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Saturday night challenge - Where did the Horstead

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Heather Report 4 Feb 2006 20:18

Oh yes Ive considered that, but I do find Jonas getting married and in lodgings in 1891 with wife - he is entered as mariner - and his death. With Edward I find his marriage, his kids and wife - even when he isnt around for the census, on the census when he has left the sea and his death. With Joseph I have found zilcho. He disappears after the 1861. I shall carry on trawling - they arent going to go away. At least Ive just found another one mistranscribed as Horshead and informed ancestry, so its not all be wasted. Id like to get my hands on that New York list in case he went there. And of course there are dozens and dozens of JH 's in prison.


Phoenix Report 4 Feb 2006 20:07

A home for mariners? Might the Horstead boys be at sea, and that is why you can't find them?


Heather Report 4 Feb 2006 20:06

Yes I agree, but not to show up anywhere Horatia, no marriage, no census, no death. Weird. That J Horstead I found, gas fitter, was another cousin from Norwich - James (the ones who did well! - Their dad was bro of my GGFx3 yet managed to drag himself out of ag labing to carpenter and licensee - the kids all did well - one ended up owning a Burlington arcade jewellers when my poor devil was dying of TB in Stepney). I have just seen a J Horstead on a New York Passenger List.


Horatia Report 4 Feb 2006 20:01

Heather, The mariner one might not show up on a few censuses - he could have been at sea couldn't he? Cheers, Horatia


Heather Report 4 Feb 2006 19:56

Damn, just found a Joseph Horstead born 1845 Northamptonshire living in Paddington - no doubt that is the death I thought was mine. (All the Horsteads are from Norfolk or Northampton)


Heather Report 4 Feb 2006 19:41

Bless Horatia - just popping in between courses!! I dont think the first ones look like him, Its pretty definite St George in the East or Stepney - I shall check out if those people come up anywhere else. The marriage looks good except that my James went down with a cousin from Norfolk called John and John was also spawning kids all over the place. Joseph would have been knocking on a bit to get married for a first time in 1904. Though not impossible. Very grateful for all your efforts, just cant understand how these boys rarely show up anywhere til they die. I may just buy their death certs I think to see if any clues there. Though elderly auntie said Jonas ended up in a home for mariners in Greenwich - which does tally with his death in that place. Just found this one in 1891:POB unknown Horstead, Emma abt 1844 N. Wife Kensington London Horstead, J abt 1844 N. Head Kensington London Horstead, Lilla abt 1872 N. Daughter Kensington London Horstead, William abt 1870 N. Son Kensington London Looks good but he is down as a gas inspector which seems a bit out of his class possibly and I have an awful feeling another Norwich cousin was a gas inspector.


Horatia Report 4 Feb 2006 19:37

Is this a marriage for your Joseph Horstead? Marriages Jun 1904 Currie Maggie Drysdale Hackney 1b 834 Horstead Joseph Hackney 1b 834 Leigh Ernest Hedley Hackney 1b 834 Perry Florence Hackney 1b 834


Horatia Report 4 Feb 2006 19:32

1901 Or this one? Do you know Joseph's wife's name? Sarah Atkin abt 1866 Ireland Servant St Marylebone London Ethel Champion abt 1879 Paddington, London, England Servant St Marylebone London VFanny A Hurst abt 1829 Thaxted, Essex, England Wife St Marylebone London Joseph Hurst abt 1845 London, England Head St Marylebone London


Horatia Report 4 Feb 2006 19:10

Long shot. I don't suppose this is your Joseph is it? 1871: Edward J Horsey abt 1866 Chelsea, Middlesex, England Son Fulham London Emma Horsey abt 1837 Rayleigh, Essex, England Wife Fulham London Joseph Horsey abt 1841 Kingsland, Middlesex, England Head Fulham London Winifred E Horsey abt 1870 Fulham, Middlesex, England Daughter Fulham London Cheers, Horatia


Heather Report 4 Feb 2006 18:48

Merry lol, you could have rolled them for me. Have do go and do the irritating things that get in the way of family history - like actually feeding the one I have now.


Heather Report 4 Feb 2006 18:48

Hubby is whinging so I have to give up, but if, and only if, some one wants a bit of a challenge (please dont spend too much time on it). I have my GGFx2 James Horstead going down to London from Norfolk 1835 to become a coal whipper in Ratcliff, Stepney. He shacks up pretty sharpish - must have been such a different world for a 17 year old from the country - though he doesnt get married until 17 years later to Mary Ann. They have children as follows: 1851 Ratcliff. James Horstead, Head, age 34, Coal whipper, born Norfolk, Norwich Maryann, Wife, age 39, born Middlesex, St. George's Jane, daughter, age 13, born Middlesex, St.George's Edward J, Son, age 11, scholar, born Middlesex, St. George's Joseph J, Son, age 8, scholar, born Middlesex, St. George's Jonas, Son, age 3, scholar, born Middlesex, Shadwell Sarah, Daughter, age 1, born Middlesex, Ratcliff 1861: HORSTEAD, James Head Married M 45 Labourer Norfolk HORSTEAD, Mary Ann Wife Married F 47 St George In The East Middlesex HORSTEAD, Edward J Son Unmarried M 21 Water Man St George In The East Middlesex HORSTEAD, Joseph J Son Unmarried M 19 Shop Man St George In The East Middlesex HORSTEAD, Jonas Son M 13 Shadwell Middlesex HORSTEAD, Sarah Daughter F 11 Ratcliff Middlesex STAPLETON, Sarah J Granddaughter F 1 Holborn Now, luckily my direct ancestor is Edward John Joseph Horstead as above and he lived a reasonable conventional life and I can find him or his family every census (he was a mariner then a stationary engine driver - gas works I believe in Rotherhithe, Bermondsey) But the other two boys who survived: Jonas and Joseph. I am blowed if I can find them. I find Jonas marrying 1870 and dying 1913 in Greenwich. (I find him, mistranscribed as Thomas in lodgings with his wife Charlotte 1891) I can only find a death for Joseph aged 63 in 1907 Paddington. If you can do better, without killing yourselves, Id like to try to find these people please. Sadly, I was trawling their ancestors on my ftm and James my GGFx2 died at only 50, his father was 86 when he died and grandfather 92.


Merry Report 4 Feb 2006 18:47

But I don't smoke so no need for a roll up? merry


Heather Report 4 Feb 2006 18:45

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