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Fancy a real challenge? detectives required

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babs123 Report 7 Feb 2006 10:13

see below in a mo


babs123 Report 7 Feb 2006 10:13

Need some real detecives to get thier heads round this please. Sorry it's rather long but wanted to give you all the information I have in one go. Why would Maria Sharman give both her children the middle name of Cubitt? Why would Charles Cubitt be named as 'son in law' to George Watts if he hadn't married Maria Watts/Sharman? Why would Maria give her name as Maria Cubitt (married) whilst in Hospital within a year of the birth of her 2nd child Laura to Charles Sharman So many Questions but what can the answers be? This is what I have found. A marriage between Maria Watts and a Charles Frederick Sharman was found for Sept 1856 Norwich 4b 269 . Maria is daughter of George and Harriet Watts, Innkeeper at Catfield A birth for Charles George Cubitt Sharman Tunstead 4b 48 March 1859 A death for Charles George Cubitt Sharman Tunstead 4b 35 March 1859 A birth for Laura Cubitt Sharman Tunstead 4b 36 June 1860 (Catfield, Norfolk) ( Thanks to Kate Rimmer) A Maria Cubitt was found on 1861 Census age 23, a patient at Norwich General Hospital Ref: RG9/1217/143/5 A Charles Cubitt (son in law to Head) age 24 was staying with George Watts (retired Innkeeper) Laura Cubitt Sharmans Grandfather in Street, Catfield. Census reference1861 RG9/1197/61/3 A Laura Cubitt was found on the 1861 census. Age 1 yr, Boarded out with Crane family, Street, Catfield, Norfolk RG9/1197/55/15, obviously whilst her mum was in hospital. A death for Maria Cubitt age 30 found for Blofield 4b 145 Dec 1868 Acle, Norfolk where father George Watts retired to. I cannot find a death for Charles Frederick Sharman during the period 1859 to 1861 except in Ipswich or a marriage for Maria Watts/Sharman to a Charles Cubitt Laura Cubitt never used her name Sharman again from being 1 year old onwards to her death in 1913. Which is why I originally couldn't find her birth, never expected Cubitt to be her middle name. Thanks Kat


Heather Report 7 Feb 2006 10:20

Are Charles Sharman and Charles Cubitt the same person? Heather


Merry Report 7 Feb 2006 10:26

Can I just say, it's a pleasure to read something I can understand!! Secondly, I was going to ask exactly the same as Heather! Merry


Merry Report 7 Feb 2006 10:28

Are you going to get the Sharman/Watts marriage cert to see if there are any clues there (such as his father's name?) Merry


Merry Report 7 Feb 2006 10:30

In 1861 Charles Cubitt (aged 24) has the middle initial F, same as Charles Frederick Sharman! Merry


Merry Report 7 Feb 2006 10:32

Is this a clue? 1851 Charles Sharman abt 1836 Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England Son Norwich St George at Colegate Norfolk Mary Ann Sharman abt 1811 Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England Head Norwich St George at Colegate Norfolk Mary Ann Sharman is single. So is Cubitt his bio-father's name? Merry


Kate Report 7 Feb 2006 10:46

Glad to hear it was the right birth certificate. As for your questions, let me think about it for a while (and let me read the replies you have had so far) Kate.


Kate Report 7 Feb 2006 10:50

Yes, I agree that Charles Sharman and Charles Cubitt are the same person, and perhaps Cubitt was his father's surname. These people are really complicated, aren't they? What's the betting his father's generation is just as confusing?! Kate.


Kate Report 7 Feb 2006 10:53

Oh, I just thought of something... you have to get Charles and Maria's marriage certificate! Maybe it'll give a name for Charles's father? Anyway, this looks like Charles's baptism, but as you can see, it is 'form submitted by a member of the LDS church...' so you really need to check the parish records, or find somebody to do it for you: IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0 British Isles Search Results | Download | Pedigree -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARLES FREDRICK SHARMAN Male -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: Christening: 09 MAR 1836 Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Mother: MARY ANN SHARMAN Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Messages: Form submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The form lists the submitter's name and address and may include source information. The address may be outdated. Details vary. To find the form, you must know the batch and sheet number. Kate.


babs123 Report 7 Feb 2006 11:01

Thanks all, Yes I found that Mary Ann Sharman in 1851 Norwich and deliberated that this was THE Charles Sharman that Maria married. another barstard, I've loads, I think my Dad would go hairless if he was alive. I'm with you here re Charles F Cubitt, may be Charles Sharman in disguise. Thanks, didn't think of that meself, its all whirling round my head. Perhaps Charles F Cubitt Charleton!!!lol (sp) But why would he do that? Maybe like you say his father was a Cubitt too. Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees can you? Think will have to send for the marriage cert for Maria and Charles then. You've cleared my head a bit now with some more possibilities thanks Kat


Merry Report 7 Feb 2006 11:04

There might be a reputed father's name on the Sharman baptism, or a bastardy order in the Norfolk records. Merry


babs123 Report 7 Feb 2006 11:45

Thanks Merry Will try A2A and visit Norfolk RO in a few weeks....excuse whilst visiting my mum. Kat


babs123 Report 7 Feb 2006 11:55

OK, So what do I put on my tree as maiden name, Cubitt or Sharman or should I make it Cubitt- Sharman to look posh. LOL. Thanks all for everything, it's looking a lot clearer now Kat