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Hot matches - discard this match
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Kate | Report | 31 Oct 2005 10:47 |
Has anybody managed to get the 'discard this match' option at the bottom of a 'hot match' to work? When I click on it, I just get my home page back and the hot match is still there when I go back into hot matches. (I know the other way of deleting them, and that works fine.) Kate. |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 31 Oct 2005 10:56 |
I get the same. I was hitting for ages the other day trying to get it to work lol |
Merry | Report | 31 Oct 2005 11:01 |
It never worked for me in the days when GR used to send me my hot matches............maybe the fact that it only ever took me about 2 mins to delete the whole lot is the reason they don't send me any more.....................................??!! Merry |
Merry | Report | 31 Oct 2005 11:06 |
Bimey Lyla.....You have had a ''C''!!! 14 days?????? I'm sure I've been waiting twice that long??!! merry |
Kate | Report | 31 Oct 2005 11:06 |
Don't hold your breath Lyla; my latest batch were all A's and B's. Kate. |
Heather | Report | 31 Oct 2005 11:24 |
Nope, doesnt work for me either. I spent ages ticking the boxes aswell for all the Ann Unknowns and they still appeared on my hot matches. You have to tick the boxes and then scroll down to the bottom and tick 'save'. Yep, normal GR a**e about face way of getting rid of! |
Unknown | Report | 31 Oct 2005 11:25 |
I got 6 pages of hot matches the other day, all letters A-G, 7 possible contacts out of it so was very pleased I clicked the 'Do not show me this again' box then scrolled down and hit SAVE and they've gone! Lou |
Kate | Report | 31 Oct 2005 11:27 |
Yeah, that was what I meant by 'the other way of deleting them'. I just wondered what 'discard this match' was for, as I hadn't seen it before today. Kate. |
Unknown | Report | 31 Oct 2005 11:30 |
Didn't try the other way.....just assumed you got rid of them the way I did it. I'm not fit to be let out at the moment...I've just managed to mess up 2 generations of one side of my tree. Think I'll go and lie down in a dark room! |
Janet 693215 | Report | 31 Oct 2005 11:32 |
I received five pages of hot matches once. All matched with my Eliszabeth Smith and William Smith. Not one of them from the correct birthplace. I don't check them any more! |
Heather | Report | 31 Oct 2005 12:47 |
Pleased to hear that someone as experienced as you can mess up the generations Lou! Ive abandoned trying to sort out three generations of bl***y John Steers who all had kids the same names and wives the same names. I was doing ok until I had to add one further generation back and gawd knows what mess I am in now. Will look at it again in a day or so |
Margaret | Report | 31 Oct 2005 13:18 |
All my hot matches so far have been for Hamiltons and Millers, but my name (starts with D) has also been listed if the submitter is someone who I have had previous contact/matches with. I think the difference between 'don't show me this match again' and 'discard this match' is this: >when you discard it - it disappears forever >don't show me just puts it on another page, that you can see when you click on 'view ignored matches' |
David | Report | 31 Oct 2005 15:41 |
I have just 'saved' ie dumped 6 pages of John Brown born 1852 Sunderland, where the hot matches range as far afield as Nova Scotia (I only looked at half a dozen so there may have been others even more remote). Why does GR bother with such garbage. If they can't make it meaningful drop it. What makes it even more of a waste of my time is when someone at the other end sends me a message asking if my John Faulkner born 1825 (birthplace clearly marked as Stondon, Bedfordshire) is a match for their John Faulkner born 1825 in Tennessee, USA (personal names have been changed to protect the innocent, place names are real). And why oh why do we have to have the tree owner rather than the name of the hot (or freezing cold) match. I'm simply not prepared to go through 6 pages of hotmatches clicking one by one to find out that the hot match is John Brown. Moan over! |