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Relative in Lunatic Asylum

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Anne Report 11 Oct 2005 17:37

Ann. I googled Newcatle City Lunatic asylum, and got several sites esp www*tyneandweararchives*org*uk/userguides/09medicine*htm They have records 1865-1909. and www*tynesidelifeandtimes*org/li/li_2_3_3*htm as usual replace * with . Anne


Anne Report 11 Oct 2005 15:36

I think it must have been the St Nicholas Lunatic Asylum, Coxlodge, Newcastle. This is a big Victorian building in its own grounds. They even had a theatre. Much of the land has been sold off, the hospital closed fairly recently, and treatment is now carried out in the main hsopitals. But the main building is still there. It was functioning upto 5 or 6 years ago. I have had lunch in the canteen, members of the public were allowed. Of course, that was only recently. It is surrounded by several streets Kenton Road, Jubilee Road, Salters Road. If these are not on the death cert, it is likely that he died elswhere. Anne


jumarcat Report 11 Oct 2005 13:41

dont know the address of the asylum, it just says Newcastle upon Tyne city lunatic asylum Its quite amazing seeing it down in black and white, it must have carried a huge stigma for the rest of the family. Worse than the workhouse even.


JG70 Report 11 Oct 2005 13:38

The Queen has two cousins in an asylum (Queen mum's neices). Jacquie

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 11 Oct 2005 12:33

I just found a list of people in an asylum on a census and the youngest was 9 years old they are listed as Spec Inm whatever that means they are listed as idiot from birth which I think so is sad , sometimes this hobby is very upsetting, isnt it ??.


Horatia Report 11 Oct 2005 12:00

Hi Ann, You should be able to get these records. I have obtained some. They make for melancholy reading but are very interesting. I had a relation who was admitted to an asylum because she was suffering from what we would now call post natal depression. Usually county record offices have these records and they should include an admission document and a document that details the patients progress or lack of it. Good luck with your research.

Joan of Arc(hives)

Joan of Arc(hives) Report 11 Oct 2005 11:26

Hi Debbie Could it have been polio? Poliomyelitis was it's full name I believe. :0) Joan


Deborah Report 11 Oct 2005 11:11

Hi Ann, This is from a 'modern day' medical encyclopaedia: 'Myelitis is a human disease involving swelling of the spinal cord, which disrupts central nervous system functions linking the brain and limbs. Symptoms include tingling, pain or loss of feeling, and may extend to weakness of the limbs and loss of bladder control. Untreated myelitis may rapidly lead to a permanently damaged spinal cord.' 'Acute' generally means sudden onset, as opposed to 'chronic' which usually refers to something long-standing. Acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis?? Hope that helps, Debbie


Anne Report 11 Oct 2005 11:01

Ann, What was the address? There was a lunatic asylum in the centre of Newcastle which was demolished a long time ago. The Victorians built on in Coxlodge Newcstle called St Nicholas. I don't know how quickly the T&W archives is, but hopefully, they will reply soon Anne


jumarcat Report 11 Oct 2005 09:49

Thanks all. I did e mail TWAS yesterday but have not had any reply as yet. I would love to know why he was there though. His death certificate says his cause of death was acute myelitis exhaustion. Well if you look that up it could be due to alcholism, syphilis and a whole host of other stuff. Would love to know what a modern diagnosis of acute myellitis is. The address given for his death in 1896 seems to be that of a house, i woud assume they would put down an institution if he died there??? I should be ok for the 100 year rule for medical records too as it is well over 100 years since he died.

Joan of Arc(hives)

Joan of Arc(hives) Report 11 Oct 2005 09:07

Hi Ann Don't give up about Medical records. I have just applied for some of a relative of mine (died 1934) & I am hopeful from the phone call I made to the Records Office that I will get access. Mine was a relation who had an accident & a brain injury, it is sad why she was there, but even people with depression were admitted, it wouldn't happen now thank goodness. Good luck! Joan


Anne Report 11 Oct 2005 08:50

HI, Ann, Try the Tyne Wear Archives. Blandford House, newcastle upon Tyne addy - www*thenortheast*com/archives (replace * with '. Also email - twas(use the at sign)gateshead*gov*uk. They have loads of records, but whether they have those or not, I don't know. I got the workhouse records there. It depends when you want the info - medical records are not released within 100 years. But if you can make a case you may get permission (Idon't know from whom). when I wanted the workhouse records to 1922, I made a case along the lines, that I was a direct descendant and I wanted them for my own use - family tree. I got it. The Northumberland record office is in the process of moving from 2 sites to one purpose built site in Ashington - totally out of the way. It is therefore closed until the end of 2006!!! Much to everyone's annoyance. TW archives will be able to give you web addresses etc. Happy hunting. Anne


jumarcat Report 11 Oct 2005 08:20

thanks for that i will try later on. Its a pity everyday life gets in the way of searching all the time, lol.


Merry Report 11 Oct 2005 08:14

I would try contacting the local County Record Office and ask them what records survive and where they are held. (Even if they don't have them, they should know where they are!). You may turn up a wealth of information, or absolutely nothing, but it's worth persuing..... Good Luck Merry


jumarcat Report 11 Oct 2005 07:47

I have just discovered...... because i was wanting to add my rellies to another site...... that my Great Great Grandfather islisted on the 1891 census as being an Inmate at the Newcastle Upon Tyne City Lunatic Asylum. Any ideas how I find out when he was admitted and why and for how long? Thanks Ann