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Before 1837
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Barbara | Report | 17 Oct 2005 14:49 |
Paul These are the all the BARRETTs I can find on the 1841 Tetbury census. I have checked Tetbury town only. There are other villages that fall within the Tetbury Registration District that I haven't checked - but what I have checked consists of 147 pages of text. There are quite a few BARRETT names, but only 2 Georges. (The 'yes' means born in county of Glos). Have also just had a quick look on the IGI. If you put in Edmund BARRETT and Maria as parents and George's name with a timeframe of 10 years within 1835 it comes up with one in Tetbury for 1836. If you then click on the C number at the bottom of the page with the relevant dates for the children you will get up a list of other children's christenings who were born to Edmund/Maria. If you put in Edmund/Elizabeth (the two aged 80 living next door to Edmund/Maria) and follow the same route as for Edmund/Maria search, you can get all their children too. (I think all these BARRETTs are related) Hope you can make sense of what i've just written. If you don't understand what I'm on about or need any more help with this, do contact me. HO107/362/11; page 15; folio 10 Long Street, Tetbury Thomas BARRETT, 35, grocer, yes Ann, 40, yes William, 14, yes Thomas, 12, yes Frederick, 8, yes HO 107/362/11; page 5; folio 22 Comber Head Thomas BARRETT, 48, labourer, yes Thomas BARRETT, 15, ag lab, yes HO107/362/11; page 8; folio 24 James BARRETT, 70, ag lab, yes Ann, 65, yes James, 25, ag lab, yes Amelia, 15, yes HO107/362/11; page 23; folio 44 Gussestool William BARRETT, 48, ag lab, yes Mary, 45, yes Caroline, 10, yes Sarah, 50, fs, yes HO107/362/11; page 24; folio 45 Frog Lane John BARRETT, 25, ag lab, yes Anne, 25, yes Isaac, 7, yes Emma, 5, yes Caroline, 3, yes John, 2, yes William, 8months, yes HO107/362/11 Church St Thomas BARRETT, 24, independent, no Eliza, 23, yes Eliza, 3, yes Ann, 10months, yes 107/362/12; page 9; folio 7 Bath Bridge John BARRETT, 44, fishmonger, yes Mary, 48, yes George, 18, yes Mary, 14, yes Catherine, 12, yes Henry, 10, yes Elizabeth, 8, yes Thomas, 6, yes Ho107/362/12; p20; folio 27 Harper St Joseph BARRETT, 30, ag lab, yes Elizabeth, 30, yes Elijah, 7, yes Henry, 5, yes Simeon, 2, yes Ellen, 1, yes 107/362/12; page 24; folio 29 Knapp Edmund BARRETT, 35, sheep dealer, yes Maria, 35, yes George, 5, yes Edmund, 4, yes Sarah, 2, yes Fanny, 8months, yes Next door Edmund BARRETT, 80, lab, yes Elizabeth, 80, yes I just wish my CARTER lot were as easy to locate!!! Best wishes Barbara |
Barbara | Report | 16 Oct 2005 22:13 |
Paul, Here's the entry from the 1851 census. This George BARRATT is the only George BARRATT/BARRETT listed as 19 and born Tetbury on the 'masterlist' for this census. Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean it's your man! Will get back to you tomorrow with the 1841. There are a lot of pages to look through and the writing is very very faint. 1851 TETBURY CENSUS HO107/1967 135 BARRATT Ann 80 pauper Tetbury CLEAVER Thomas Stepson 38 Ag Lab Tetbury Elizabeth 36 Tetbury Enoch Grandson 10 Scholar Tetbury Jacob 6 Scholar Tetbury Ann 3 Scholar Tetbury BIRD William Lodger 24 Ag Lab Tetbury BARRATT George Loder 19 Ag Lab Tetbury 136 BARRATT John 39 Tetbury Ann 36 Staunton Isaac 17 lab Stauton Caroline 14 Staunton John 13 Lab Staunton William 11 Scholar Staunton Eliza 9 Scholar Staunton Henry 7 Scholar Staunton George 6 Staunton James 2 Staunton |
Paul | Report | 16 Oct 2005 21:56 |
Oh didn't see your post Ann! That'd be really kind thankyou! Paul |
Paul | Report | 16 Oct 2005 21:53 |
