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Always stressed!

Always stressed! Report 11 Feb 2006 03:42

I have a birth certificate which gives mother's name as Mary Webb (formerly Loundon). Presume husband William Webb died as she married my great grandfather and on their marriage certificate her father's surname is Matthews. She was about 22 when first son was born. Do you think this could mean she married a Loundon earlier than this?


Margaret Report 11 Feb 2006 04:23

Yes. Her maiden name was Matthews. Then she married a Mr Lounden before she married Mr Webb. My great grandmother was married 3 times and that is how she is described on marriage certs and my grandads birth cert. Margaret

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 11 Feb 2006 07:42

i thuoght, we found both marraiges for you ? a few days ago?? Excuse me if not, i just remember the names jess x

Always stressed!

Always stressed! Report 11 Feb 2006 13:59

Hello. Thanks for replies. Jess you did look up this for me ages ago but I didn't get far. Last night I could not sleep so was on here in early hours. I sat studying the two certificates and realised that her marriage to my ggf had her father's surname as Matthews but on her first son's birth cert she was down as Webb (formerly Lounden). Unfortunately I can't see the writing very well and am presuming it says Lounden. I looked on 1861 census for address that is on the sons's birth certificate (1888). Found road but not Devonshire Terrace, West Ferry Road, Poplar. On 1901 Census she is down as coming from NZ but family say she did not have an accent. Am struggling again. Thanks very much for help.

Always stressed!

Always stressed! Report 11 Feb 2006 14:03

Margaret, is there any way to find her marriage to a Lounden. She was born in 1867. Had first son in 1888 so was 21 then. I know she was a Mary Ann. Probably like looking for needle in a haystack but worth a try. Thanks again for help.


Andrew Report 11 Feb 2006 14:09

I'm a little confused. The way that you're describing it says to me that she supposedly had four different surnames at different stages of her life? Although not impossible, this seems a little unlikely. Are you sure that you haven't gotten two different women tangled up somewhere?

Always stressed!

Always stressed! Report 12 Feb 2006 13:03

Hello Andrew, No it is true. I have had certificates for some time and it was only other evening I realised this. On her son George William Webb's birth certificate 1888 she is Mary Webb (formerly Loundon). Not sure if Loundon is correct as hard to read. 3 Devonshire Terrace, West Ferry Road, Poplar. Quite confident this is correct person as have her son's death certificate and all information on that appears correct. She did have another son John Webb. I am quite confused as to his date of birth. He would be about 3 years younger than George Webb. As quite a common name there are quite a lot of John Webb's to choose from. He was born in Poplar too. He is not on the 1891 census but appears on the 1901 census age 11. She married my ggf on 13 August 1891. On marriage cert she is Mary Ann Webb (widow). 7 Wicklow Villas, Fry Road, East Ham. Father John Matthews (or Matthams) Park Keeper. She gave birth to Alfred William Hone on 20th October 1891. (Only married 2 months before) Then went on to have 3 more boys. John Webb must have been born after 1888 but before January 1891 as then she was pregnant with Alfred! As on 1901 census as coming from NZ I have come to a dead end. Someone tried in NZ for me but no luck. My mum remembers her well and said she was a very well spoken lady. No sign of an accent. Hope all this makes sense. Am off now to look for John Webb on 1837online. Think have to look between April 1889 and January 1891. Thanks for taking time to read. Any advice welcome. Thanks again.


Andrew Report 12 Feb 2006 17:30

Many New Zealanders would have had only a slight accent in the past. They have always tended to sound more 'English' than their cousins in Australia. There are plenty of examples to the contrary, of course!


Judith Report 12 Feb 2006 17:49

I would read the entry Mary Webb formerly Loundon to mean that Loundon was her maiden name as on all the birth certificates I have obtained the wording 'late' refers to a previous married name and 'formerly' to the maiden name ( of course I realise that there may be all sorts of variations on this) As she later give's a different surname for her father could it be that she was illegitimate - so her own name at birth was Loundon but her father was a Matthews? Have you got any of the birth certificates of her later children - she should have given previous married name(s) and maiden name on those.


Andrew Report 12 Feb 2006 18:38

The mother's maiden name on a birth certificate is supposed to be her name immediately before marriage. Not guaranteed, of course. Another option (sorry if this has already been mentioned) is that her mother remarried, and she took her stepfather's surname.

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 12 Feb 2006 18:45

andrew that isnt stricktly true a maiden name is the name a woman is born with ( her nee name) she could have had 3 others before she married for a 4th time, her maiden name would still be the one she was born with . all the others would be former names

Always stressed!

Always stressed! Report 14 Feb 2006 13:30

Thanks so much for all replies. Am going to order John Webb's birth certificate. Have narrowed down to 1890. Fingers crossed may be able to read this one better. Need too to order birth certificates for other children. Will keep you informed. Really appreciate everyone';s input. Has helped me very much.

Always stressed!

Always stressed! Report 22 Feb 2006 10:12

Hooray. Just want to let you know and to say thanks for help again. I have just found Mary Webb on the 1881 census. She is living with her father John Matthews who is listed as Head of Household. 7 Flint Street. Middlesex. Very strange though as Hone family were mistranscribed as Howe. Found them by putting in different variations of Hone. All living at 7 Flint Street. No mention of Mary Ann or her father. Any suggestions why they would not have been mentioned? Big thank you again and can continue searching now. Pam.