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where do i go from here HELP!!!
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Amanda | Report | 9 Nov 2005 12:55 |
My grandmothers brother died on the 2nd of June 1954 age 44 she was never told where he was buried? I would now like to find out where he is buried so i can lay some flowers on his grave on her behalf ( as she is no longer with us) But i have tried all the local cem with no luck, maybe someone out there could help? He was in the army a Major James Holland r.a.s.c the address on his death cert said his address was 4 Officers married quaters Houndstone Camp, Brympton Yeovil where can i go from here. |
Merry | Report | 9 Nov 2005 13:10 |
Long shots would be his Army records or contacting local undertakers for their archived records. Could his body have been taken to a family plot - where were his parents living/buried??? Merry |
Vicky | Report | 9 Nov 2005 13:19 |
If he's living in Married Quarters at time of death - Was he married? What happened to his wife? |
Merry | Report | 9 Nov 2005 13:41 |
is it possible he had a local church burial?? Do you know what denomination he was? Merry |
Amanda | Report | 9 Nov 2005 13:54 |
Hi His address on the death cert was the barracks, but my nan said he lived in a big house in Yeovil as she had been there, his wife later moved to Eastbourne,her name was Grace Holland , but she could have remarried? It was his wife Grace, who sent her brother to tell my nan (his sister) of his sudden death! as thay did not have a phone then, by the time a letter had been sent, Grace informed them (his 2 sisters and his mother) that he had already been buried and it was just close family, so thay never spoke again!!! the army have no records, he was in the army but did not die in service, thank you for your help |
Merry | Report | 9 Nov 2005 15:36 |
Sounds like Happy Families.... I would try making some phone calls to Yeovil Undertakers. Sounds as if the Hollands might have been quite posh folks, so ask if one undertakers was considered ''better class'' (or more expensive)!!! You would be surprised how many remain in business for decades and keep all ther records: Wakely Bros 33 Sparrow Rd, Yeovil BA21 01935 479913 Eason Funeral Services 62 South Street, Yeovil BA20 01935 422883 G H Cook & Son 8-11 Bond Street Yeovil BA20 1PE 01935 423463 David Rivett 30 Lyde Road Yeovil BA21 5AT 01935 433737 J H Gillard Newton Road Stoford Yeovil BA22 9UW 01935 475094 If that doesn't work, I would definitely try the local newspaper for a death notice. Phone Yeovil Library and ask if they can look for you. It should be within days of the death and might give details of the funeral. I did look in The Times newspaper archive, but there's nothing in that :O(( Good Luck Merry |
Amanda | Report | 9 Nov 2005 16:07 |
Thank you so much i will get on to this asap |
Heather | Report | 9 Nov 2005 16:37 |
If he lived in a big house and it wasnt army property, then he may have left a will which could be of use. |
Amanda | Report | 9 Nov 2005 16:57 |
Hi No his wife was still alive, he also had 3 children, but i can't find them as thay would only be in there 60s now, and as there names were Peter Alan and Betty Holland, there are loads of them i would not know where to start looking. |
Janet in Yorkshire | Report | 9 Nov 2005 18:06 |
Does it say 'retired' on the death certificate? Seems a bit odd that his address is officers' quarters, if he had already left the army. Is cause of death at all unusual? If so, would have thought there would have been something in local paper. If wife wanted a 'quiet' funeral, perhaps it was a cremation, with no grave. If he was quite well off and had wife & children, all the more reason he might have left a will. What a nice little mystery to solve! Good luck. janet |
Amanda | Report | 9 Nov 2005 18:15 |
He died aged 44 while playing tennis, he died of a blood clott, he was still in the army but not on duty, if thats what you call it? i have tried the cems and crems but no luck , but thank you it may be in the local paper. |
Janet in Yorkshire | Report | 9 Nov 2005 18:40 |
Amanda As he was still in active service when he died, I think I would try and pursue the will angle. A friend, who is ex-army, informed me that before going on any overseas tour, the army always dished out will forms, which were kept on record and updated from time to time. It may be that the widow had to apply for letters of administation? I believe these are also filed at the probate registry along with wills, but I am sure someone else will be able to clarify this for you. I was confused about whether he was retired by you saying the army had no records. I didn't know whether you meant of his death or of his service. I assume that as you are not close next of kin, his service details could not be disclosed to you. You could also try placing a message on some of the boards for his regiment or service pals sites. Janet |
Amanda | Report | 9 Nov 2005 18:45 |
thank you thats a good idea, that will be my next job |
Ang J | Report | 9 Nov 2005 20:30 |
Amanda i come from an army town we have two large cemeteries, one for civillians and one for serving or exarmy ,have you tried the army cemeteries? |