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Sympathy needed please, very sore head...
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Margaret | Report | 8 Feb 2006 22:52 |
Old Crone Yes, but admit that is the exception to the rule. MOST of the time you wont find anywhere near that sort of info. Look, yes. But be prepared to be disappointed. Margaret |
An Olde Crone | Report | 8 Feb 2006 22:45 |
I have to agree with Ed - I have seen DOZENS of registers which give the parents names and often much much more. Every register is different, of course, and its pot-luck - but you cannot say definitively that the information WONT be there. Some lazy Vicars used the Banns book to record marriages and didnt bother with a separate marriage register - or if they did, they sent that one away. I have marriages which I have extracted from a Banns Book, which give the mother AND father of both bride and groom. One marriage had ELEVEN witnesses, who had all carefully had their relationship to the couple written next to them - absolutely invaluable in sorting out a muddle. One (but only one, I admit) even had the date of baptism of the groom. The baptism was in the same register, so that was handy too. Olde Crone |
Georgette | Report | 8 Feb 2006 20:32 |
Thank you Margaret, I'll bear that in mind. Kate, I did find a will, which could be Priscilla's father. It mentions his children, a Maria somebody, Priscilla Ayton and Jacob Ayton. I can't find Maria or Jacobs' births and his wife's name is not the same as for Priscilla's Xtening entry. These are the only clues he gives, he just mentions in general terms what he is leaving and then spends the second half of his will giving a detailed discription of his 3 executors and warning them that, if any of his estate goes missing, it'll be up to them to replace it! Lol Good point about the witnesses though, especially if any of them tie up with the executors on the will. Helen |
Kate | Report | 8 Feb 2006 17:34 |
I know the feeling. I was trying to type up a thread with everything I knew about a very distant relly the other week, but I gave up after about half an hour, and I was sure nobody would ever persevere through reading it all anyway and still be able to look anything up afterwards! Anyway, sorry but no, you are unlikely to get any parents' names from the marriage, though you should get witnesses' names, and hopefully they will be relatives, although sometimes you just get those 'serial witnesses' who witnessed all the marriages. But in this case, with both parties having the same surname, even the witnesses may take a bit of untangling. Still, worth a try. Also, if you can find any Ayton wills maybe they will help. Kate. |
Margaret | Report | 8 Feb 2006 17:09 |
Georgette If it says of this parish or what ever parish in the marriage register, that only means they were living there at the time of marriage. It doesnt mean they were born there. Margaret |
Margaret | Report | 8 Feb 2006 17:07 |
Ed That sort of detail in the parish registers is very rare I can assure you. I have looked at loads of registers from all over the country in 20 years of research. The majority pre 1837for marriages only list the basic detail. From 1811 the baptism and burial registers are a little better. I have seen many baptisms that dont even list the mothers first name never mind her maiden name. She obviouly had nothing to do with the birth! e.g. John son of John Smith of this parish. No more. The best are Roman Catholic. There you get date of birth, baptism, confirmation, mothers maiden name and godparents. Margaret |
Georgette | Report | 8 Feb 2006 17:02 |
That's amazing Ed! Wish my lot came from Lumley... I think I will try to get a copy, who knows what I might find? At the very least I'll know if it was their parish or not, which would be a good start. Helen |
Georgette | Report | 8 Feb 2006 15:29 |
Oh thank you very much for looking, Elaine. Yes I do have all that, that's why I abandoned my other thread. I actually have lots of information but none of it makes much sense, hence my sore head! Helen |
Elaine | Report | 8 Feb 2006 15:27 |
and with such an unusual name could this be her christening PRISCILLA MARTIN AYTON Female Event(s): Birth: Christening: 24 JUN 1795 St Peter-The- Great, Chichester, Sussex, England Parents: Father: JACOB AYTON Family Mother: ELIZABETH |
Elaine | Report | 8 Feb 2006 15:26 |
presume you have this from IGI - marriage PRISCILLA MARTIN AYTON Female Family Event(s): Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: Marriages: Spouse: ROBINSON AYTON Family Marriage: 03 APR 1820 Saint Mary, Littlehampton, Sussex, England |
Georgette | Report | 8 Feb 2006 15:23 |
Thank you Margaret, that's what I feared. |
Margaret | Report | 8 Feb 2006 15:22 |
Ed You wont get the parents names from a marriage register pre 1837, not even the fathers name. You will get that from a baptism but not the mothers maiden name unless the vicar was very good. Margaret |
Margaret | Report | 8 Feb 2006 15:19 |
No it wont. Only after 1837 do you get fathers names and professions. You wont even now get place of birth and mothers name from a marriage cert. Margaret |
Georgette | Report | 8 Feb 2006 15:13 |
...from banging it against my brick wall! I just spent an hour trying to compose a thread to ask for advice but it's just all horribly complicated and I think I have done just about everything I can. Would some kind soul please tell me that if I get a copy of the parish register entry for the marriage of Robinson Ayton and Priscilla Ayton in 1820, it will very handily tell me their parents names, professions and place of birth? No, I didn't think so :o( Helen |