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Husband is missing from the census records???

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Angela Report 24 Jan 2006 10:55

I pondered for a while where one of my 'missing husbands' was on census night. I eventually found him in the pub!!!

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 23 Jan 2006 23:40

Thanks for all the help Will send for the cert's and that should provide me with the info Thanks again


Fiona Report 23 Jan 2006 23:36

Here are some possible deaths but without knowing year of birth it's hard to say which if any could be him. Marriage certificate would at least give his age. Deaths Jun 1877 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DODD James 40 Sheffield 9c 263 Deaths Dec 1878 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DODD James 38 Sheffield 9c 250 Deaths Mar 1885 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodd James 39 Sheffield 9c 333


Unknown Report 23 Jan 2006 23:33

Possible death DODD, James Age at death: 40 1877 Jun Sheffield Volume: 9c Page: 263 DODD, James Age at death: 38 1878 Dec Sheffield Volume: 9c Page: 250

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 23 Jan 2006 23:31

Not yet looked for a death cert, not sure were he was born or where he lived for most of his life Have a possible one in the navy, but will check that out tomorrow,


Unknown Report 23 Jan 2006 23:28

Bear in mind that Sarah might not have been living with her family in 1861, she could just be there temporarily. As she is in her own household after that she must have had some means of support - is she down as working? James may have been sending her his wages. Or perhaps he had done a runner and the children were all fathered by someone else who paid maintenance? I think you need to get at least one cert to see what James' occupation was. Have you looked for a death cert for him? nell

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 23 Jan 2006 23:24

Thanks for the info Sarah is showing as married in the census, Didn't think that she may have remarried by 1891, just thought she may have passed away


Esta Report 23 Jan 2006 23:17

Doesn't help with James but Sarah has remaried by 1891 and is with new husband and son Harry !! Dadd, Harry Shaw abt 1868 Sheffield, Yorkshire, England Stepson Nether Hallam Yorkshire Oliner, Samual abt 1834 Staffordshire, England Head Nether Hallam Yorkshire Oliner, Sarah abt 1836 Sheffield, Yorkshire, England Wife Nether Hallam Yorkshire I think it says OLIVER ! By 1901 Samuel is a widower


Esta Report 23 Jan 2006 23:09

His MC wold give his occupation which might help aswell.

Janet in Yorkshire

Janet in Yorkshire Report 23 Jan 2006 23:08

Joanne, In marital status column, is Sarah married at each census? I have a husband who went to sea and is missing in 51, 61 & 71. Also a shepherd who is away from home for 2 censi, which corresponded with lambing time. One census shows him at a farm 'in barn' jay

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 23 Jan 2006 23:08

Mmmm 2 options to think about - working away or not the father?? Think it may be a case of sending for a birth cert or two to try and find out what it says. Strange family this one as the daughters marry and stay with their father and the son in laws move in too - except for the mysterious James Dodd


Esta Report 23 Jan 2006 23:05

just s thought.............are you sure James is the father of all the children........!!.......I know it says she's married but he may have died by 1861 which is why she's with her family...


Unknown Report 23 Jan 2006 23:02

working away from home or in prison is what has turned out to be the case with some of my awol fathers. Looking at the children's births, there's an 8-year gap between James and Herbert, and then another 8-year gap between Harry and Eliza. It is of course possible that Sarah had some stillbirths, miscarriages or infants that died in between, but its also possible that dad was absent for a bit. James born 1858, Herbert born 1866 Harry born 1868 Eliza born 1876 I would be strongly inclined to get a couple of the children's birth certs to see if the father's occupation was the same. That might be an indication as to where he might be. If he was in prison or a lunatic asylum etc he should still show up on the census, although later on (1901 definitely) people were listed in these places only by their initials. nell

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 23 Jan 2006 22:57

Sarah Hancock born 1837 Sheffield Married James Dodd in Dec 1856 vol 9c page 440 1861 census shows Sarah living with her family and has a son called James William born 1858 1871 census shows Sarah now with sons James born 1858, Herbert born 1866 and Harry born 1868 1881 census shows Sarah with two sons ( james has gone ) and now a daughter called Eliza born 1876 1891 no trace of any James the father is missing from all three of the census Any ideas