking at documents in the parish chest of Crosby Ravensworth where he worked as a blacksmith. Unfortunately, so such parish chest exists so am back to square one! Since my last posting, I have contacted Kendal Records office to see if there exists any apprenticeship records for blacksmiths in Shap & Crosby Ravensworth, but unfortunately there is nothing!!! Do any of you experts have any ideas??? In hope, Gillian