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Merry Report 3 Feb 2006 09:50

Re Robins in jail............Maybe James had been transported to Australia?!! LOL Merry

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 3 Feb 2006 03:00

Sorry but I'm still not convinced that the online records of the IGI are rotated, despite what is said on the Shropshire Archives site (remember that not everything that you read on the internet is accurate!!). If only 1/3 of the IGI was online at any one time, then how does a site such as Hugh Wallis work? For those that don't know, Hugh Wallis has painstakingly compiled a database of all the batch numbers on the IGI, and set up an excellent website containing ''hot links'' from each batch number (annotated by parish name and date range) to the IGI search page. As far as I can tell from reading his FAQ page, he is not affiliated with the LDS, so his work appears to be independant. Now - if the IGI info was rotated so that only 1/3 was online at any time, then it would be reasonable to assume that 2/3 of Hugh Wallis's links would find no records at any given time. However, I have used Hugh Wallis extensively and I have NEVER found a batch with 0 records (except when specifying a surname of course - if you leave the surname box blank, it returns all the records in that batch). I have also noted all my IGI sourced info for my own tree, and have often gone back to check and double-check info. I've always been able to re-find a record that I had found previously. I know that sometimes it *seems* as though a record has disappeared, but maybe this is because you are using slightly different search criteria than the previous time you did the search? A slightly different date range, change of spelling, whether you specified a county or not, adding a spouse or parents names etc will give you different search results each time. Incidentally, there is nothing on the LDS website FAQ pages about any rotation of records. On the contrary, there are the following 2 statements: Q. Is the International Genealogical Index on the Internet the same as at the family history center? A. Yes. However, the Internet and family history center versions have the following differences: The Internet displays all events and relationships. The compact disc version displays only one event per entry. Information is displayed differently in each version. The Internet version is updated more frequently and contains more information. Q. Will the compact disc version of the International Genealogical Index be updated? A. There are no current plans to update the compact discs. These statements imply that not only does the internet version contain the entire IGI, but in fact any new records are only being added online, not on the CD version. That's probably why you can occasionally find a record on-line that wasn't on there previously. Richard


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2006 23:11

Merry In answer to your post a) no - good idea! b) yes c) possibly! I'm not convinced actually, especially as I have found another of husband's gt x a few grandpas in Parkhurst Prison. It's interesting to note that Priscilla starts as a brokeress in 1851, turns into a furniture brokeress in 1861 and by 1871 is a 'general dealer' which I imagine means she sold second-hand tat, but I could be wrong! nell

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 2 Feb 2006 22:50

Tina Should have remembered it was you who posted the original info - sorry! Going senile is my excuse. I didnt mean to cast doubt on your findings, it was more that I could remember there being some discussion and I couldnt remember what we eventually decided. In the meantime however, I have been playing safe and assuming it IS rotated! Further to the Isle of Man thingy, I cross-checked with the Hugh Wallis Site - the Church Record for this parish does not appear on Hugh Wallis, so that means that it definitely WASN'T on the IGI five years ago. Olde Crone


Merry Report 2 Feb 2006 22:44

Sorry to but in and mention nell's family tree!!!! (sorry, only joking!) Nell - Have you tried the Probate callender for a will for James???? I take it Priscilla is the furniture broker?? Maybe James was importing items? Merry


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 2 Feb 2006 21:40

Jane I was the person who posted the information about the IGI being rotated. I found it in a leaflet issued by the Shropshire Archives. The leaflets are on-line on the Shropshire Archives site. You can verify this for yoursef. I have not actually asked Shropshire Archives to produce evidence of the fact - must admit that I tend to the opinion that they probably know what they are talking about. This is a quote from their on-line leaflet about the transcripts and indexes they have: “Part of the IGI also appears on the website at Due to licensing laws the information on the website is only 1/3 of that available on CD Rom. This is rotated over a 2-6 week cycle.” It fits in with my own experience with the IGI and that of many other people on this site. Entries on IGI 'appear' and 'disappear' on the on-line site. It's very disconcerting if you do not know the reason. This does NOT apply to the IGI which is held on disc by many county archives. That is the complete thing (well, as up to date as when it was bought). It is only the on-line information which is rotated. Tina


Annette Report 2 Feb 2006 21:37

Thanks for that info Nell

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 2 Feb 2006 21:34

Jane I can certainly confirm that the IGI has NEW information all the time - whether this is 'rotated' information, I don't know. I looked many many times for the baptism of my 2 x GGM who was born on the Isle of Man. I never found a thing, despite visiting the Site monthly. But one day - up she popped! Not just her, either, her mother and father's marriage and the baptism of three siblings, who I knew nothing about. I am positive that this was a newly-transcribed Parish Register. As for the rotation thingy, there was some doubt, when this subject was raised, as to whether it was actually the IGI who were rotating the information, or whether it was a specific Records Office, who didnt have enough room on their pooter. I keep meaning to ask the Manager when I visit my LDS centre - post-it note coming on! Olde Crone


Jane Report 2 Feb 2006 18:35

I got all excited then ... the thought of yet more ancestors on some kind of IGI carousel! However, I would treat the comment with a pinch of salt - it sounds like a ruse to get visits to the site for some reason. I've been in-and-out of the LDS site for the past 5 years and never found any different/new information - and I do go back over old ground ... probably a bit too often! It would be interesting to know how 'certain' (and why) your informant was of that info, Nell. Regs Jane PS: Fancy you having ancestors in St Sepulchre too! Mine were mainly SANDYs ...

Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 2 Feb 2006 18:35

Nell, Thanks for that. Had no idea. Going to search now. Jean x.


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2006 18:21

Jean I only found out recently - a GR member posted that apparently the LDS only have a percentage of the IGI records online at any time and they move them about, so its a good idea to keep looking if you haven't found records previously, as they might appear. nell

Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 2 Feb 2006 18:10

Nell, that is great. Could you tell me what you mean by the IGI being rotated. ..... thanks. Jean x.


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2006 18:00

Found James' baptism in 1802 in St Sepulchre, the church where he married Priscilla in 1822. Yippee! But even though it also gives his date of birth - again in 1802 - I can't find the blighter in 1851 or later. Priscilla is working hard in 1851 ad 1861 and of course by 1871 she is widowed. nell


Unknown Report 2 Feb 2006 17:58

Having another go at husband's London ancestors today... Mindful of the knowledge that the IGI gets rotated on I had another go at finding his gt x whatever grandfather James Robins. nell