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Some information can actually be WORSE than nothin

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An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 30 Jan 2006 19:27

See below in a minute for a screaming two-year-old type tantrum.

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 30 Jan 2006 19:36

In my increasingly pathetic and futile attempts to find MY James Holden, I hit on a family in 1851, who include a James who MIGHT be mine. All excited, I back-tracked and found the same family, minus him, on the 1841. Well, it could be them, with some extended members of the family - no Mummy and Daddy apparent, but yes, it COULD fit. Except for Jane Holding - age NOT KNOWN. Wjaddya MEAN - age not known!!!??? Couldnt you have had a wild ******y guess, at least? I mean, you have never been shy at making wild guesses for anyone else, on any given census, why so coy on this one? Was she a babe in arms? You could have safely put 10 years, I am well used to ages being 10 years out. Was she a toothless, witless old crone, like me? You could have safely put 50 - I would have looked 20 years either side. Could she stand unaided? Probably somewhere between 2 and 50 - a big stretch I agree, but better than NOT KNOWN. But no. Out of the seven people at home when the enumerator called, none of you, not one of you including the supposedly educated enumerator, could make the wildest guess at her age. YOU PLONKERS!!!!!! SCREEEEEEEAM stamp cry shout howl. Olde Crone


Rachel Report 30 Jan 2006 19:38

Olde Crone Now, surely you know it's rude to ask a lady her age..... You have my sympathies


Merry Report 30 Jan 2006 19:39

Shall have to sit you on the ''naughty'' step in a minute!! Maybe she was the resident ghost?? Didn't think of that did you?? Age..........352¾ Merry


Vicky Report 30 Jan 2006 19:41

perhaps she was a most attractive young lady with a lot of assets, and the enumerator was so stunned by her looks he completely forgot what he was doing.


Carolyn Report 30 Jan 2006 19:48

I know how you feel, I remember waiting with bated breath for the 1881 index to appear so we could at last find out where hubby's gt gt grandfather was born, only to discover in the place of birth column the initials N.K. which we found out meant not known. I mean how can you not know where you were born, even a county would have helped but we came to the conclusion that he wasn't around when the enumerator called and his wife really didn't know. I found out (from later census) that he was born in Dorset, she was born in Cambrideshire and they were married in London, so they obviously moved around a lot. Best of luck with the search! Carolyn

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 30 Jan 2006 20:23

he was possibly so transfixed by her beauty he forgot to ask. maybe someone else gave the info, although as you rightly say , they could have had a guess. Shoot 'em!! Alice

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 3 May 2006 23:33

Just found this old thread and thought I'd add my moan. Trying to help someone search for a Mary DAVIS in 1891 tonight, I came across a family where the head is Mr DAVIS and his wife naturally is Mrs DAVIS. .......both born... London. Well that should clinch it then ! Gwyn


Jessie95 Report 3 May 2006 23:51

Seems like a good place to have a scream. My grand mother got married, had 6 children, and died aged 82 nothing unusual there I hear you say......... well according to all the birth indexes, she hasn't been born yet !!!! Jo


Toni Report 4 May 2006 04:30

Hello, Hopefully you'll have stopped screaming by now. Could you do a search on Jane without a year of birth, but with a place of birth? I am assuming, possibly stupidly, that they knew where she lived. Hoping that she doesn't died or marry in the next 10 years maybe you could sort it out in a few months?! Sorry for an idea what sounded more stupid as I typed it but it may work. Toni


Merry Report 4 May 2006 07:52

On Ancestry's 1841 there don't appear to be any Jane Holdings with age not known!! So obviously she must have remembered! LOL Merry


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 4 May 2006 07:58

An Olde Crone throwing a two-year old tantrum? Enough to confuse anyone about your age, Olde Crone, so I reckon this Jane must have been made of the same stuff. Definitely your relly, I would say - you have proved it yourself! Tina


Unknown Report 5 May 2006 00:08

Olde Crone I know the feeling! Was trying to trace a family tonight. As you probably know my gt x 2 uncle was found innocent of the murder of Sarah Moss. in 1862. I knew that Sarah had a child aged about 3, but not which sex. Found Sarah 's father Richard in 1861 with granddaughter Elizabeth Moss, aged 1. Could be her. Wondered what happened to her, so I looked. 1871 she is staying with Ann Gegg, a widow, and is described as niece. So traced Ann Gegg 1861 and 1851. She is widowed then too. Got her in 1841 and husband is called Edwin. Found wedding on LDS in right parish between Edwin Gegg and Ann MOSS. Yippee. BUT no baptism for Sarah Moss on IGI and the only baptism for Ann in the right parish at the right time, father is called Thomas, not Richard. Poo! nell