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Dee - what could this be short for?

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Ellie Report 3 Feb 2006 14:59

Thanks for all your help. I'm in the middle of writing a letter to my grandfather (who is 92) and this lot would be his in-laws. I'll see if he can enlighten me at all! Thanks again.


Ellie Report 3 Feb 2006 14:52

Oh, and in response to the second part of your question, Carrie, that could certainly have been the case, but I'm still a bit stuck! Thanks.


Carrie Report 3 Feb 2006 14:52

Ellie Couldn't find anything other then the Surname Martin in the Berkshire area, I think your better off sending for your mums birth certificate, unless you know where it is. all the best Carrie If you need to find her ref, give me her name and details and I'll look her up for you


Ellie Report 3 Feb 2006 14:42

Tell me about it, Carrie! Morton is definitely the right spelling (but who can be certain the registar/vicar wrote it down correctly?!) Area is Berkshire, specifically Datchet area, which is in the Eton registration district. Era is turn of the century/19-teens. My grandmother was born in 1919, but she definitely wasn't the eldest child. She was one of 11 children and somewhere in the middle. Thanks, everyone. Ellie


Carrie Report 3 Feb 2006 14:38

Ellie There are variations of both Morton and Sidney, what area and era are we looking at? Dee could have been a widow when she married and Best was her maiden name but married in her married name ? Carrie


Debbie Report 3 Feb 2006 14:36

i have a auntie called edith but she is known as dee .


Ellie Report 3 Feb 2006 14:24

Thanks everyone. I'll try variations on Denise/Deirdre/Delia etc. I know that great grandfather was called Sidney/Sydney Morton, but haven't been able to find any records of marriages between a Morton and a Best either. Neither could I find any of my grandma's siblings on 1837 to confirm that the mother's maiden name was indeed Best and not a mis-type or something! Any further help would be appreciated.


Cynthia Report 3 Feb 2006 14:17

I contact someone from here and she's called Doreen Cynthia


BrianW Report 3 Feb 2006 14:13

Try Deidre Or Dinah

Janet in Yorkshire

Janet in Yorkshire Report 3 Feb 2006 14:11

I've known 3 Dees - Delia, Dorothy and Dianne. So, look up the surname and then first names beginning with D and see if you can find a match (Unless she had two forenames, like Ann Dorothy or Mary Dianne) Jay Sorry - just re-read your post. I misunderstood your dilemma and thought you were trying to confirm a marriage pairing.


Carrie Report 3 Feb 2006 13:56

It could be almost anything, 'D' or dee short for any name beginning with D. You probably have to send for certificates to find out, Is there any other names like your Gr grandfathers on a census we could look up to help.


Sue Report 3 Feb 2006 13:55

I had a friend, Delia, who was known as Dee. One of my neighbours is also known as Dee and she is Denise. Hope this helps Sue x


Ellie Report 3 Feb 2006 13:53

Can anyone help? My father says his grandmother was called Dee and I have since found out (by looking up his mother's birth on 1837online) that her maiden name was Best. However I can't find any records of a Dee Best on Ancestry, FreeBMD or anywhere else, for that matter! I am assuming that in this case 'Dee' was some sort of nickname or short form, but I can't think what it might be. Any ideas? Thanks. Ellie