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You learn something new every day !!!
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Just Jill x | Report | 24 Nov 2005 14:38 |
I have been visiting the messages boards only relatively recently and am amazed to read that writing in upper case means shouting. I just thought it meant that it would stand out from other messages. There are other things I wouldn't mind knowing the meaning of like LOL; :)) , :O)) If anyone can spare the time from their research to let me into this secret language then thank you very much. |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 24 Nov 2005 14:42 |
LOL = Laugh Out Loud :) There's a thread about 'chatspeak' somewhere. I'll try find and nudge it for you. It's on the General topics board - 'Board Abbreviations a list' |
Kate | Report | 24 Nov 2005 14:43 |
I know LOL means 'laughs out loud' and those other things are smiley faces, but don't know if there is any significance in exactly what type of smiley face it is. Kate. |
Joy *The Carlos Cutie of Ilson* | Report | 24 Nov 2005 14:46 |
Jill I was doing that while talking to my brother on MSN Messenger one night. Wondered what he was on about when he said stop shouting. You live and learn. Joy |
Researching: |
Just Jill x | Report | 24 Nov 2005 16:07 |
Tracy - ye gods, there's 4 pages of them!!!! It's not just me then - but how do you 'nudge'. Seen lots of nudges and know what it means I think but does it actually DO anything and if so how? I know how you feel Julie. It's worse than shorthand if anything LOL. Get that then!! I'm a fast learner. |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 24 Nov 2005 16:09 |
Jill, a nudge is just a reply to a topic that sends it to the top of a board. It's nothing special, it just means that a person isn't responding to the topic - they're just making go to the top so people looking for it can find it. |
Just Jill x | Report | 24 Nov 2005 21:58 |
So where do you put the 'nudge' Tracy???? Sorry to be so simple! |
Joy *The Carlos Cutie of Ilson* | Report | 24 Nov 2005 22:06 |
Jill You click on 'Add Reply', type 'Nudge' in the box and they click 'Add Reply' Joy |
Researching: |
Jeanette | Report | 24 Nov 2005 22:15 |
and you can delete the nudge and the message will still stay up top Jeanette |
Thelma | Report | 24 Nov 2005 22:16 |
I sometimes add a nudge so i can find the thread later. By adding the nudge it will appear in 'view your threads only' |
Joy *The Carlos Cutie of Ilson* | Report | 24 Nov 2005 22:17 |
Jeanette I didn't know you could do that. There you go Jill, Joy learns something new today. Joy |
Researching: |
Joy *The Carlos Cutie of Ilson* | Report | 24 Nov 2005 22:30 |
Nudge is also Bounce or Bump. Just remembered that one. Joy |
Researching: |
Just Jill x | Report | 25 Nov 2005 10:24 |
Thanks girls - What a relief . I will definitely try a nudge, bounce or bump a.s.a. p. !!!! Jill x Oops sorry Jim - meant you aswell of course. |