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census twice?

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Suzie Report 31 Jan 2006 02:50

in the 1861 census i think i have found an ancestor located on 2 different census forms. Same name same age. The first one as unmarried brother with a son there and the 2nd as head with correct wife and correct children? Both same area. The 2nd one has a daugter with surname Farmer and later a Catherine Farmer appears as g/daughter.(1881 census). I'm sure he was married twice with an 1851 census showing as a widow. Now I am confused. Is it possible for them to appear in the same census at different locations? Just wanted to add that in the 2nd census the surname is slightly misspelt

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 31 Jan 2006 03:15

It happens. I have a whole family that have been entered twice in 1841 - different folios and page numbers but definitely the same family. I guess that the enumerator must have called at the house twice by mistake (or maybe there were two enumerators who overlapped). Would have thought that the inhabitants would have realised that they'd already been enumerated on the second visit though! Richard


Derek Report 31 Jan 2006 06:26

I have found the same family twice in 1881, once at 25 Denmark Grove, and once at 25 Copenhagen Street. I think one of the enumerators must have got confused and wandered into another street without realizing. Derek


Heather Report 31 Jan 2006 07:30

Does the son of the unmarried brother appear twice too? If so, may be dad and son was visiting and got put on twice. I have one who is recorded with her family and then again 3 doors down the road with auntie. However if the son doesnt fit ...........

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 31 Jan 2006 08:18

are the places that they are ennumerated at realistic? can you show us the two different names and what leads you to believe what you think you have found is right


Suzie Report 31 Jan 2006 09:56

I don't know what you mean by realistic. I haven't looked up the son for that census again, it was a stumble across this other one. 1861 Dover Castle Dover Dover St James the Apostle/St Peter & St Paul It is Joseph Ellender c1811 that is the father. I have him on RG 9/546 and then the other one is RG 9/545. Apart from the spelling all birth places and ages are correct. The daughter farmer could be from previous relationship or possibly Mary's from previous relationship


Vicky Report 31 Jan 2006 10:47

I have a rellie entered twice - in lodgings in Newcastle, where he normally lived & worked, and also at his parents house about 30 miles away. (Most useful to confirm he was who I supected!) I assume he'd gone to visit parents (for the weekend?) and his over-zealous landlord back in Newcastle had given his name to the enumerator. Quite an unusual name, and occupation, so I'm sure it refers to the same person.


Heather Report 31 Jan 2006 11:49

Oh Vicky, you reminded me, I have another one too. He is recorded in barracks in Westminster but also down the road in lodgings with his 'wife' that night! Must have got a mate to sign him in at the barracks, eh? And to my shame, in the 2001 census my youngest son will be shown at home with mum and dad and also at boarding school on census night.

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 31 Jan 2006 13:54

In 'realistic' i meant were they both in the same town/ area or opposite ends of the country


John Report 31 Jan 2006 16:55

Hi Suzanne on 1861 I have one entered twice although you wouldn't guess. Mary Ann Gardner born Topsham ,Devon 1798 appears with her son Solomom Gardner in Kirkdale,Liverpool but she also appears with her son in law William Thompson in Everton ,but she is two years older and it says born Ormskirk,Lancs (not much difference between Devon and Lancashire!!) regards, John


Suzie Report 2 Feb 2006 01:17

yes Alice, they are both Dover, must be different areas of the same though as stated above. Gonna have to try and find a previous marriage maybe. Wish the 1841 census was on ansetry!


Carrie Report 2 Feb 2006 02:22

my 3 x gr grandfather appears twice in 1871 once at his home address as 'Away at work' and the second in his place of work?


Montmorency Report 2 Feb 2006 06:58

there are two of them in 1851 as well. The other one is mistranscribed as Ellenson. Really doesn't look like they're the same man.


InspectorGreenPen Report 2 Feb 2006 07:20

My ggg grandmother is recorded twice in 1861. Once at her home and again at a friend's house, about half a mile away, which we now think was were she had part time employment. It took a while for the penny to drop.


Heather Report 2 Feb 2006 09:30

Ah, Robin has said, this second man appears in another census.