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Confused and Disillusioned
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Sharon | Report | 15 Nov 2005 21:33 |
Is this just a stage you go through? I thought I was doing really well and then seem to have got to stalemate. Have got names and dates filling my head, so I cannot think of anything else, but I can't see where to go with it all now. |
The Bag | Report | 15 Nov 2005 21:37 |
where are you stuck? |
Sharon | Report | 15 Nov 2005 21:50 |
I suppose I am not really stuck, just not making progress as quickly as I would like. In the last 6 weeks (since I started) have gone back 6 generations to 4xGt Grandparents born 1782, and have, I think, all the children born in each generation but just have names and dates. Guess I need to put the 'leaves on the branches'. I am a bit of an impatient person (hubby would say VERY impatient !!). Probably need to give it a break for a couple of days and do something else and then come back to it. I do find the Tips Board really interesting, find that I spend half the evening reading all the messages and not actually doing any research, then feel too tired to do any more ! Guess I am just a nosey parker! |
Merry | Report | 15 Nov 2005 21:55 |
Impatient Sharon!!!!! Took me several YEARS to get back that far!! for Cas (((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) Merry |
Jacqui | Report | 15 Nov 2005 21:56 |
I'd say 6 generations in 6 weeks was pretty fast progress. Now your back to pre registration it will be lot slower going unforunately as youll probably need to visit records offices and look at the parish registers. I'm at the same stage so now I'm trying to write up mini pen pictures on my ancestors and reading up about the places they lived, there occupations, planning visits, taking photos - putting the leaves on the branches as you said. good luck Jacqui |
Sharon | Report | 15 Nov 2005 21:57 |
Point taken Merry !! Sorry. I will stop being so impatient |
Sharon | Report | 15 Nov 2005 21:58 |
sorry Cas forgot your virtual hug (((((hug))))) Hope you have a better day tomorrow! Sharon |
Sue C | Report | 15 Nov 2005 22:02 |
Lucky you Sharon, Been at it a couple of years and still haven't got back that far on most of my lines! Sue |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 15 Nov 2005 22:14 |
I do the same, come on here for inspiration and find myself sitting here 3 hours later and no research done. I too lost any interest for a couple of weeks could not get going then I suddenly got my interest back good luck and hugs to all |
The Bag | Report | 15 Nov 2005 22:30 |
..but it is by watching and seeing and understanding what other people do that you learn where to go next. all that in 6 weeks - i'm impressed too - how much of it is certified? Jess x |
BrianW | Report | 15 Nov 2005 22:34 |
After two and a half years I'm still struggling to prove the birth of my paternal grandmother in 1871! |
Researching: |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 15 Nov 2005 22:37 |
Jess I still am finding it difficult trouble is a lot of mine were foreign wish I had some Smiths sometimes |
Judith | Report | 15 Nov 2005 22:43 |
If you've managed to find 6 generations in 6 weeks I'm not surprised the names and dates are filling your head. How about trying to put those names into context by going back to the censuses where you found them and reading the enumeration district descriptions, looking at the neighbours and their occupations, finding information on their parishes - old directories, photographs etc are often online if you can't reach records offices. Pick out one or two individuals and really think about the moves and decisions they must have made to be where they were, doing what they were doing on those census nights. Even if you never find another mention of these people by name (although its amazing what you can find in the way of wills, settlement papers, militia lists etc) all of the above will make them much more real than list of names and dates ever will. |
Janet in Yorkshire | Report | 15 Nov 2005 22:43 |
I prefer to look at it as being 'more challenging', rather than being stuck. One lady's origins has avoided me for 15 years - but I haven't given up, I just haven't found her yet! I am never without someone or something to research, if I can find one new scrap of information about a person, their children, or where they lived or worked, then I am happy. There's always somewhere new to try if you do a bit of googling. Jay |
Merry | Report | 15 Nov 2005 22:46 |
Oh you are kind Cas!! I wouldn't want to do this for a living, though. Once you bring money into it the whole enjoyment factor would go out the window...........At the mo it doesn't really matter if I can't find the record the poster is after.....if it can be found, someone else will find it....! Could someone find the birth of hubby's grandfather please?? LOL we've been searching for 12 years :O(( Have his name and date of birth and city, should be easy shouldn't it?? Pity it's Ireland :O(( Merry |