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This is not my relative!!!!!
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Gillian Jennifer | Report | 29 Dec 2005 17:00 |
I wish GR would either change the format of their auto replies or scrap them altogether-I hate it when after I have clicked on the click to reply line I get This is not my Relative - could they not change it to at least include sorry - I feel deflated enough when I hear there is no connection but the way it is worded makes me feel slightly worse - or am I just being petty? |
Juliet | Report | 29 Dec 2005 17:25 |
no this is my feeling too.;) |
Heather | Report | 29 Dec 2005 18:21 |
Yes, its sounds so damn rude. Ive mailed GR. I mean, just a slight change, to 'sorry but this is not a relative' would be less insulting. |
Joy *The Carlos Cutie of Ilson* | Report | 29 Dec 2005 18:23 |
Tis rather a turse way of putting it isn't it. I don't like using that one myself as it doesn't sound very polite. I usually send a sorry message myself. Joy |
Researching: |
Gillian Jennifer | Report | 29 Dec 2005 18:50 |
Yes, I totally agree - I had spent a couple of hours going through GR just finding any same name people from Ireland - ugh - explaining it was a long shot etc. and you wait hoping, fingers crossed, and the message sign flashes up and you get a bit excited only to read This is not my Relative, what a let down. Jennifer |
Gillian Jennifer | Report | 29 Dec 2005 18:59 |
How about 'Sorry, but this is not my relative - good luck in your search-perhaps I should suggest a few different ones to GR. |
Heather | Report | 29 Dec 2005 23:15 |
Yes, mail them at GR - Ive done it several times about this as I feel quite angry when I get one of those replies. Silly isnt it, as its just people too lazy to do a proper reply but it still makes you feel all riled up. While you email them about that, can you again ask them when you get hot matches for the name of the potential hot match to be shown, not the tree holder. Then I could click the get rid of button without having to open each one just to see its another Ann, Mary or Elizabeth unknown. |
Gillian Jennifer | Report | 30 Dec 2005 07:15 |
Have e-mailed GR - will wait with bated breath for reply. You all have a good day. Jennifer. |
Gillian Jennifer | Report | 30 Dec 2005 07:56 |
Good start to my morning - just got another THIS IS NOT MY RELATIVE - groaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan |
Jackalyn | Report | 30 Dec 2005 08:17 |
Glad to see that I am not the only one who gets plenty of these replies ( and hate them). I always send a personal reply and wish them 'better luck next time' Jacky |
Audrey | Report | 30 Dec 2005 08:55 |
The only thing worse than getting one of these 'This is not my relative' is to get no reply at all!!! I mailed 3 different people at the end of November who I was 99% sure were connected to my tree, i.e. unusual names, right birth year and born the right place, and have not had the courtesy of a reply from any of them..... soooo frustrating!! Happy New Year All, Meg x |
Gillian Jennifer | Report | 30 Dec 2005 09:57 |
Thinking about it, neither do I, although I am sure I have seen it before-hopefully there will be a lot more people who do not know - and maybe eventually - they will dissapear from our screens - and we may get - sorry - have a nice day - all the time - but do not hold your breath. |
Gillian Jennifer | Report | 30 Dec 2005 10:14 |
ssh let us keep that to ourselves |
Gillian Jennifer | Report | 30 Dec 2005 13:23 |
Just had a lovely reply - Sorry I can find no connection - hope you have a nice day and good luck. What a difference. It takes the sting out of getting a no connection reply. |
Dea | Report | 30 Dec 2005 16:15 |
Thank you Kate, Now - No question - No answer - No-one will ever know.!!!! Dea Xxx |