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Ancestry - 'You have reached your maximum number o

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Germaine Report 13 Dec 2005 16:56

Whenever I tried to send an image to someone through the send to a friend link on ancestry they would say they didn't receive it . I find it simpler to just save to my computer and then forward the image to them by email . Have no problems doing it this way. Then just delete when they have got it. Didn't know anything about having a restriction on numbers. Germaine x


Margaret Report 12 Dec 2005 20:19

I've received yet another reply from Ancestry. Their reason (this time) is that the recipient has somekind of 'security blocking' on their computer. Sounds reasonable - but somehow I don't think so. I'm waiting to hear from my relative to find out exactly what they do receive. As others have said on this thread, I should be the one to receive 'error messages' not the recepient. M. Steer


ErikaH Report 12 Dec 2005 16:58

Ancestry keep tabs on the number of images e-mailed to other people. It is far better to save the image to your computer, then e-mail it from there as an attachment (insert) Reg


Margaret Report 12 Dec 2005 16:31

I've attempted to reply to Ancestry's response - but they don't make it easy. If it turns out that I can't 'share' images, it won't be the end of the world, there are other ways and means but I think it wrong that they should promote a service that they are obviously not providing. Having said that I wouldn't be without Ancestry - it's provided me with so much information. M. Steer


J Report 12 Dec 2005 15:27

Hi, Someone kindly sent me some images by using the share button. All I got was a link to the smallest image of the census which you can hardly read and when you go to increase the size it takes you to the signing up page and even when you try to save them it also just takes you to the signing up page. So basically it is a complete waste. The person who sent them did then send me the saved images which were fine. Julie


Margaret Report 12 Dec 2005 14:01

I've received a reply from Ancestry. They say that there are no restrictions on the number of images that can be 'shared'. They added that they had done a 'test' and sent 20 images without any problem. They also asked me what 'error message' I had received. I have not received any 'error message'. However the person I'm trying to 'share' the image with, receives 'you have reached your maximum.......etc.' Something odd going on here! M. Steer


Thelma Report 11 Dec 2005 17:55

Hi Margaret The problem seems to be your friends email address has reached Ancestry's limit. I think she needs more than one address.


GillfromStaffs Report 11 Dec 2005 16:30

Hi Margaret, iv had the same problem, sent a few to a cousin down south. He recieved the first ones, then when i tried to send some more he only managed to open a couple of them. iv e-mailed Ancestry, got one back saying do i really want to send it , said yes and nothing.Very annoying Gill


Heather Report 11 Dec 2005 16:27

Hi Margaret, I had this too. Strangely it was sending info re my Steers family to anothe Steer! But I must have sent about 12 pages before he got the message. Dont despair, a week later I had a go at sending him more and he got a few more pages before the slap on the wrist again.


Margaret Report 11 Dec 2005 16:14

Thank you all for your replies. I've contacted Ancestry, asking for clarification - I await their reply. I appreciate that they don't want too much FREE information spreading around but they should make that clear to subscribers on the web site. Don't promote a service if you really don't want people to use it. M. Steer.

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 10 Dec 2005 20:00

Last spring, I was doing a little project as a gift for a church friend's 82nd birthday. A number of folks here were very kind and helpful and we covered a tremendous amount of tree in the short time I had available. Amongst that was someone who shared Ancestry census image links with me. I found exactly the same: Ancestry does have a limit (otherwise you'd get one member of a famliy joining and all the rest piggy-backing, I suppose), and it works by counting visits to images, not the number of different images. That taster lured me into an Ancestry subscription, when I realised just how good it was to have access to all the census images like that. Since my experience before joining, I always warn people I'm sharing with to save any images at the first opportunity. Christine


Anne Report 10 Dec 2005 18:51

Not surprised about this limit ( haven't come across the message about the maximum myself but have only sent a handful of Ancestry images so far). It wouldn't be in Ancestry's financial interest to let us share TOO much with others from one subscription. Presumably Ancestry offer this service for two reasons - free advertising for themselves when our rellies see what Ancestry has to offer, and to collect the e-mail addresses of the people we contact so they can contact them and ask them to join up. Before I send any images I contact the recipient by e-mail and tell them that if they want me to send the image they'll have to be prepared to have Ancestry bombard them with mail.


Margaret Report 10 Dec 2005 14:49

Rose, Yes I do send the copies directly from the image viewer (only because I have difficulty sending as an e-mail attachment). I would have thought that there would be some kind of warning as to limits. Why have the facility to SHARE if they have restrictions? I only attempted to send three copies - surely the first one should have got through. I think I need to contact Ancestry for an explanation. Thank you for your reply. M. Steer


Rosemary Report 10 Dec 2005 14:24

Are you sending the image directly from the image viewer page? If so I think Ancestry puts a limit on how many can be sent, possibly due to copyright agreements, although I have never seen it written anywhere on the Ancestry site. Better to save the image to your computer then email the image as an attachment directly to your relative. I have never had any problems doing it this way. Rose


Margaret Report 10 Dec 2005 13:55

Can anyone please tell me what this means? I wasn't aware that there were any restrictions on Ancestry. I've tried a few times to SHARE copies of Census pages with a relative but with no luck. The above quote is all that my relative receives. Any advice would be appreciated. M. Steer