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Any tips for a 60th wedding anniversary please

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Carol Report 22 Sep 2005 21:23

My parents are celebrating 60 years of marriage in January


Carol Report 22 Sep 2005 21:24

I know that 60 years is diamond and I read of someone compiling a hamper for a golden wedding using items with gold in the title or with gold wrapping, and I was hoping to do something similar with diamond Any ideas anyone, the only things I can think of at the moment are Diamond White Cider, Double Diamond Beer, and Diamond chocolate bar.


Nikki Report 22 Sep 2005 21:36

a Neil Diamond CD?? lol


KathleenBell Report 22 Sep 2005 21:37

How about a Neil Diamond CD. Kath. x snap Nikki !!!!


KathleenBell Report 22 Sep 2005 21:39

You could always go for the obvious - a small piece of diamond jewellry doesn't have to cost the earth. Kath. x


Nikki Report 22 Sep 2005 21:43

Carol Have you thought about this..... Diamond wedding anniversary telegram from the Queen To arrange for the happy couple receive a Diamond wedding anniversary telegram from the Queen, the family should send a copy of the marriage certificate to this address- Assistant Private Secretary to HM the Queen Buckingham Palace London SW1 with the word ANNIVERSARY in the bottom left corner of the envelope.


Anita Report 22 Sep 2005 21:44

A good website for anniversaries, gives you good ideas for pressies www.anniversaryideas.couk Anita


KathleenBell Report 22 Sep 2005 21:51

How about copying a wedding photo of them if you have one, or any other photo if not, and cut it into a diamond shape and fix over the label of a favourite bottle of wine. Kath. x


KathleenBell Report 22 Sep 2005 22:04

There's a photograph of a bottle of Diamond Brand Ink on this site:- http://www.thebottledump(.) Not sure if they are for sale though. Kath. x


Carol Report 22 Sep 2005 22:22

The GRO will do a special celebratory marriage certificate. From their website: Special commemorative certificates Special certificates for Silver (25th), Ruby (40th), Golden (50th) and Diamond (60th) wedding anniversaries make a thoughtful gift and treasured keepsake. Printed on specially designed certificates, they feature the original marriage details and are mounted in a hand-finished leatherette frame and delivered in a presentation box. Carol


KathleenBell Report 22 Sep 2005 22:40

Just had a look on the GRO site for the cost of the above mentioned celebration certificates. Not cheap. They charge a £3 administration fee to verify the marriage details and the cost of the certificate is £30. Kath. x


Judy Report 22 Sep 2005 22:50

For my grandparent's 60th, we wrote all their family and friends requesting instead of bringing a gift to their suprise party, that we, the children, wanted to compile a booklet of stories, memories and photo's of the happy couple and requested that each guest write a few words about my grandparents and to send back to us, along with any old pictures they might like to share (we copied the pics on to PC, printed, and returned the originals to the owner.) We received so many wonderful, heartfelt messages and pictures which we compiled into a book and presented to them at their party.....They were deeply touched by all the heartwarming and funny stories and today, long after they have been gone (bless them!) we have an irreplacable family keepsake (which we copied and distributed to all who wanted a hard copy and I placed a copy on my family tree program - which every family member has a copy of and is preserved in the Philadelphia National Archives and the Camden County Historical Society for future generations researching our family.) Judy


moe Report 22 Sep 2005 23:15

How about a theme party, get everyone to dress in 40s clothes hire a big band (or vera lynn) sling flags everywhere, a few sandwiches(they were rationed)get some people to dress in uniform, get some 40s posters, and have a great time!!!MOE! Or the brightest diamond in the sky!! Buy them a STAR!


Carol Report 23 Sep 2005 00:08

Thank you all for your suggestions. I shall definately be arranging a telegram from the Queen, they will like that. Pictures and stories from family and friends sounds good too. Mum is compiling a guest list for the party, (mum even arranged her own 'surprise' 80th birthday party), I will try and snaffle a copy and write to everyone. Thank you all once again.