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Deaths in Utah??
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Janet in Yorkshire | Report | 7 Feb 2006 22:27 |
Some of those who emigrated from England and travelled to Utah appear on ancestral or pedigree files on the LDS site, as they were often amongst early church members and easy for Mormons to trace. Jay |
Dea | Report | 7 Feb 2006 17:22 |
Thanks all, And thank you for the site Horatia - I will have a look now. Dea x |
Horatia | Report | 7 Feb 2006 16:39 |
This website might prove useful! http://www(.)xmission(.)com/~nelsonb/pioneer.htm Cheers, Horatia |
David | Report | 7 Feb 2006 16:37 |
No, they didn't travel to Utah to die. But a lot did convert to the Mormon faith and emigrate to Utah in the 1850s/60s to start a new life there with fellow believers. The LDS produces a CDrom whose title escapes me - Mormon Immigration Index, or something similar - which all LDS Family History Centres will have. It's worth checking out to see if your ancestors are mentioned - it provides details of when and on which ship they crossed the Atlantic, and how they then travelled to Utah. A lot of fascinating stuff in it |
Horatia | Report | 7 Feb 2006 16:36 |
Hi, My 3 xgreat uncle died in Utah! He became a Mormon and I know the Utah cemetery he is buried in. I'll post a link to help in a minute. Cheers, Horatia |
Kate | Report | 7 Feb 2006 16:28 |
Nah, sorry, THE Joseph Smith was born in 1805 in 'Sharon, VT', according to my biographical encylopaedia. Kate. |
Kate | Report | 7 Feb 2006 16:26 |
Well, the founder of the Mormon church WAS called Joseph Smith, but the chances of it being the same one are pretty small! It is just a funny name to be bandying about with reference to Utah, isn't it? Kate. |
Dea | Report | 7 Feb 2006 16:25 |
Was he?????????? Do you mean I am related to a 'famous' Smith?????? Did he do back home to his family to die??? Surely you jest?? Dea x |
Kate | Report | 7 Feb 2006 16:17 |
Well come on, Joseph Smith - wasn't he the founder of the Mormon church???! Kate. |
Merry | Report | 7 Feb 2006 16:15 |
Hmmmm I followed and see what you mean! We need to find another one with a much rarer name!! Then we could look for a UK death .....maybe they clicked the wrong button somewhere along the line? Merry |
Dea | Report | 7 Feb 2006 16:05 |
Yes Merry, I have just found a connection to the name Ormandy. There is a child Joseph Smith living with 'Aunt' in 1851, called Joseph - SO, I followed him, and the name Smith. I found on IGI a marriage of William Smith to Ann Ormandy - It showed their marriage in 1845, and her death in 1850, Macclesfield, Cheshire, which all made sense. However, following the links for her husband William - It shows him born 1824, Macclesfield, + Died 10th Sept., 1915, Porterville, Morgan, Utah. I know the info on IGI can be a bit 'iffy' but I have come across this sort of thing before and I am now curious. What do you think? Dea x |
Merry | Report | 7 Feb 2006 15:58 |
Gosh, I've never noticed that, but it sounds pretty unlikely!! Can you give an example? Merry x |
Dea | Report | 7 Feb 2006 15:53 |
Probably a silly question, but when you find your English relatives on the Morman site and they are recorded as dying in Utah - Are they really likely to have died there? - Did LOTS of English people travel over there to die? I don't understand the concept. Please educate me. Dea x |
Dea | Report | 7 Feb 2006 15:53 |
see below: |