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military hospital location ?
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Alek | Report | 6 Feb 2006 15:51 |
My grandfather was badly injured in WW1 and in the early 1940's, he needed his leg amputated and died shortly after from complications. Would his death certificate state the district he lived in at the time of his death or the district in which the hospital was situated? He lived in Stroud but died in a military hospital in London. An aunt is sure it was Roehampton Hospital. Does anyone know what district this falls into? Arthur Gibson is a pretty common name, so I really need to establish a place of death first. |
Jim The Ferret | Report | 6 Feb 2006 16:04 |
Death would normally be recorded at the district of the hospital. Do you have a date? Jim |
Researching: |
Jim The Ferret | Report | 6 Feb 2006 16:08 |
Hospital is probably Queen Mary's in Roehampton Lane. I suspect it would come under Wimbledon, but possibly Richmond. Jim |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 6 Feb 2006 16:13 |
Deaths are always registered in the district where they occur. I think it quite likely that the hospital would be an ordinary one that was commandeered for military purposes but I can't find which reg district it would be. There's Queen Mary's in Roehampton and also the Priory. |
Unknown | Report | 6 Feb 2006 16:17 |
I've a feeling it might be Wandsworth, but it will probably be a 1 or 2 volume number anyway: Wandsworth Register Office The Town Hall Wandsworth High Street London SW18 2PU Tel +44 (0)20 8871 6108 Fax +44 (0)20 8871 8100 URL: Wandsworth Register Office Email: [email protected] Registration and Census District (1852 - 1946) 1d |
Jack | Report | 6 Feb 2006 16:22 |
Teresa Have sent you a separate message Jackl |
Alek | Report | 6 Feb 2006 19:01 |
thanks to everyone who came up with suggestions. No, unfortunately, I don't have a date for his death but have narrowed it down to 1941,1942 or 1943. I think I will have to search the bmd's and note down possible entries and then contact the offices tnat you have suggested. Cheers my dears! |
Fi aka Wheelie Spice | Report | 6 Feb 2006 19:50 |
I know Queens Mary's Hospital in Roehampton. The district might even be Putney, although Roehampton could be a district in itself. Wandsworth would be the Borough. You might find this an interesting site to look at. Have you heard of Douglas Bader?*uk/content/DBF/DBF_Information/AboutTheDBF.html Douglas Bader Centre, a facility designed to support rehabilitation services for amputees built at Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, in West London. Fi x |
Fi aka Wheelie Spice | Report | 6 Feb 2006 20:06 |
How old was he when he died. There is this possible ref: Surrey N.E. 2a 54 Jul - September 1942 states he was 80. Does it fit? Fi |
Martin | Report | 6 Feb 2006 20:28 |
Information on WWI military hospitals here MB |
Researching: |
Alek | Report | 6 Feb 2006 21:45 |
thank you again for all the input. I have confirmation that Roehampton is, as wasmentioned earlier, in Wandsworth. I still cannot find my elusive grandfather . I do know he was born in 1888 and he died when my mother was 17 or 18. She was born in 1925. I worked that out (without a calculator, folks) to roughly 1941/42. Ah! I do know where he is buried! Would cemetery records show the date if I know the appoximate year and who would l contact for details? I know my grandmother's date of death but I am not sure if they have a double burial plot. Sadly, they don't have a headstone as the family was very poor.Any thoughts? |
Irene | Report | 6 Feb 2006 22:32 |
I have been in touch with cemeteries that have been very helpful. If you give the name, date of death and place of death, address or hospital, they supply you with the plot number and who else is buried in the grave/plot. Good Luck |
Unknown | Report | 6 Feb 2006 22:42 |
Don't assume that he died when your mother was 17/18, that's just what she remembers. People often remember things incorrectly. And he may not have died in the hospital, again you are relying on someone's memory for that. I'm not saying your relatives are wrong, just that they might be mistaken. nell |
Alek | Report | 7 Feb 2006 19:10 |
thank you all again for your input. Sorry its taken me so long, I do really appreciate the advice given, I've just had one of those days we all dread. I've looked up some of the web sites suggested but no joy there. Tomorrow I shall ring the cemetery and see if they can locate his burial plot. Thanks for the advice Helen Little Nell. Yes, there is the possibilty that the rellies have got the dates wrong. (I won't suggest that to them) You can store up a lot of facts in sixty years and with so many deaths around then, it would have been quite easy to mix up the facts. |