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Can anyone see them on the 1851/1841 please?UPDATE

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Heather Report 27 Nov 2005 12:25

Trying to find Edward and Rebecca Allford - have them baptising their children in 1812 at Lambeth. Can anyone see them please? Like to get the pobs.


Smiley Report 27 Nov 2005 12:33

I cannot see them in 1851, unless they're mistranscribed Only 3 came up Edward Allford abt 1798 Warminster, Wiltshire, England Head Southampton St Mary Hampshire Edward Allford abt 1837 Southampton, Hampshire, England Son Southampton St Mary Hampshire Edward Allford abt 1847 Shoreditch, Surrey, England Nephew Clapham Surrey Checked the first one, although he's not old enough really, but his wife is Elizabeth These two are together (only one L) wrong area Edward Alford abt 1786 Sminsted, Lincolnshire, England Head Northolme Lincolnshire Rebecca Alford abt 1782 Huntingdonshire, England Wife Northolme Lincolnshire


Heather Report 27 Nov 2005 12:53

Thanks Sam, I originally had them down as that couple from Lincolnshire - Edward Allford and Rebecca Offley BUT I found them in the 1851 still in Lincs and though its possible they moved back and forth from Lincs to Lambeth and then back, unlikely probably. The daughter Catherine Allford is my GGMx3 (who married a William Wyles) and was baptised in Lambeth along with her sister in 1814. But she was probably born 1812 as I find her a widow living with her daughter Catherine in Lambeth in later censi. Also, on those her birthplace is given as Westminster. I guess Edward and Rebecca must have popped off before 1851 (unless they are indeed the couple in Lincs), which are also the only pair I can find on Pallots for the right dates for the kids. Shame, wanted to see what their pobs were to follow them through. Many thanks anyway darling


Unknown Report 27 Nov 2005 13:44

Possible death for Edward: ALLFORD, Edward Record Type: Deaths Quarter: June Year: 1845 District: St George Southwark County: London Surrey Volume: 4 Page: 281 nell


Heather Report 27 Nov 2005 14:02

Many thanks Nell, I think I saw that one but it may well be their son. The 1845 death cert wouldnt give much info re age of him or anthing would it? May be worth taking a chance though. This is the daughter's marriage record: Pallots Marriage Index, Name: Wm Wyles Spouse: Cathe Allford Marriage Date: 1831 Parish: St George In The Borough Marriage was at St George The Martyr Southwark. William Wyles Bachelor Catherine Alford Spinster. Married in this church by Banns 10th October 1831 By J Horton Rector. Marriage certified as taken place between us signed ,William Wyles . Catherine Alford. Witnesses C Alford Charlotte Hayes (or Kayes). Ive tried to find who the C Alford (witness is) - wouldnt you think they would have put a full name - typical. It cant be mum or dad so I assume a bro or sister in law? And Charlotte Hayes/Kayes?


Unknown Report 27 Nov 2005 14:47

Heather The death cert would give age (it just isn't in the death index). It would also give address and occupation and the informant. BUT the age could be wrong, depending on what the informant knows. Informant might be a close family member or not. You won't know unless you get the cert! nell


Unknown Report 27 Nov 2005 14:50

I've found these on 1851: James Alford abt 1811 Hollford, Somerset, England Head Camberwell Surrey Rebecca Alford abt 1805 Casliam, Wiltshire, England Wife Camberwell Surrey Fredric E Alford abt 1838 Lambeth, Surrey, England Son Camberwell Surrey Eliza A Alford abt 1839 Lambeth, Surrey, England Daughter Camberwell Surrey James Hayward abt 1781 Corsham, Wiltshire, England Visitor Camberwell Surrey nell


Heather Report 27 Nov 2005 19:58

Thanks Nell, look like possible rellies, but I guess I have to bite the bullet ...................... Youd think that GRO would give discounts this time of the year, wouldnt you. Or some sort of gift voucher? I found a bunch of Allports but I dont think they are related, shame as they were in right place.


Heather Report 27 Nov 2005 20:50

Have now ordered the death cert - posting date of 2 December. Last one came in only 3 days.


Heather Report 1 Dec 2005 13:54

Just to update the kind people who tried to help on this one. Death certificate for that Edward Allford as above arrived today. He is aged 54 and died from consumption - so his dob would be c1791. Now, not sure this is the right guy because occupation shown as 'Gent'. Would a 'gent' have a daughter who was an upholsteress and who married a letter sorter? Certainly in later life when she is a widow living with 1 adult daughter in Brixton (which was a bit posh then), she is shown of own means? And her other daughter Mary Ann married my GGFx2 who had his own cabinet makers business. I dont know, perhaps upholstering and working for the GPO were classy jobs back then? The chap on the death certificate is right spelling with the two ll's and there may be some tie in with that lot in the census as above. Note the son is caled Frederic (no k) in that census - yes, I thought it was just a mistake too. But on this death cert the informant is a Frederic (no k) Phillips, present at the death. The district is right for Catherine Allford - St Geroge the Martyr, Southwark. The addy is Northampton Place (does that sound a bit posh though?). Any more experienced thoughts gratefully welcomed or should this cert be binned????


Phoenix Report 1 Dec 2005 14:23

Hi Heather Gent often meant unemployed. My friend has a chap not dissimilar to yours: children and grandchildren are laundresses, errand boys etc, while he did nothing more grand than run a coffee house, yet his death cert says gent. Only disregard it if you find another Edward!


Heather Report 1 Dec 2005 14:30

Oh bless Brenda, wonder where Northampton Place was. I shall have a google. I was imagining some lovely square like those in Chelsea! Perhaps its a dive! It comes under Walworth in the Victorian London Streets site


Heather Report 1 Dec 2005 17:43

Brenda, amazing, just found this chap actually left a will on documents on line. Ive downloaded it. He was running a pub in Southwark, The Dun Cow. Will get me glasses and see if I can read it. Oh wow, now Ive found his wife leaving a will - Old Kent Road 9 years later. Sadly I dont think this can be my Catherines parents. Not good at reading the wills but I cant see mention of her.