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Any advice on how to print out please...

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Just Jill x

Just Jill x Report 22 Oct 2005 20:35



***Maureen*** Report 22 Oct 2005 20:12

Hi Maud Like yourself i,m not to clever on the computer and had no idea how to copy and paste Ifollowed the instuctions given to you and whooppeeeeeeeeeeeee i can now cut and paste. What wonderful people we have on GRN Thank you very much Maureen


Maud Report 22 Oct 2005 18:44

Thank you kind people for all the helpful instructions I have just followed the one in the sescond option given by Lynn, and I could not believe my eyes when it WORKED I was so scared all the time I was doing it in case I was going to do something daft and lose everything in a void space somewhere and I would never find it again. My son has just t/phoned me and I have just been crowing to him about how clever I have been in doing something right all on my own, he usually has to sit and patiently take me through each step, and even then sometimes I just do not get it, so in the end I just give up and leave it all to him to do, I just cannot be bothered and I end up thinking I`m just a batty old lady who is never going to learn all these new fangle dangle things!! So now my head is getting quite swelled at my being so clever in actually following out some instructions without creating an almighty mess for my son to clear up!! I`ve left a message for Lyn thanking her for giving me such clear instructions, and thank you all for your suggestions, which I will 'have a go at' Going to stop now and have a well earned cuppa whilst I wait for my son to arrive and see my results.


Maud Report 22 Oct 2005 17:44

Hi Lynn Thank you for the instructins, I will try and see what I can do, it would be nice if I can do this and have it completes when my son comes in, he would be quite amazed at me I I do! I must admit, I really am a bit of a dope, always scared I am doing something wrong and muck everything up! he makes everything look so easy when he is doing various things, like putting photos in etc, I just do`nt have a clue, usually I end up with the screen going frozen and I panic thinking something awful has happened, but I`m gradually learning and getting a bit more confident, so if I manage to copy as described, it will be quite a feather in my cap. Will let you kn ow how I get on.


Ted Report 22 Oct 2005 17:25

maud, just highlight what you want to print, then go to EDIT and click COPY, then go to NOTEPAD and click PASTE. From there you can save it to file or just print it off, then it asks you do you want to save it Y/N. simple as that. You know how to get to NOTEPAD dont you. START, PROGS, ACCESSORIES, then NOTEPAD. ted.


Horatia Report 22 Oct 2005 17:17

Chrissie, Liked your extra bit - never thought of printing it that way! Maud has two good methods now. One for if she wants to save the text to a document and the other to just print the text. Cheers, Lynn


Christine2 Report 22 Oct 2005 15:08

Hi again Maud If you don't want to bother opening word to paste it in etc, you can highlight what you want to print (by following the instructions above). When you have highlighted everything that you want to print - go to file (top left of screen) - click on print and when the menu comes up ignore ALL and PAGES and tick the box saying SELECTION. Then press print and you will get a print of everything that you have highlighted. Chrissie


Horatia Report 22 Oct 2005 14:52

Maud, You can do this by a couple of methods. Drag your mouse over the text you wish to copy. Then right click and you should get a menu which will include the word 'copy'. Click on this. Open up Word or whatever word processing programme you use then right click and you should get the word 'Paste' in the menu. Click this and Voila! Your text is in a document for you to save or print. Another method is this. Highlight the text you want to copy by putting the cursor at the start of the words you wish to copy, click then drag over the text to highlight it. Then hold down the Ctrl key plus the letter C on the keyboard (this is the copy command). To paste, click your cursor where you want the text to be pasted and hold down the Ctrl key and the letter V. This is the Paste Command. Hope this helps! Cheers, Lynn


Maud Report 22 Oct 2005 14:41

Thank you for these suggestions, I`m still a bit of a novice at computer technicalities yet, so I`ll ask my son to show me how to 'copy & paste' I don`t really know how to do that, but hopefully he will show me how. Thanks again.


Horatia Report 22 Oct 2005 14:31

Like Glitter Baby, I just highlight the text of messages and then paste them into a Word document and then print them out. This saves on ink as you just print out what you need instead of the whole web page. Cheers, Lynn


GlitterBaby Report 22 Oct 2005 12:50

Not sure about the printing from this site but the copy and paste routine into a word document should make things easier for any long messages that you are trying to read. Maureen That is strange as Chrissies message was not showing as a reply to this thread until I posted my reply.


Christine2 Report 22 Oct 2005 11:55

Hi Maud I don't know about the tree problem as I always print mine from my own tree program but to print from GR I always highlight what I want to keep and just print that. Hope this helps. Chrissie


Maud Report 22 Oct 2005 11:47

HiI wonder why I am unable to print out ANYTHING on the GR Is it just me that has this problem, or have GR made it im possible to print out anything? I find this particularly annoying if I have a fairly long message from someone, I would just love to be able to print out the contents so that I can refer to it, but no use, I either have to keep on going back to the message and read again any particular part I need, or else sit and write down all the details, its also not possible it seems to print anything from the family tree either. Is this a fault with my computer, or am I doing something wrong somehwere, is there some special way of getting anything printed? I do not have this problem with any other sites, only on GR