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Christchurch, Hampshire

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Roger in Sussex

Roger in Sussex Report 21 Jan 2006 11:24

Here I am again, back from the library. Phillimore indicates Christchurch parish did extend to Walkford Brook, so it included both Nea and Chewton, which solves those issues. St Mark's is presumably more recent, though there in 1872. One certainly learns a lot from this board. Thanks everyone, particularly Merry Roger

Roger in Sussex

Roger in Sussex Report 21 Jan 2006 00:20

Thanks Merry, just got back from finding it on oldmaps myself. Now a bit confused as I see Chewton Common just a bit NE as well. Surely Christchurch parish didn't extend as far as Walkford Brook? Map says St Marks' Church had a vicarage. Doesn't that make it a parish in its own right? Still shown on modern OS explorer map, but Nea House and Nea Farm seem to have been 'developed'. Phillimore here I come! Good night, Roger


Merry Report 20 Jan 2006 23:29

On Old Maps, search for Highcliffe and move the pink/red square one click to the left before enlarging the middle bit. You will see Nea farm etc. Tried to avert my eyes from St Mark's church right nextdoor, but don't know when that was built offhand.......GOOGLE!! LOL Merry


Merry Report 20 Jan 2006 23:23

Yes thanks Roger....left over Chinese from lastnight..........this Ancestry thing has a lot to answer for!! Merry

Roger in Sussex

Roger in Sussex Report 20 Jan 2006 23:21

Thanks everybody, that's been very helpful. From what Merry tells me, the marriage cert I have where both parties come from Nea can't refer to the Harbridge Nea, so Barrie's must be the one. Will try to locate it on the oldmaps site, and check at the library tomorrow in Phillimore's book if it falls within Christchurch parish. I do have another marriage cert for Christchurch where the groom was living at Chewton and the bride at Hinton, but it doesn't specify whether by banns or licence, so probably it was by licence. I do hope you've had your dinner by now, Merry.:) Roger


Merry Report 20 Jan 2006 19:30

Hello Lilly! It's a figment of your imagination that i have eaten my dinner already!! Unless you count the last few bits of cold fish and chips off the kids plates two hours ago! Merry

Lilly the flower

Lilly the flower Report 20 Jan 2006 19:21

Hi Merry pmsl........ see!!!! I said you knew a lot about the Priory Church, you lucky thing ( did you enjoy your dinner ?lol) I could only come up with the Barracks, once being there, but told Roger,.... that I knew a lady that did lol.....if you could find my grandmother, believe me you know EVERTHING lol.....coming down your way in the better weather, I'll let you know lol......take care......Lilly


Merry Report 20 Jan 2006 19:09

Flippin' heck you lot!! Just because I can SEE the Priory Church from my window, doesn't make me an expert!! As far as I know, since 1754 and Hardwick's Marriage Act, one party to a marriage has to live in the parish for three weeks before the wedding, in order that the banns be called in the church where the wedding is to take place........ Not entirely sure of the rules when it's a marriage by licence, however several of my own rellies married by licence in London churches and all stated that one party or both were ''of this parish'' which in every case was a complete LIE!!! They presumably lied because otherwise they couldn't get married there? Anyway......Christchurch......... Yes, Army Barracks......Yes, grand church.......... Also there is St John's church at Holdenhurst which was ''annexed'' to The Priory until 1808. This was originally a Saxon building which was rebuilt in the 1830's. The minister at the Priory never considered it worth having a separate register for St John's so some of those posh marriages might have taken place at the rather more modest St John's!! As to why so many of your rellies travelled to Christchurch to be married??????????? Well, maybe they all had something to hide from their local community??!!!!! (That's why mine went to London!) Merry - PS hubby says a lot of other small churches in the ''Bournemouth'' area were part of Christchurch Parish......When I asked when that was, he said, ''A long time ago''!!! LOL (helpful? LOL!)


Barrie Report 20 Jan 2006 18:49

There is a Nea House and Nea Road about two miles east of Christchurch, near Highcliffe.

Roger in Sussex

Roger in Sussex Report 20 Jan 2006 18:17

Hi Lilly, I'm not an expert either, but I think that provided you have banns called in your home churches and the one you want to be married in it is OK. For example, I have a couple who both lived at Nea which I think is in Harbridge Parish the other side of Ringwood, over ten miles away as the crow flies. Unless of course I have got it wrong, and there was another Nea nearer Christchurch. Maybe Merry will throw some light on it. Going out in half an hour though, will look when I get back. Roger

Maid Marian of

Maid Marian of Report 20 Jan 2006 18:17

There was also a Christchurch in greater London as wel, so there is a possiblity its not the one that was in Dorset and then Hampshire

Lilly the flower

Lilly the flower Report 20 Jan 2006 18:05

Hi Roger, I would have thought (not being an expert) that one of you would have had to live in the Parish to be married there? Haven't got any other ideas at the moment lol......Lilly ps Merry is the expert on Hampshire, but she is properly cooking dinner at the mo lol........

Roger in Sussex

Roger in Sussex Report 20 Jan 2006 18:00

hi Lilly, thank you for that, I didn't know about the barracks before. I was really thinking of people from familes living within say 20 miles who came there to be married, rather than from right outside the area. Yes, it is a lovely church, you can quite understand why people would want to go there for important events in their lives rather than their own parish church. Roger

Lilly the flower

Lilly the flower Report 20 Jan 2006 17:46

Hi Roger, My grandmother was married in the Priory Church TWICE lol, first husband died in the Boer War, 2nd husband, my granddad, came from Suffolk, also grandmothers family came from Wilshire, I have found out that there was an Army Barracks there in the 1800's so, I am guessing that is why there were people from 'all over' as they were in the Army and stationed there, it will be interesting to read any other comments on your ps it a beauiful church, largest in England I believe......

Roger in Sussex

Roger in Sussex Report 20 Jan 2006 17:36

I am beginning to think, on the basis of BMDs, that in the early 19th century local people may have come quite a long way to be christened or married at Christchurch, possibly because it is a very attractive and imposing building. Does anyone else have experience which might support this hunch? If it is right, then christening at Christchurch becomes very unreliable evidence as to probable residence or place of birth. Any comments would be very welcome. Roger