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Advice please. Can i claim him as mine?

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Melissa Report 2 Jan 2006 07:33

See below.......


Suzanne Report 2 Jan 2006 07:42

Cant wait to see?


Melissa Report 2 Jan 2006 07:49

I've found on IGI. William Davis Christened 15 Sep 1789, West Down, Devon. I already have that is mine; 1861 Census, Landkey, Devon. William Davis. Head. Age 71 (b.1790). Farmer. born Westdown, Devon. ( wife Mary & son William Heddon Davis) And Headstone. Landkey, Devon. William Davis, deceased 1878, age 88 (b.1790). (also in same grave, wife Mary & son William Heddon Davis) Marriage: William Davis & Mary Heddon, 1826 Landkey. So can i claim the reference on IGI of William's christening in 1789 as my William? Advice really appreciated, Mel in Oz.


Melissa Report 2 Jan 2006 07:51

Sorry Suzanne, fingers aren't that quick :-))


Guinevere Report 2 Jan 2006 07:58

Hi, The IGI can be very unreliable and I never claim anything from it until I've seen the original record. You can order a film of the parish records at an LDS centre or email the County records office and ask them to photocopy the entry for you (a charge is made for this). Baptisms often have additional information. In your place I would order the film and search it for the marriage of the parents as well as the baptism - you may even find the baptisms of the parents. Gwynne


Suzanne Report 2 Jan 2006 08:03

(((((Sighs)))))...because I know what its like! I have the same problem....I dont know how you can ever be 100% but I would say that this looks about 90%. If it were me I'd claim him. The only other thing I can think of is if you tried to follow the trail ofWilliam's parents from the IGI. Did they leave a will? In the end though I dont even know what that would tell you. Incidentally I thnk I have William and Mary on the 1841 census if you want it? Suzanne


Melissa Report 2 Jan 2006 08:25

Thanks, Gwynne. i'll add him to my list for the trip to LDS. I hope it's him as his siblings are on the same film. Thanks also Suzanne, I've sent PM.


Twinkle Report 2 Jan 2006 12:00

Is it transcribed from a parish register (with a batch number) or was it submitted by a member? The first is more likely to be reliable. Because the IGI is incomplete, you have no way of knowing if there was another William baptised the same year in the next village over.


Thelma Report 2 Jan 2006 12:33

Click on the batch number and the source number. Davis, British Isles Father: William , Mother: Katherine Exact Spelling: Off Batch Number: C051781 [refine search] Prepare selected records for download International Genealogical Index / British Isles - 4 Select records to download - (50 maximum) 1. GEORGE DAVIS - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 17 MAR 1799 West Down, Devon, England 2. JOHN LEWORTHY DAVIS - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: About 07 APR 1793 West Down, Devon, England 3. MARY DAVIS - International Genealogical Index Gender: Female Christening: 20 MAR 1796 West Down, Devon, England 4. WILLIAM DAVIS - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 15 SEP 1789 West Down, Devon, England zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Item 1 Parish register transcripts, 1583-1812 Church of England. Parish Church of West Down Item 2 Parish register transcripts, 1696-1850 Church of England. Parish Church of Down-St. Mary Item 3 Parish register transcripts, 1538-1837 Church of England. Parish Church of Dunchideock

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 2 Jan 2006 19:04

Always always always check the original PR! For a start, its a pretty common name - he could have a cousin! Secondly, the info may have been mistranscribed - the date may not be 100% accurate (and I have grave doubts about the accuracy of the one with the middle name LEWORTHY - penny to a pound says that's really TIMOTHY). Thirdly - there may be something extremely interesting in the margin. I found one of mine, transcribed by the IGI. He was on every census with his family and I had no reason to doubt the info, but when I checked the PR, I discovered that he had been baptised as the illegitimate son of the sister of the man who brought him up! His Mum and Dad, in other words, were really his Aunt and Uncle. Olde Crone


Thelma Report 2 Jan 2006 20:19

Ye of little faith. lol Name: DAVIS, John Leworthy Record Type: Deaths Age at death: 80 Quarter: September Year: 1873 District: Marylebone (1837-1901) County: London Middlesex Volume: 1a Page: 329

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 2 Jan 2006 22:36

Jim Sometimes I'm so sharp, I cut myself! LOL! Olde Crone


Kate Report 3 Jan 2006 10:35

It's really difficult to be sure without any extra information. If I were you, I would get somebody to look at William and Mary's marriage record in the parish registers to see the full details including names of witnesses (or look it up on the LDS film yourself as you said you are going to for the baptism - sorry, hadn't read the whole thread carefully!). Also try to find out if anybody in the family left a will, and if so, get a copy because it will really help to sort everybody out (unless it is like one of my ancestors who used a standard will which didn't name anybody or anything he was leaving to them!) Kate.