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Question re Ancestry upgrade to Deluxe Membership
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Marion | Report | 6 Feb 2006 16:52 |
Please see below. Update. After another phonecall to a very pleasant young man who said the problem was probably with my credit card company, the money has now been refunded and yes it was the credit card company who took over a week to get it into my account. |
Marion | Report | 6 Feb 2006 16:52 |
Prior to Ancestry having the BMDs on their site there was speculation as to whether they would be available to people who had an ordinary subscription or whether you would need to upgrade to the Deluxe Membership. At the time they were offering a refund on the remaining part of the ordinary subscription and then a further £69.95 for the new subscription. Swept along with enthusiasm I upgraded my membership and I’m sure I was due a refund of 40 something pounds and then a further £69.95 was deducted from my credit card account. This was done on 12 January. So far I haven’t received a refund and I seem to have two subscriptions. I have phoned them to explain the situation and have now received a confirmation email that my first subscription will be cancelled when it comes to an end in November. I’m sure the chap on the phone said that I would receive a refund but so far I haven’t received it. What I would like to know is did other people get a refund when they upgraded or did I imagine the whole thing and my Ancestry subscription has now cost me twice as much. Any advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks Marion |
Heather | Report | 6 Feb 2006 17:00 |
Marion, I havent checkd mine, thanks for reminding me. |
Marion | Report | 6 Feb 2006 18:01 |
Ann, the chap I spoke to on the phone said that I would get a refund but this wasn't mentioned in the email I received and I never did get an email when I first upgraded - it just happened - so I haven't got anything to prove that this is what was supposed to happen. Is your account showing that you have two subscriptions? Mine is. Marion |
Nicola | Report | 6 Feb 2006 20:07 |
I had no problem with mind.. mine you.. it was only a mere five pounds refund! Still I would get in touch with them again. Nicola |
Heather | Report | 6 Feb 2006 20:41 |
Ive just checked my online bank and they have refunded my sub.(just over 40 quid) |
Sandra | Report | 6 Feb 2006 20:46 |
Hope you dont mind me asking but what exactly do you get extra for upgrading? I find the whole thing very confusing and havent so far altered my subscription as I am uncertain as to the advantages confused of Bloxham sandie |
Heather | Report | 6 Feb 2006 20:51 |
Sandra, we were all a bit confused that the sub may go up to cover the extra bits they had put on and that they would ask you to subscribe to the deluxe to access them so some of us upgraded from the normal pre-empt that possibility. As it happens, looks like everyone will have access anyway and that the deluxe is our normal sub by another name! BUT we did get an extra month for the usual price. |
Marion | Report | 6 Feb 2006 22:11 |
Thanks for your replies. It does look as if something has gone wrong with my subscription and I'd better give them another ring. Still at least I now know I wasn't imagining it and as Heather said we did get an extra month out of it, if nothing else lol. Now if I can just get them to refund the money they owe me .... Marion |
Heather | Report | 6 Feb 2006 22:13 |
They are a very good company and Im sure if you havent received your sub refund you will get it. |
Jo Jo | Report | 6 Feb 2006 22:28 |
I e-mailed Ancestry when they first mentioned deluxe membership to ask them exactly what extra I would get by upgrading membership, the reply e-mail told me not to bother upgrading and to wait till my membership ran out (November) and think about it then. If I found that there was something I wanted to look at that was not available to me, i.e. USA records, to look at this point to see which type of membership I would need to take out. So I have not upgraded. They did not mention what the difference was. They did say you would get a refund of the balance of your old membership. JoJo |
Marion | Report | 6 Feb 2006 22:46 |
Thanks Heather and Jo-Jo. I will try ringing them again. I did try to email them but the response I got back was that they could only answer technical questions and to ring an adviser. However they did sound very friendly on the phone and at least it is a free phone number. By the way I do have access to the One World Tree now which I didn't have before. Marion |
Jo Jo | Report | 6 Feb 2006 22:52 |
Marion, I down loaded their free family tree maker and this does an auto search of One World Tree and lets you see the matches. JoJo |
Sandra | Report | 7 Feb 2006 22:04 |
thanks think I am not so confused now, will leave my sub as it is see what they offer when its due for renewal sandie |