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Moral Dilemma - what would you do?

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JG70 Report 18 Oct 2005 15:58

I've taken pictures,but I didn't need to trespass to do so.


Trudy Report 18 Oct 2005 15:14

Thanks all - never mind Merry - we're a nice lot really!!!!! LL


Unknown Report 18 Oct 2005 14:53

I like Merry's idea, if you have the pics already you have nothing to lose by knocking, and maybe if they are nice a lot to gain. If they are knocking house down they could come across stuff in the loft, that means nothing to them, but could to you. I have been tempted so many times to write to old family houses to mention if ever they were in the loft etc. If someone asked me I wouldn't mind, but I still haven't plucked up courage to do it. Good luck


Merry Report 18 Oct 2005 14:45

Oh LOL - Estate Agent!!! trust me to put my foot in it !!!! Merry


Heather Report 18 Oct 2005 14:42

I go with Merry on this one. Get some shots before you knock on the door! That way if they come out with a shotgun at least you have some photos. But likely, you will be asked in and get some more interesting stuff. Good luck


Trudy Report 18 Oct 2005 14:39

Thanks all for the advice - by the way Merry - dentist went well, and I do happen to be an estate agent anyway LOLOLOL Think I might try the sneaky approach - the house is close to my sister's and I have to go there on the weekend, so might take a drive over then. Thanks again LL


Merry Report 18 Oct 2005 14:09

Hope you got on OK at the dentist! I would go there, take sneaky shots, then when you have all you can, go and knock and say that the property used to be your family home and that you would like to take a photo but that you thought they might see you, so you thought you should say who you are and that you are not an estate agent or anything lol (don't forget, in reality you have already taken some shots though, just in case they get snotty!!)......If they are nice people they might let you go in for a look round and some inside photos - this has worked for me on several occasions - In one house I ended up having dinner and drinkies lol. Of course don't go alone though, for obvious reasons! Merry


Suein10b Report 18 Oct 2005 13:56

Looby Theres nothing to stop you just turning up and taking some photos of the house. If by any chance you are questioned just say the house used to belong to an ancestor. I did this a while ago and got some great memorable shots. Good Luck Dont forget to take a spare battery if you use digital are your bound to take several shots, plus a fair few of the area. Sue


Jane Report 18 Oct 2005 13:28

LL, Agree with Paul! But do try to charm them ... sure you can do it! I've managed to insinuate my way into several houses important to my family history - although not under a cloud of historical strife! Go for it! Jane

The Bag

The Bag Report 18 Oct 2005 13:25

Highly unlikely to be the same people . DO IT, if you dont you'll regret it... if they do happen to spot you , and ask Q's and they are NOT happy offer to delete the photo's from your camera! Cant stop anyone taking pictures of a 'view' can you? Jess x


Paul Report 18 Oct 2005 13:17

I would ask, if they say no, then go and sneak! They're going to knock it down anyways, so I don't see why they would be bothered. And chances are its not the same people! Paul


Trudy Report 18 Oct 2005 13:14

After several ‘diplomatic’ conversations with my only remaining aunt and a lot of research on my part, I have finally identified – on a map at least – the location of her parents, grandparents and great grandparents family home (she also remembers spending time there in her childhood. My grandparents moved away when they married and an uncle of hers ran the smallholding until he died in 1979). I remember going there once as a small child, but have no other recollections apart from what happened when the uncle died – I know that he left the property ‘outside’ the family – a fact that my aunt was not happy about and although she hasn’t said anything, I know from memories of conversations with my mother that she contested the will and lost quite an acrimonious court case that ended with them destroying our family bible. I am not sure if the people that own the house now are the same people as were left it so my dilemma is this: Together with the full address, postcode and aerial map, I have located the present owners telephone number. I also know that they have a planning application in to demolish the property and re-build – I would dearly love to go and take some pictures of the house before they do this, as, as far as I am aware there are none remaining in the family photo albums. So – do I go up there with my camera, sneak about the lane and take some surrupticiously (spelling!!!!) or do I telephone the owner first and explain who I am and what I would like to do? My worry is that they are the same people and that his answer will be no – I would then not feel comfortable sneaking about the lane and taking some anyway. I would appreciate anyone’s comments on my ‘moral dilemma’ – what do you think? Thanks Looby PS May not answer straight away - have to go to the dentist shortly and might be a little while!


Trudy Report 18 Oct 2005 13:13

see below