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Lines of Descent
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MickT | Report | 21 Oct 2005 22:40 |
I am unable to decide on the best way to record the Maternal side of a family. a) Mother to Father, & then F to F Or, b) Mother to Mother to Mother, which ,to my mind is logical. Advice and comment please. Mick. |
An Olde Crone | Report | 21 Oct 2005 22:45 |
Eh? Sorry to be thick, but I don't understand this - everyone has TWO parents - surely you want to record them both? Olde Crone |
MickT | Report | 21 Oct 2005 22:52 |
I know that it is a little vague, but, Both parents are recorded, but,on the MOTHERS side does the maternal line take precedence. Think matriarchy? Mickt |
Angela now in Wilts (not North Devon) | Report | 21 Oct 2005 22:55 |
Surely neither side takes precedence, they are both equally valid. Angela |
TinaTheCheshirePussyCat | Report | 21 Oct 2005 23:05 |
No, it's no good. It's getting late on a Friday night, and the anasthetic on my newly filled tooth is wearing off and it's starting to ache. I don't follow what this conversation is about. Tina |
Geoff | Report | 21 Oct 2005 23:08 |
Michael What you seem to be suggesting is that if you are a man the maternal line takes preference, but if a woman then the maternal line does. I think most of us would say that no line takes preference. It just happens that a woman (generally) takes her husband's name. If this position were reversed, I don't see that it would change the way that we should approach genealogy. |
TinaTheCheshirePussyCat | Report | 21 Oct 2005 23:11 |
But surely everyone knows that women are infinitely superior to men in everything, so what's the problem? (Runs for cover before the bullets start flying!) Tina |
Angela now in Wilts (not North Devon) | Report | 21 Oct 2005 23:12 |
Precisely Geoff. Think blood - every person has the blood from each of their parents, be they male or female. Angela |
Anne | Report | 21 Oct 2005 23:17 |
Everyone has two parents who are equally important (regardless of marriage etc) It's just biology! Therefore all your grandparents, great-grandparents ..... are equally important to you. The maths becomes mind boggling but they are all just as important as each other - if one was missing then YOU would not be here! I do agree though that, from a paperwork point of view, it becomes difficult to decide which folder to file the wife in after she had taken her husband's name and they have effectively become a different unit. Anne |
Janet in Yorkshire | Report | 21 Oct 2005 23:19 |
Are you thinking of the recording system called something like “ahnatal” tree (somebody on here will tell us the right word) where Self is 1 Father2 Mother3 Father’s father 4 father’s mother 5 Mothers’ father 6 mother’s mother 7 Father’s father’s father 8 etc etc? You can record it how you like - its YOUR tree |
An Olde Crone | Report | 21 Oct 2005 23:23 |
No, its actually quite simple if you stick to the 2-4-8-16-32 etc generation idea. The female goes into her husband's file when she marries. Her parents have a file of their own, containing all their children. Of course, other cultures research and record their family history in a different way - Finland, I believe, use the mother's line as the important one. But we in the West use the Patriarchal System, so its probably best to stick with that, otherwise you will get in a terrible muddle. Olde Crone |
Heather | Report | 22 Oct 2005 00:01 |
Michael, sounds like you need to get a decent family history program then you wouldnt have a problem. |
MickT | Report | 22 Oct 2005 07:27 |
Thanks all. I'll just carry on then.,and try to remain focussed. Mickt |