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Soldiers ... regular death certs?
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Sue | Report | 30 Sep 2005 11:19 |
If you look at this site it currently lists the same as CWGC however this one is a pay per view site but it does give you the cause of death. So I tend to look for people on CWGC, get all the details and then just pay for the ones I need to look at for cause of death. WWI is online now and WWII is due in the Autumn this year. https://www(.)military-genealogy(.)com/productHome(?)product(=)ww2 Remove the brackets Regards Sue |
Sue | Report | 30 Sep 2005 11:14 |
Bit late on this thread. But I have recently received the death certificate of my Great Great Uncle who died in WWI. It states, his name, rank, regiment, place of death (which is different than where he is buried, and cause which was quite simply disease. From what I have heard, this is all you will get in relation to cause of death, ie, killed in action, disease. Hope this helps Regards Sue p.s. I have only been able to find death certificates for those soliders that have a known grave, i.e. those mentioned on memorials do not appear to have an official death certicate in the register |
Carole | Report | 30 Sep 2005 00:05 |
OK Kath... will do. Carole |
KathleenBell | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:58 |
Hi Carole, When you order the birth certificate, you should give his father's name as a checking point, then they will only issue the certificate if the father's name is the right one. Kath. x |
Carole | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:53 |
Thanks Kathleen, i'll have to order the cert and check it out. Thanks again,fingers crossed. Carole. |
KathleenBell | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:50 |
Hi Carole, There is only one entry that could be him and it IS in Nottingham so think it must be him. This is the reference:- John T. Handley, mother's maiden name Broomhead June qtr. 1915, Nottingham, 7b, 702 Kath. x |
Carole | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:41 |
Hi Kathleen, he was born in March and these possible dates : On the CWGC site it says Age 27 Date of Death: 13/01/1943 ...... which makes it 1916. On his marriage cert : married in Nottingham on 26th Dec 1935 Age 20 years ............ which makes it 1915. His name was John Thomas Handley. Cheers Carole. |
KathleenBell | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:29 |
If you give his name and date of birth, he will be on 1837online which has all births up to 2003. Unless it's a very common name, should be able to work out which one is him and then you can order the birth certificate which will have both parents names. Kath. x |
Carole | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:27 |
Hi Fiona, i know his date of birth but i'm not sure where he was born. I know he met and married my grandma in Nottingham but his father was a Hawker- didn't they travel around? and my mum seems to think they has Irish blood on my grandads side of the family.So he may have been born anywhere. Carole. |
KathleenBell | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:25 |
If you give your grandad's full name and the age he was when he married, we might be able to find his birth reference on 1837online. Kath. x |
Fiona | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:18 |
Hi Carole, How old was he on the marriage certificate? If the name isn't too common you may be able to find a birth certificate. Fiona. |
Carole | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:08 |
thanks, yes his name is on the CWGC but it only gives his wife. Cheers,Carole. |
Merry | Report | 29 Sep 2005 23:06 |
Generally a death cert doesn't give other family details unless the dec'd is a child or if the person registering the death is a relation, which is not going to be the case with your granddad. Have you looked for his entry on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission site? This might give his parents as well as his wife, if you are lucky! Merry |
Carole | Report | 29 Sep 2005 22:59 |
Evening all. I just recieved a copy of my grandparents marriage cert from 1935. I was hoping it would help me go backwards in my grandads family but it only gives me his fathers name. My grandad died in action 1943 , a soldier in WW2 and was buried in Tunisia. My question is would there be a regular death cert for him that might give me his mothers name as well..... or was it different for soldiers etc serving abroad and dying abroad? Cheers,Carole. |