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Suzanne Report 7 Dec 2005 11:06

I am trying to locate William Arthur Marshall the 1st Chief Contsable of Manchester/Salford. He was my Grans Grandfather (or Great) and she was born in 1915, Olga Farrand nee Hewertson. Can anyone help me?


Ann Report 7 Dec 2005 11:22

Hi Suzanne, I have been in touch with Manchester Police Museum. They are closed today but they are going to ring me back, left message on machine. I cant give you the number because main switch put me through. If you can give me the approx year he was Chief Constable I can find out what you need and the phone number for you to ring. Hope this helps. Ann


Suzanne Report 7 Dec 2005 11:41

Hi Ann That is very kind of you, thank you. I have no more information Im afraid and my Gran died recently so have no-one to ask, sorry to be so vague.


KathleenBell Report 7 Dec 2005 11:47

This is the address to write to Greater Manchester Police. You could ask if they have a list of previous Chief Constables, which would at least give you dates:- Greater Manchester Police, P.O. Box 22, Manchester, M16 0RE Kath. x


Suzanne Report 7 Dec 2005 12:10

Kath Thank you very much for your help


Merry Report 7 Dec 2005 12:24

The middle initial is different, but this must surely be him in 1881: Alfred H. Cheetham abt 1873 Liverpool, Lancashire, England Nephew 97 Camp St, Broughton In Salford, Lancashire, England Samuel R. Cheetham abt 1871 Liverpool, Lancashire, England Nephew 97 Camp St, Broughton In Salford, Lancashire, England Eliza Eckersall abt 1860 Salford, Lancashire, England Servant 97 Camp St, Broughton In Salford, Lancashire, England Samuel M. Marshall abt 1861 Salford, Lancashire, England Son 97 Camp St, Broughton In Salford, Lancashire, England Sarah Marshall abt 1835 Salford, Lancashire, England Wife 97 Camp St, Broughton In Salford, Lancashire, England William Hy. Marshall abt 1868 Salford, Lancashire, England Son 97 Camp St, Broughton In Salford, Lancashire, England >>>>William L. Marshall abt 1835 Manchester, Lancashire, England Head 97 Camp St, Broughton In Salford, Lancashire, England Occupation is: ''Chief Constable of Salford Borough Police'' Merry


Merry Report 7 Dec 2005 12:28

I think his middle name was Lance, as on the 1901 census he was showing as 66 (middle initial ''L'') and this death comes nearly two years later : Name: Marshall, William Lance Record Type: Deaths Age at death: 68 Quarter: December Year: 1902 District: Fylde County: Lancashire Volume: 8e Page: 468 Merry


Merry Report 7 Dec 2005 12:30

Baptism: WILLIAM LANCE MARSHALL Christening: 01 MAR 1835 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England Parents: Father: MATTHEW MARSHALL Mother: MARY Messages: Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. and marriage: WILLIAM LANCE MARSHALL Marriages: Spouse: SARAH CHEETHAM Family Marriage: 05 DEC 1857 Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire, England Messages: Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record. Merry


Merry Report 7 Dec 2005 12:33

To start making the link, you'll probably need Olga's birth cert: Surname Forename Mothers maiden name District Page No Event Quarter Year Hewertson Olga, Storey, Chorlton, 8c 1358 Birth 3 1915 Merry


Merry Report 7 Dec 2005 12:37

Marriage of Olga's parents (you will need this one so you can trace this couple as individuals on the 1901 census) Marriages Dec 1907 CAUNCE Ellen Salford 8d 138 COLLIS Thomas William Salford 8d 138 >>>>HEWERTSON Arthur Salford 8d 138 >>>>STOREY Florence Salford 8d 138 Merry


Dea Report 7 Dec 2005 13:36

Suzanne, - How interesting!! I have jus been and looked for a webpage I was reading a few months ago about the Sacking of a Police Chief Constable in Salford in 1850's ?? Anyway, I found it again the address is: http://www*geocities*com/derekantrobus/SLHneal*html (replace * with . ) Unfortunately, it's NOT your man but you might find it of interest - It gives you an idea of what went on at the time - It also mentions that Chief Constables had to do a report every year - You may be able to find copies?, and it mentions several books on the subject. Anyway, have a look. Dea


Suzanne Report 7 Dec 2005 21:25

Thank you very very much Merry, I have my Grans birth certificate she was born June 1915. Her parents were Arthur Hewertson (1887) and Florence Storey (1888), I then have Arthurs parents as Mathew Hewertson (1846) and Martha Hulme (1852). I have no idea how to link it all together!!!!! Sue


Merry Report 7 Dec 2005 21:54

No, nor do I!!! You said William L Marshall was either Olga's grandfather or greatgrandfather Olga was a Hewertson Her parents were Hewertson and Storey Her grandparents were Hewertson, Hulme, (and presumably) Storey and X none of these names are Marshall, it would be nice and easy if grandfather Storey's wife (X, above) was Miss Marshall, the daughter of William L Marshall (who would then be Olga's great-grandfather) But......................................Looking at the census records I can only see SONS for William L Marshall. Hmmmmmmm!! (maybe a daughter was never at home at the right time?) Merry


Merry Report 7 Dec 2005 22:08

It may be that the relationship isn't exactly what you've been told (though of course, it may turn out to be perfectly correct)....perhaps one of WL Marshall's sons married someone else in your family, rather than Olga's immediate ancestor, or maybe you are descended from someone else in his immediate family?? You need to take it one step at a time and wait to see what turns up. Good Luck Merry


Suzanne Report 8 Dec 2005 11:41

Hi Merry Think I have found the link - well sort of - My grans father was Arthur Hewertson, his father was Mathew Hewertson and his father was John Hewertson married to Mary Maria Marshall....just got to link the rest!! Sue