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How would i trace German or Jewish BMD?

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Louisa Report 1 Feb 2006 23:32

I would not even know where to start with this? Any clues greatly appreciated.


Unknown Report 1 Feb 2006 23:36

Well, German people would be covered by German civil registration. You could try googling 'German genealogy' or looking on Cyndi's List. Jewish people - depends on which country they were living in, but you might find this site useful for Jewish ancestry - it has lots of different searchable databases.


Louisa Report 1 Feb 2006 23:40

Thanks Helen, Ggrandad, i have no clue where he was born tracing the German side is a lucky guess i dont even know if he exists the circumstances surrounding his existence are very odd, no record of him anywhere not even a marriage or death. Ggrandmother, born Prestwich Manchester, parents were Russian Jewish. Thanks i will give it a go. Lou


Unknown Report 1 Feb 2006 23:46

Got any names or dates? nell


Louisa Report 1 Feb 2006 23:54

This is all i have: Fanny Goldberg - b1896 Prestwich Lancs, parents Israel and Leah Goldberg. Lived at 60 Waterloo Road Cheetham Manchester She gave birth to Joseph Banor (Banov on birth certificate) on 24 Nov 1919, no fathers details on certificate. Address on certificate as 123 Crescent Road Cheetham Manchester. Joseph Banor (my grandad) married Margaret Moloughney 21/4/1945, on marriage certificate it says Father Joseph Banor (deceased) Joseph Banor b 24/11/1919 died 10/03/1983, I have come to a stand still on Grandads Dad if he existed. Thanks Lou xx


SheilaSomerset Report 1 Feb 2006 23:58

Louisa - might be worth trying the Anglo-German family history website (not sure of exact address). I've been meaning to look at this for ages but haven't got round to it yet.


Louisa Report 2 Feb 2006 00:01

Thanks Sheila i will take a quick peek now. Lou xx


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2006 00:04

This looks like the Goldbergs on the census 1901 North Manchester Lancashire Israel Goldberg abt 1872 (Russ Sub), Russia Head Leah Goldberg abt 1872 (Russ Sub), Russia Wife Sophia Goldberg abt 1893 Manchester Daughter Fanny Goldberg abt 1895 Manchester Daughter Elizabeth Goldberg abt 1899 Manchester Daughter Sarah Caplan abt 1882 Manchester Boarder Both Israel and Leah were Russian subjects, but they must have been in Manchester by 1893 when Sophia was born. nell


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2006 00:06

As for Banor or Banov - does the birth cert give Fanny's name as Banor, formerly Goldberg? I think it very suspicious that there are no father's details. Have you looked for a marriage for Fanny? nell


Louisa Report 2 Feb 2006 00:08

Yep thats them, i found that with the address 60 waterloo road, tried just searching on the second address of 123 crescent road, although she was not registered there i thought it may bring up a clue. I am going to try and find a marriage or something tomorrow at the Manchester Records office, see if that throws anything up. I wondered what would be the reasons my Ggrandfather was not on B cert, as if he was already deceased would they have not just entered deceased. Thanks for your help Lou


Louisa Report 2 Feb 2006 00:12

Yes its all a bit fishy. On birth certificate i would have said definately Banor, but im used to seeing my own name, but my husband said to someone entering the details onto microfilm or something it could be easily mistaken for a V, when i got the cert from records office i requested Joseph Banov and they brought it straight out to me. On the part where it says informant it says Fanny E Banor formerly Goldberg of 123 crescent Road Cheetham, Ladies Mantle Maker of 1 stanley street cheetham but just a blank where Fathers name should be


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2006 00:15

Hmm. It's possible that she married Mr Banor/v but he was not the father of her child, though for respectability the son used the name on his marriage cert. I suppose you could try looking for Banner/Bannor/Bannov? The other idea I had is that if this man was foreign, his name might be an abbreviation of a more foreign-sounding name like Banovitch or Banorwicz or something. nell


Louisa Report 2 Feb 2006 00:21

Its definately all a bit bizzare, however, still a bit miffed as if Fanny did marry someone called Banor/V then there would surely still be some record of his death, or at least of their marriage, unless she has made it up out of embarrasment going to register an illigitimate child, i am unsure as to wether or not Fanny would have to prove who she was or if she could just register the child. I will get my agatha christie head on tommorow, and search for the names you suggested see if that throws anything up. Thanks for your help you have been great i will post tomorrow let you know how i get on. Lou xx


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2006 00:26

She wouldn't have to prove her marriage. I didn't have to prove my marriage (or even who I was) when I registered my son in 1992. But if you made up a married surname, why not go the whole hog and have a made-up husband and occupation too? nell