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Ancestry - are there bmd's for the 1970's?
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hallyally | Report | 16 Oct 2005 16:00 |
Hi - I've just joined Ancestry, and there don't seem to be entries for the 1970's there. Am I missing something or are they?! Cheers Allie |
Carol | Report | 16 Oct 2005 16:04 |
Ancestry only have the early ones transcribed. For the 1970s you will need 1837online or familyrelatives |
hallyally | Report | 16 Oct 2005 16:06 |
Thanks Carol - they do seem to have the 1984-2000 stuff, so I'm a bit miffed that having paid all that money I can't access the previous decades!! regards Allie |
Martin | Report | 16 Oct 2005 17:03 |
I think that 1984 is available in electronic form whereas earlier ones will need to be transcribed. I doubt very much that Ancestry have ever claimed to have pre-1984 BMD online. They do have a similar set of BMD data to FreeBMD though it lages behind FreeBMD slightly, I think this is because Ancestry / ROOTSWEB host FreeBMD so get access to the data. The post 1984 deaths can be very useful because it often will give you someone's date of birth. MB |
Researching: |
hallyally | Report | 16 Oct 2005 17:14 |
Thanks Martin but, the Home page for bmd does say: 'ENGLAND AND WALES, CIVIL REGISTRATION INDEX:1837 - 1983' which seems to me to imply that they DO have the 1970's doesn't it?! cheers Allie |
Martin | Report | 16 Oct 2005 17:36 |
If you follow the link and read further down the page More than 62 million names have already been indexed by FreeBMD, between the years of 1837 and 1983, and more names continue to be added everyday. Ancestry will add to this database as more names are provided by FreeBMD. It is estimated that more than 50% of the names between 1837 and 1983 have been indexed. Because of the nature of the index you will note that not all of the fields have been indexed all of the time. MB |
Researching: |
The Ego | Report | 16 Oct 2005 17:38 |
You can search 1920-1983 on some local bmd sites but they are few and far between. The only complete database is Cambridgeshire. Cheshire has got up to 1950 so far Lancashire likewise. North Wales likewise. Staffs. likewise. Yorkshire likewise. |
hallyally | Report | 16 Oct 2005 17:46 |
Hi Martin! 'Yeah but no, but' I still feel that it is a bit misleading when they are advertising for your business....who has time to read all the small print which after all does not appear in all the pop-ups encouraging you to join! It definitely gives the impression that it has all the info you will ever need. I have to fit my searches in when I can, no time for reading anything unneccessarily unfortunately! (I should be doing my searches now really!!) Cheers Allie |
hallyally | Report | 16 Oct 2005 17:49 |
Thanks Alter ego I'm interested mainly in Surrey and Middlesex, but don't suppose these are available yet? Cheers A |
The Ego | Report | 16 Oct 2005 18:16 |
The other thing you must realise is that we are quite privileged as it is ,to search all GRO indexes for bmd on 1837-this isnt available in any other country in the world to my knowledge. In Australia,you cant search for a birth after 1905,for a marriage after 1954,and a death after 1970ish,without filling in forms and knowing more details-their privacy laws are very tight. Yes 1837 costs money,but everyone is there available to the public. And remember all the directories and electoral roles-its only in the last couple of years that people in this country have been able to keep details away from the general public,with the opt-out box on the electoral role. |
hallyally | Report | 16 Oct 2005 18:48 |
Thanks Ivan Shall look forward to that then! Alter ego - I don't really want to have to fork out for 1837 now I have signed up to ancestry! I realise that we are lucky to have the info on-line, but it is annoying to keep finding dead-ends - because of this I often think that I will NEVER get any further with my research now especially as most of the older generation in our family are deceased :( On that happy note...... regards A |
Margaret | Report | 16 Oct 2005 19:06 |
Why is it that people start their family tree and expect everything to be available online. Its not!!! If you dont want to pay to look at the GRO indexes then visit your main library, county record office or LDS centre and searh the indexes on microfiche for FREE. It will take a hell of a lot longer than on a computer. You have to search every quarter of every year. The fiche are only indexed by the first 3 letters of the surname. Ancestry is brilliant, if your only using it to search the BMD indexes then you are wasting your money. The census are available unlimited access 1861-1901 and soon 1851 and 1841. Margaret |
Martin | Report | 16 Oct 2005 19:24 |
'You can search 1920-1983 on some local bmd sites but they are few and far between. The only complete database is Cambridgeshire.' Tees Valley has up to 2003 MB |
Researching: |
hallyally | Report | 16 Oct 2005 19:32 |
Margaret - I seem to have upset you! It is ok if you live near London or near to where your family originated, to get everything you need records-wise, but if you are on an off-shore island, it's not so easy! I don't mind paying, (I have and do) but think sometimes they should be a bit more up front with exactly what there is on offer because this will save fruitless searching for stuff that isn't there! regards Allie |
Margaret | Report | 16 Oct 2005 19:42 |
Allie No you havent upset me. I dont know where you live but I live nowhere near London and I can get hold of records on fiche no problem within a 10 mile radius. If you live where you cant get hold of records on fiche then you have no choice but to pay for 1837online. The images you see on 1837online are the same you will see on fiche. That is how they are photographed (perhaps not the right word) The images are not transcriptions just pages and pages of indexes. Transcriptions are available on family relatives ( from 1866-1920 One day all will be transcribed, but we have to be patient Margaret |