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Heather Report 18 Oct 2005 09:42

Many thanks - Ive just emailed the regiment site to see if they know of a special prayer.


Jane Report 18 Oct 2005 09:29

Heather, Really very sorry to hear of your loss - and wishing you strength. Wanted to share an idea - at a submariner's funeral, they had a load of 'standard bearers' forming a kind of guard of honour. It was basically a bunch of 'old boys' who do this for the regiment on a regular basis - if there's an 'old boys' association, they might be able to arrange something. It was a very moving experience to witness. Also, there was a submariners' prayer - read out by one of his former colleagues. Maybe the same exists for the RAF? Is there a regimental secretary you could talk to? It's a difficult thing, getting this right, isn't it - it has to be a fitting tribute ... and so important. Wishing you all the best in the task. In sympathy, Jane


Heather Report 18 Oct 2005 08:30

Many thanks. I dont think I will believe he has gone for a long time. Even when I was looking up the RAF Regiment stuff, my hand reached for the phone to ring him and ask him about it.


Unknown Report 18 Oct 2005 08:02

Heather, So sorry to hear about your dad. Kev was in the RAF Regiment for many years - if there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. Bev x


Heather Report 17 Oct 2005 23:41

Hi everyone - I contacted a chap who runs a website for the RAF Regiment. He has asked for dads WW2 pics to add to his site. He said that they usually have an insert from the British Legion but they will probably be too busy doing poppies at the mo and as you know, the funeral is next Monday. He did send a sort of stylised badge image for the Regiment, with the basic outlines of the colours which I have passed on to sister. I dont know whether she will just use the roundel for the RAF or possibly a football tribute as dad played a lot of footie even in the RAF. Thank you everyone for your kind interest. I still cannot believe last Monday I was larfing with him over some silly nonsense and not knowing he would be gone a week later.


Martin Report 17 Oct 2005 20:12

'Have you thought of contacting: The RAF Regiment His squadron the local British Legion' Or the local Royal Air Force Association. If there is a local RAFA or BL then they will be used to getting wreaths made up for Remembrance Day parades so might be able to suggest somewhere to you. If in doubt I would contact either the RAF Regiment or the nearest RAF base. I am sure they will be able to find someone to give you some advice. MB

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 17 Oct 2005 19:33

Have you thought of contacting: The RAF Regiment His squadron the local British Legion to see if there are any particular things which he might have appreciated? Christine

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 17 Oct 2005 19:30

Please accept my condolences. If you have his service number, is there time to find out from MOD which squadron he was in? For instance this gives No 1 Squadron info - including the badge. If music matters to you, you may wish to have the R. A. F. March Past for band (or orchestra) Composed by Sir Henry Walford Davies as the ending music? There are keyboard transcriptions. Christine PS - I should think the Regiment badge should be appropriate.


Elly Report 17 Oct 2005 17:46

Heather OK, I give up! Can only suggest you e-mail any of the sites listed, they all have contact us details Hope you find it Elly


Elly Report 17 Oct 2005 17:12

Opps we crossed cybernet then! Here you go http://www(.)raf(.)mod(.)uk/squadrons/h1(.)html Elly


Heather Report 17 Oct 2005 17:11

Thanks Elly, tried that site, only bringing up the blazer badge and roundels. May be I should tell sister to just have the roundel as a tribute.


Elly Report 17 Oct 2005 17:10

Heather perhaps you've gone for tea........ try this one, but you do need to know the squadron number http://www(.)raf(.)mod(.)uk/history/sqn_hist(.)html Elly


Heather Report 17 Oct 2005 17:09

Hi Elly, it was THE Regiment (No.1). It was formed from the RAF when Churchill saw the damage done to our RAF from the ground. They were equivalent to army commados


Elly Report 17 Oct 2005 17:01

Heather, Sorry to hear of your loss Which regiment exactly are you looking for - let's see if we can find it Elly


Heather Report 17 Oct 2005 16:57

My dear dad died on Monday and my sister would like to have a floral tribute for him associated with the RAF gunners he served with. Do military buffs know what this would be please. I have googled and can only find the roundels and the Regiment badge which is 2 crossed ensigns.