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Contacts Seem To Have Dried Up!
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Horatia | Report | 11 Feb 2006 19:27 |
See below: |
Horatia | Report | 11 Feb 2006 19:27 |
Hi Folks, I have been a member of GR for nearly 4 years now. About six months ago I was inundated with contacts. However, nowadays I am lucky if I receive 2 contacts a month. Despite those huge statistics on the homepage, I wonder if subscribers to the website has already peaked and isn't likely to grow significantly. Is GR going the same way as Friends Reunited? When FR first started up there were new people joining all the time and it was exciting to be able to contact your old schoolmates; but now that I have exchanged e-mail addresses with all my old schoolfriends, I rarely use the FR website. Do you think GR is likely to go the same way? At some point I think the contacts will dry up completely, and it won't be worth renewing my subscription. What does everyone else think? Any thoughts? Cheers, Horatia |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 11 Feb 2006 19:30 |
I don't think it would matter to me if my contacts did dry up. (I only get about 1 every couple of months anyways lol) The reason I come on here is for the help and advice that is offered. I also offer my help where I can. For those reason, I don't think I'll stop renewing. |
Carol 430181 | Report | 11 Feb 2006 19:44 |
Horatio, exactly the same happened to me not long ago, thought there was something wrong with the site, was about to e-mail them, but I have since had several contacts. Think it sometimes depends if you have added recently to your tree. Carol |
Researching: |
The Ego | Report | 11 Feb 2006 19:49 |
You dont seriously believe those stats do you ? Just pick a name at random ,something mainstream,and you'll see that they are often multi entered by the same people -I know of one family alone,related to me that have about 9 memberships between them,and only one of them actually does genealogy. The true figure is nearer 15-20 million,and include members past and presesnt,trees that are in the system and those that have since been removed plus all the made up entires,which run into 100's of thousands. |
David | Report | 11 Feb 2006 22:42 |
maybe you going wrong somewhere nelson , set sail on wrong course maybe , ive been doing great ,this been best site and not only found alot of familly this year but made loads of friends on the way dave |
SueMaid | Report | 11 Feb 2006 22:48 |
I've just had two contacts in the last month from 2nd cousins, different families. I'm not complaining!! Susan |
Horatia | Report | 12 Feb 2006 02:17 |
You misunderstand me! I have made lots of contacts. Third cousins, second cousins etc and have exchanged a lot of data. What I'm saying is that it seems to be tailing off and I feel I am NOT going to make any new contacts of note! Most people I make contact with just want to know about the people my rellies married. I'm going, yes I'm going - all is growing dark - KISS ME HARDY!!!!! Cheers, Horatia Nelson |
Jane | Report | 12 Feb 2006 08:50 |
Horatia, Same position as you - been a member for about 4 years too! I haven't noticed that contacts have exactly 'dried up' - it seems to go in fits-and-starts. Sure, there's a sort of refining of contacts as research progresses - as your tree fills out, the activity becomes less frantic. However, some long shots, in terms of contacts I have made, have forced me to research a bit more and in 2 cases discover links to my family tree that I had previously rejected (and with lots of help from kind folk on the Boards). Also, I have experienced the multiple entries for the same person from members of the 'close' family - and where there's only really one person researching. Guess it's a bit like a new toy, some people get bored with it after a while and don't tidy up after playing with it!! Don't wander off, please, it would be a shame - and there is a good chance that those few contacts you might get are really valuable ones. England expects ... but not every man does his duty! Regs Jane |
Angela | Report | 12 Feb 2006 09:47 |
Don't leave us, Horatia. Keep going and think of England!! The site doesn't necessarily need loads of new members for more contacts to appear. As people do more research on their own trees and add to them on GR you might get contacts from people who have been members for a long time already. They do seem to go in fits and starts. I haven't had many contacts lately, but I haven't given up hope. For all we know, you and I may be long-lost cousins but just haven't found out yet!! |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 12 Feb 2006 11:27 |
I have been so lucky had more contacts in the last month than in a year , so maybe its a case of people just starting to do their family trees , blame WDYTYA |
Martin | Report | 12 Feb 2006 13:12 |
Delete your tree and then reload it. All your names will then re-appear as new for anyone checking new matches. MB |
Researching: |
Horatia | Report | 12 Feb 2006 21:28 |
Seems I spoke too soon. I received some more contacts today! Feel encouraged again! Cheers, Horatia (feeling better after a nip of grog)! ;-) |
hallyally | Report | 12 Feb 2006 22:11 |
Hi all I always feel that I keep contacting others but no-one ever seems to contact me first! Have had a few good ones back, but why is it always me that makes the first move? Anyway, just thought I'd add MY experiences! Allie x |
fraserbooks | Report | 12 Feb 2006 22:43 |
I have only been on the site about six months and have had lots of contacts recently but only for two fairly distant branches of the family. Is it just me or are hot matches getting better. I don't seem to be matched with people in Australia so much. I noticed that someone has recently donated me a shared tree which includes dozens of plantagenets and Nevillles as well as Kings Malcolm and Duncan of Scotland. Now if I enter all those.. I should get hundreds of contacts. It is a shame that the mutual relative he was interested in was a coal miner. The family seem to have gone down in the world. |