Thanks Barbara, that is a possibility. I've heard that names change over the years but never expierienced it myself in my family tree. My Aunt done the other side off the family and realised the name 'Jonson' actually came from 'Jonston' My George was born 1832 so would have been 18/19 around the time of the 1851 Census. Regards, Paul. |
Barbara | Report | 16 Oct 2005 21:46 |
Paul I've got the transcribed 1851 tri-county census for Glos, Bristol, Somerset and Wilts. On that there is a George BARRATT (spelt with 2 As) who is 19 and living in Tetbury. who might be yours. Will go back in and have another look and let you have the details. Have also got the 1841 Glos census and that has Tetbury on it. I'll check that out for you. May not be able to get back to you tonight, but will get back to you asap. Barbara |
AnninGlos | Report | 16 Oct 2005 20:32 |
If you are lucky when the 1851 comes back on line and he has not left home you may be able to place him with his family. Then you would know which were his parents to narrow it down. You could try if anyone has the 1841 as he would certainly be with parents then. If you don't have any luck, I could check (can't promise when) if Gloucester library have the 1841 for tetbury (It may be at Bristol though), Gloucester is split and south Glos is at Bristol record office. Ann Glos |
Researching: |
Paul | Report | 16 Oct 2005 17:11 |
I looked on the IGI, and there was 4 George Barrett's christened around the same time in TETBURY, Gloucestershire. Is there any way of finding out which one was which? Regards Paul. |
Paul | Report | 16 Oct 2005 16:30 |
King's Lynn to Tetbury! Quite a way! Looks like i'll have to go get someone else to do it. |
Carol | Report | 16 Oct 2005 16:02 |
If there is an LDS centre near you, it would be worth a visit. They have all sorts of things on film and fiche, and if they dont have what you want they will order it and only charge you the postage to get it and return it. |
Horatia | Report | 16 Oct 2005 15:46 |
Forgot to say that Family History Societies will do look ups for you - for a price. Could be cheaper than travelling if you have good information to supply them with. Not everything is on the IGI. Cheers, Lynn |
Horatia | Report | 16 Oct 2005 15:41 |
Hi Paul, Before 1837, family history becomes harder but it is challenging! You usually have to go along to County Record Offices where parish registers of baptisms, marriages and burials are on microfiche or film. Failing that, some Family History Societies often offer CD Roms of transcribed records or some publish booklets of marriages etc. It depends how far away you are from the County Record Office or if you are prepared to travel> Cheers, Lynn PS if you tell us the areas your ancestors came from, I might be able to post some links. |
Carol | Report | 16 Oct 2005 15:24 |
This is on the IGI GEORGE BARRETT Event(s): Birth: Christening: 14 OCT 1832 Tetbury, Gloucester, England Parents: Mother: HARRIETT BARRETT Family Source Information: Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type: C054862 1813 - 1875 0856950 Film 6900606 Film Others on same batch with same mother WILLIAM BARRETT - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 07 APR 1835 Tetbury, Gloucester, England |
Jenny | Report | 16 Oct 2005 15:22 |
look at IGI www.familysearch*org there is a likely candidate on there. Jenny |
Paul | Report | 16 Oct 2005 15:05 |
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me! I need to find out the parents of George Barrett, b. 1832 TETBURY, Gloucestershire. I am doing pretty well when it comes to my family tree, since I only started a few days ago, but can someone give me some tips regarding information before 1837? I have updated my Ancestry account, and have found it very helpful. I just hope that the 1851 Census, comes sooner than later! Regards, Paul |