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Is Judy in the States about today?
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~♥ Daisy ♥~ | Report | 23 Jan 2006 08:44 |
Thanks Lindy! Daisy |
Unknown | Report | 23 Jan 2006 08:29 |
Nudging for Daisy xxhugxx |
Huia | Report | 18 Jan 2006 02:57 |
Hey, Lindy arent you freezing, nuding for Judy? I have just checked the print out of the first of my bounced emails. I did say that genealogy was so addictive. Maybe that is why I am not getting though, the drug thing. Or it could be because I said my sewing machine was playing silly bbbbb. That is how I typed it, did not use the word my husband uses: b*gg**s. In later emails I mentioned I was no longer a sexy genarian. I am sure that would have been severly censored so I now know that I have to be extremely prim and proper. Not myself at all. Drat. |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 17 Jan 2006 20:28 |
Thank you Judy, speaking for myself I keep my inbox quite empty, this problem has only arisen recently. Thank you once again for your advice. xxhugxx |
Judy | Report | 17 Jan 2006 19:46 |
If your ISP account is not having problems there could be several reasons for mail being bounced.... One reason could be that the recipient who is being sent the mail does not have sufficient space in their e-mail box - this often happens with any account if read mail is left to accumulate or saved. It's best to save mail you want to keep to your PC or on disk - which you can do by going to the top of screen, choose FILE, and from the drop down box choose SAVE AS - which will allow you to save the mail to your PC or disk - the original e-mail can then be deleted from your e-mail box - allowing for more space. Another reason, and A*OL is known for this one, is that they (A*OL) blocks your e-mail account from their server. One of the reasons this happens is because your e-mail address is mass mailing - not that you're doing the mass mailing, more likely one of those viruses that has picked up your e-mail address from another's address book, and used it to mass mail spam. Usually a call to A*OL will get you unblocked. One indication that your e-mail account may be mass mailing would be if on occasion you get mail telling you that something you sent is not sendable - and you didn't send anything to the address indicated in the notification.....Whatever you do, don't download anything that is attached to a notification like this to see what it can bet it's a virus that will surely infect your PC if opened. H* otmail and M* SN - are famous for censoring your mail giving the account holder no choice as to whether something is welcome or not - it often will not even make it to the SPAM box. H* otmail's virus protection looks for anything that may be an executable program (an attachment) and hyperlink or sexually explicit text wording in an e-mail.... It then determines what it THINKS may be a virus and bounces it back to the sender - the recipient never got the message and the sender is clueless as to why it came back. Sometimes mail makes it through, sometimes not - not the most reliable of e-mail accounts that I've come across. (I've never had a problem with any of my Y* ahoo accounts doing this.) I have several Y* ahoo accounts I use for sending mail to those I can't get through to using my usual e-mail address.....not a solution to fixing the problem but it gets the mail where I want it. Judy |
Unknown | Report | 17 Jan 2006 16:38 |
Nuding for Judy |
Unknown | Report | 17 Jan 2006 15:18 |
As explained on the general board I have spoken to NTL twice this week, they insist it is others servers that are blocking mail getting to NTL addresses I have checked that my pc is not blacklisted and all is fine. Makes no sense whatsoever, but I would love to get to the bottom of it as some imporant messages are not getting to me, those from the general board will know exactly what messages I mean, er squids xxhugxx |
Karen | Report | 17 Jan 2006 14:13 |
Hi all, Just a word of warning with Hot male - I kept all my mails over the past three years, which included subscription emails, passwords and a lot of personal e-mails. A couple of months ago I noticed that the title of some e-mails appeared in my inbox, but when I opened the mail the contents were missing. I explained this to the Hot Male folks who admitted they were experiencing a problem with some of the accounts, and that they were working on it. Since then, they have deleted all the problem e-mails from my account, and are not answering my e-mails. I've not really any hope of getting them back. So, just as a word of caution, don't rely on Hot Male to keep your information securely - back it up somewhere else. I would hate for this to happen to anybody else. BW Karen |
Unknown | Report | 17 Jan 2006 13:54 |
I generally use my 'otmail, or my work mail. very occasionally I use my ISP's email box, but I stress the very occasionally. I find 'otmail does everything I need, so no need to go elsewhere |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 17 Jan 2006 13:31 |
A lot of email providers that had POP availability are doing this. According to them, it helps prevent the spread of viruses(!) I have an account with Supanet, and it blocks half (and only half for some odd reason) my emails from Yahoo groups and other groups to which I am subscribed. I have a few accounts with hot male, and they don't block any (as far as I know), they just send the odd few to the junk mailbox, which you can recover and stop them from doing it again. I used to use my Supanet account all the time, but now I use my hot one instead. |
~♥ Daisy ♥~ | Report | 17 Jan 2006 13:02 |
Quite a few problems with my NTL account - sometimes it's several days before people realise that their replies to me have been bounced. I've started using a hotmail one too for those who can't reach me on NTL but I'm getting very fed up with the whole thing and NTL just fob you off with some security spiel. Daisy |
Unknown | Report | 17 Jan 2006 11:31 |
This is a problems thats been going on for ages. I have a couple of friends on NTL addresses, and I've found in the past that I could email them (from 'otmail) fine, but could not reply to their emails, as they would bounce back. Curiously they seem to be OK for me at the moment |
Kate | Report | 17 Jan 2006 10:52 |
I think it is the middle of the night in the States at the moment... Kate. |
Margaret | Report | 17 Jan 2006 10:35 |
This is also happening Hot Mail to AOL. I can send to Hot Mail from AOL, but Hot Mail cannot send to me. They keep being returned. Margaret |
Horatia | Report | 17 Jan 2006 09:36 |
According to many forums, it seems it is quite common for e-mails to come bouncing back from NTL. The person who is with NTL should complain to NTL saying that friends are trying to e-mail her and their e-mails are being returned. I have a friend on NTL who can receive my e-mail to her but can't receive her cousins! Sounds like server problems to me or a bit of the internet is broken! The mail which is HOT;-) has always been a bit hit and miss probably owing to how many users they have and the strain on their servers. Perhaps the best solution is for your friends to change ISPs (away from NTL) or get other accounts apart from Hotmail. Cheers, Horatia |
Unknown | Report | 17 Jan 2006 09:05 |
Judy a query quite a few people are finding that they are having trouble emailing certain email address emails get bounced back either stating emails are delayed or just cannot be delivered it seems that a o l , m s n, hot male and wan a do do not like sending emails to ntl addresses we have checked that our pcs are not blacklisted so any suggetions as to what the problem could be please. xxhugxx |