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Dozens of documents for sale, all over uk
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Heather | Report | 19 Oct 2005 21:08 |
I did add this to the ebay posting but I thought it may get lost and as 2 people have already checked the site and found docs relating to their ancestor this evening, do check it out guys: www(.)ancestordocs(.)co(.)uk |
KathleenBell | Report | 19 Oct 2005 21:18 |
What a brilliant site Heather. I've added it to my favourites in case anything is added in the future that might be of interest to me. Thanks, Kath. x |
Sue | Report | 19 Oct 2005 21:22 |
Hi Heather, What a great site. Thanks! Wish I could find a connection there. Will have to keep checking in case. Have to laugh - you & I both up morning & night on computer - in opposite hemispheres. I've got a mental picture of a ball (globe) with us sticking out each side of it, tapping away on the keyboard! LOL Sue |
Heather | Report | 19 Oct 2005 21:25 |
Thanks guys, glad you like it, wish I could find something too. But the documents on there do change - as I go back now and then to check them out, so perhaps something will turn up. Though I was lucky with 3 wills on NA recently. Oh dont Sue, I really should be working but what with Dad passing away this weekend I dont want to do anything except look for stuff on him and his family. Ive only got an hours window in the evening as 19 year old hogs this rest of time. |
Sue | Report | 19 Oct 2005 21:28 |
Guess who should be heading off to work right now! Yes, I did check my e-mail messages for work first, but I just can't help a quick check of the message board before I leave.'s goodnight to you, and good morning from me... Sue X |
GlitterBaby | Report | 19 Oct 2005 21:29 |
Heather, Thanks for posting the details of this site. Added it to my favourites. Not found anything for my family names but strangely did find a document about my home town. Maureen |
Researching: |
Heather | Report | 19 Oct 2005 23:22 |
bumped up as 2 people have already found connections tonight! |
Liberty64 | Report | 20 Oct 2005 00:10 |
Great site Heather, Ive added to my favourites too! Lib:)) |
Gwyn in Kent | Report | 20 Oct 2005 07:49 |
Thank you for posting this, Heather. I've just spent ages 'touring' the counties of interest. There are documents for a small village in Herefordshire that I am interested in. Trying to check my JONES' now to see if they are mine. |
Heather | Report | 20 Oct 2005 09:25 |
bumped up for the day shift as so many people seem to like this site. Dont forget it changes all the time, so check back. Ive just trawled again and I think there is a Thomas Taylor on there which MAY be my GGFx4 in Surrey. Wont buy the doc though until I have further evidence. I know Tom built some houses and also sold some land to the railways and the doc on the site refers to the Thomas Taylor paying off a bricklayer or something, so it is a possible. |
Twinkle | Report | 20 Oct 2005 14:53 |
It's a shame that these sellers can't see further than their own bank balances. Quite a few of those documents should be in a record office. Still, what does it matter if they end up chewed by someone's dog, as long as the money's right? |
KathleenBell | Report | 20 Oct 2005 14:58 |
I tend to agree with you Twinkle, however I must say that if I found something relating to my ancestors I would be happy to pay up. I just wonder where they get these things. Do you think it is probably someone who got the job of clearing out old solicitor's offices - although I wouldn't think so as they have stuff from all over the place. I suppose they must have had to pay for the documents themselves in the first place, and just want to make a profit on them. Kath. x |
CATHKIN | Report | 20 Oct 2005 15:18 |
Had a look but it seems to be all England. Rosalyn |
Heather | Report | 20 Oct 2005 16:41 |
Yes, I did think it was a pity they werent in a records office but as you say, if one was for my ancestor I would have to buy it. When we sold our last house we gave the new owners the old Deeds going back to mid 18th century. I do hope they looked after them. |
Christine in Herts | Report | 20 Oct 2005 17:12 |
Thanks for posting this address. I had seen the site before but forgotten about it. And I couldn't find the URL in my bookmarks either. It's there now! Christine |