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Familyrelatives - Hellpppp !!!

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Merry Report 28 Dec 2005 16:33

For 1866-1920, any lists you get will be results! Merry


Dea Report 28 Dec 2005 16:30

OOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhh - SO I am NOT getting a list of results - I'm getting whole pages that just LOOK like a list of results !!!! - Light is beginning to dawn !!!!!!! I still haven't quite got my head round it but I see what you are saying. I will 'go off and have a bit of a think' then I will have another go!!! It's a shame I am so slow getting to grips with this - It is costing me a b*****y fortune !! Thanks All, Dea x


Merry Report 28 Dec 2005 16:24

LOL - See my typing is much slower than Kate's and Pauline's !! Merry


Merry Report 28 Dec 2005 16:19

Next think....One District. You can only usefully ask it to search one district for 1866-1920. For all other years you are viewing a page from the GRO index - the site cannot sort them for you. But for 1866-1920 you can request either an area of the country, by clicking on one of the numbered districts next to the map, or select one or more district names by clicking ''List Districts'' and then selecting the ones you want. Merry


Merry Report 28 Dec 2005 16:16

One thing at a time.... Mary Chapman births 1846-1848 inc. If you ask for this, above, the ''long list of results'' you get should actually be 12 pages of GRO index pages, one for each quarter within the three years period. The names you mention are the first and last names on each page. You have to view each page to see if there is a Mary Chapman on it with a likely place. For 1837-1865 and for 1921- 198something, Family Ralatives is EXACTLY like 1837online, for the way it gives you the info. Merry


Kate Report 28 Dec 2005 16:14

That would be because before 1866 it works just like 1837 online, so it will just be giving you the first and last names on each page you might have to look at. I believe the reason is that they were able to use OCR software to index the pages from 1866 on because they were typed ones, but there is no OCR software that could cope with the handwritten pages! Kate.


Pauline Report 28 Dec 2005 16:13

Dea, Imagine the page you want to bring up, names such as Back to Brat will all be on the same page and there are 4 quarters in the year. So if you ask for a search for 2 years you will probably get 8 results if your name is recorded in each of those quarters in the 2 years. However if your name is only recorded once in the 2 years then it will only bring up that 1 sheet. Sound complicated I know but the computer cannot just pick out individual items. Have you used FREEBMD for up to 1907? Pauline


Dea Report 28 Dec 2005 15:46

Well, I've been and bought them and I've used up 50 units already with no results - what am I doing wrong??????????? How can I get it to only search one district?? Why, when I put in a search for Mary Chapman - birth 1846 - 1848, Salford, does it bring me up a long list of people called Cullinan, Costello etc. etc., + a few Chapman's - NONE of which is 'Mary ???????? HELP !!!!!!!!!!!! Dea x


Heather Report 27 Dec 2005 19:46

Dea, As you know I love the 1866-1920 coverage in this site. I would give you a tip - DO NOT use more than one first name. I lost a few units when I first started on there, bringing up zilch results until someone told me that only one first name should be used. What Merry is saying, is dont be mean on trying to restrict yourself to an area or time span because you may aswell bring up every one that is a possible match. It is brill Dea for that period, for the rest its just the same as 1837. They have always been brilliant when Ive written to have a moan - I got 60 free units off them recently because an error came up on my page and wouldnt allow me to log in. SO why dont you try writing to them, telling him how we all say its a wonderful site and you wasted your units and what special offers have they got at mo. Worth a go, eh? customerservice001 AT Obviously do the little curly at instead of as above!


Dea Report 27 Dec 2005 19:45

Merry - You have got me confused now BUT - If you say it's good - It's good!! I will go and buy some and have another go!! Dea x


Merry Report 27 Dec 2005 19:37

TIP! For the 1866-1920 part, you need to get your head round the point that one result is just as expensive as 20 results, so there often is no point in being too restrictive with the search criteria, as up to 20 results the cost is the same. Don't know if that helps at all?? Merry


Merry Report 27 Dec 2005 19:35

Yes! (to the final question!) LOL Merry


Dea Report 27 Dec 2005 19:07

I have never got on with this site - I can't find my way around BUT everyone else says it is wonderful SO I will buy some more units - It says 340 for £25. !! My 10 free units lasted me about 6 minutes with no results, SO Are there any offers on at the moment for a few more at £25 before I buy ??? I know I am going to waste them so if there is any way to get a few more I would be grateful for the information. + Is it REALLY SSSooooo good?????????? Dea x


Dea Report 27 Dec 2005 19:06

see below: