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I'm puzzled!
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Margaret | Report | 11 Jan 2006 14:37 |
Recently received Gt.Grandparents' Death Certs. Gt.Grandma died, 1929 at 345, Long Lane, East Filnchley. Gt.Grandpa died 1935 at 17, Wellhouse Lane, Barnet. BUT his occupation states:- of 345, Long Lane, Finchley. Formerly a jobbing gardener. I've never seen an address shown, before, in the occupation section. If, as I believe, his home address was Long Lane, then what was he doing, dying, in Wellhouse Lane? Incidentally, the informant, lived at an entirely different address. Any Ideas please? M. Steer |
Malcolm | Report | 11 Jan 2006 14:42 |
maybe being a jobbing gardener he died on the job so to speak and was actually working at the other address when he died the other informants address could well of been someone working with him especially if the owners of the property were away at the time just a thought and maybe it helps malc ps i had to smile when i saw you wrote 'what was he doing dying at another address ' the answer to that one he was at liberty dying wherever he wished |
June | Report | 11 Jan 2006 15:08 |
My Grandad died and it had a address in his when i googgled it, It was the Hospitals address . June |
Margaret | Report | 11 Jan 2006 15:31 |
Malcolm & Yvonne, Thank you for your replies. I don't think Gt.Grandpa was 'on the job', literally or figuratively when he died. He was 80! His Death Cert., states FORMERLY a jobbing gardener - so obviously not still working. The informant was his son. I've tried the Historical Directories site but there isn't much after 1910. The Electoral Roll will obviously give some clue but as always, easier said than done. Thanks again, M. Steer |
Jim The Ferret | Report | 11 Jan 2006 15:42 |
I can confirm that Barnet General Hospital is in Wellhouse Lane. Jim |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 11 Jan 2006 16:10 |
Hospitals and nursing homes were often put on death certs as ordinary addresses. By coincidence I had a gt grandfather who was formerly a jobbing gardener who also died in Finchley. I was surprised as he was buried in a Norfolk village, but the address was that of his youngest son. nell |
Margaret | Report | 11 Jan 2006 16:16 |
June & Jim, Thank you both, I've discovered that Barnet Hospital is in Wellhouse Lane but is it number 17? Would the Registrar not have put Barnet Hospital as opposed to 17, Wellhouse Lane? I need to find out if 17, Wellhouse Lane was a private residence or some kind of institute? I appreciate everyone's input. Thanks, M. Steer |
Margaret | Report | 11 Jan 2006 16:34 |
Jim & Helen, Thankyou. I'm as puzzled as ever. I need to find out who or what was at 17, Wellhouse Lane in 1935, (could be the home of another relative!) I still don't understand why an address was given in the Occupation section of the Death Cert?. I appreciate everyone's input. Thanks, M. Steer. |
Margaret | Report | 11 Jan 2006 17:03 |
Yvonne, THANK YOU! M. Steer |
Margaret | Report | 11 Jan 2006 17:34 |
I'm so upset! It looks as though Gt.Grandpa died in some kind of Mental Institute. Among other things his Death Cert., does state, Senility. This of course was 1935. Yet as a younger man he was literate/intelligent enough to be a Parish Clerk. So sad! M. Steer |
Malcolm | Report | 15 Jan 2006 11:36 |
i myself googled 17 well house lane and up pops barnet general hospital so i googled barnet general hospital up popped wellhouse lane athough there was no number to the lane i then went to street maps popped in wellhouse lane and up popped the map showing most of well house lane is taken up with barnet general hospital it seems too coincidental that 17 well house lane WOULDNT be the hospital ive PM d you margaret with telephone numbers of the hospital so you can check with them for their actual address further to this FORMERLY on a death certificate is taken in the context as being seen as 'before' an example being joe bloggs formerly (before his death) a bricklayer hope this helps malc |
Jim The Ferret | Report | 15 Jan 2006 12:03 |
I drove down Wellhouse Lane on Friday. The NHS has premises starting at No1. Wellhouse lane and going for a long way. It was redevoped recently so would need to see old map to check. No reason to assume mental problem. More likely to be a stroke or similar. Jim |
Researching: |
Margaret | Report | 16 Jan 2006 15:50 |
Malcolm and Jim, Thank you for your replies (and e-mails). I've come to the conclusion that Gt.Grandpa did die in Barnet Hospital. His cause of death? - (myocardial degeneration + senility) in other words - old age. I don't believe that he had a mental illness - so what if he did? It's just an illness, like any other. Sad, though. that even today (the 21st Century) there's stilll a stigma attached to mental illlness. I shall now concentrate on finding his burial place. Thanks, M. Steer |